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using Electric SuperCharger - claimed 4%-6% Gain


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searched the other supercharger treads but they were based on belt driven versions, this seems to be a good idea,

but at $500 for 6% max gain would it be worth it, it only operates at full Throttle.

my car has a L20 fuel injected, roughly 70 hp right (im gussing)

6% gain would equal 4.2 hp

is that cost effective, when compared to power gained.

id like to keep the l20 but a little more power cant hurt

are there any disadvantages to this method

or could i spend the 500 and gain more from doing other mods.

thanks in advance for imparting your wisdom.

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At full throttle how much air is the engine pulling, and just how much air do you think that fan will push? (Piston head Area X Stroke X Rpm X 6 pistons)

1-4psi is probably measured at no air flow from the engine-meaning it is actually a restriction in the airpath at anything over idle.

It would not suprise me if the benefit is far more due to the vortex effect brought about by the intake passing over the blades than the "pressure" generated by the fan. Check out SpiralMax, you would probably get more benefit for about $70

Let us know what you find.


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Those Things Are Glorified Fans.... People Have Purchased Those And Relised Losses Because It Becomes A Restriction And Actually Chops Up The Air Flow Causing Problems During Induction. If You Want To Try It By All Means Go Ahead But Those Can Be Found On Ebay For 1/4 And At $500 You Are Throwing Your Money Away.

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SprialMax does actually have some good science behind its theory, I think the fans actually capitalize on the same theory and try to give the impression they are of much greater added value by including a 50 cent fan and five dollar packaging.


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