November 6, 200420 yr comment_100902 Steve: The musicians, and actors have just as much of a right to support their candidate as you and I. Their actions are just as acceptable as a Union, or a Newspaper, or the VFW supporting one candidate or the other. It is up to the individual citizens to absorb the information presented by all, and we then should either ignore them, or entertain their opinions / suggestions. When you start prohibiting people from publicly supporting a candidate, you are drifting away from the democracy our country is supposed to be.The teacher, (grade, middle, or high school) should be repremanded harshly in the instance that you cite.Peggy Noonan, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity et al are members of the media so it is not like the "media" as a whole (or hole) are "liberal". There are PLENTY of right-wing conservative media out there. Like the Sinclair TV Conglomerate who tried to force all their TV stations to air an Anti Kerry film just be fore the election.Please understand, I am no friend of the "media" at large, but I use all of them to try to keep myself informed, and then I make my own choices as to what I believe.I hope that you do the same. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100903 The Shaw of Iran was installed in power by our goverment to stabilize Persia. Anybody know how that experiment ended?(America held hostage day 365 with Ted Koppel after your local news)Then we supplied weapons to Iraq (the axis of evil Saddam) to control Iran.Didn't cost much cause the CIA dealt smack to pay for them (Iran-Conta)Russia (cold war enemy, currently our friend) wanted to control Afganistan.We supplied Afgan "freedom" fighters lead by Bin Ladin. Bin Ladin attacks the United States. We invade Afganistan to kill him (but miss, there-by guarenteeing GWB second term to finish business). Still not sure why we invade Iraq (2nd time), but maybe so son can tell dad that I can do better than you. Supposedly we wanted to stop Saddams "desire" (best fall back position so far) for weapons of mass destruction (don't other countries know that only WE get to have them?).At the same time that Iran is ACTUALLY making them. I feel so much safer now that George is winning the war on terror (say, how did the war on drugs end?????? Did the market dry up when GWB stopped using?)Study some history and you will learn that chaos therory (Jurrasic Park) is a fact. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100905 Interesting and valid points. Excellent! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100907 Yes Panchovisa, we have done some very "interesting" things with our foreign policy over the years.... what is even more intriguing is the things that everyone "forgets" about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100912 Inf, thats the only benefit of age. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100913 I wonder, Haven't these guys in charge of the foreign policy heard the old saying that "THOSE WHO DON'T LEARN FROM HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT?" Guess Not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100915 What a bunch of crap you guys what the hell does a pissing contest have to do with this site. And flameing any member is out of line . :mad: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100917 Like every other thread in this site, feel free to ignore it if it doesn't interest you. I don't think any of us were promised that every thread would interest us. Pick and Choose, & move on with life. It's guarenteed to eliminate ZX threads, political threads, bad joke threads etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100920 Something my Grandfather taught me that I passed on to my son, is that you should always respect another man's opinion and never call him a fool, idiot, dickhead etc. just because his opinion differs from yours. Now, there's a very good reason for it. You see, the other bloke just might be right. Then who is the fool, idiot, dickhead etc.Rick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100922 Bravo, Bravo!You guys are finally getting to the Meat after chewing cud-er-potatoes. It just took me going to sleep-what does that say about me-don't answer THAT!Maybe they have learned from history, but not the lessons we have been privy to!Will Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100923 oops-sorry, we have just had a major accident on the diaper changing highway, looks like this keyboard will be a total loss...Will Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 6, 200420 yr comment_100925 oops-sorry, we have just had a major accident on the diaper changing highway, looks like this keyboard will be a total loss...WillI've spilt quite a few things on a keyboard in my time but never.......Yuk!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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