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Greyghost--you state that you have no use for Hollywood types and muscians inflicting their will on others. Tell me--how does this differ from church types and preachers inflicting their will on me? To go somewhat to the middle ground, isn't this what politics and religion is all about?

Bravo, Bravo!

You guys are finally getting to the Meat after chewing cud-er-potatoes. It just took me going to sleep-what does that say about me-don't answer THAT!

Maybe they have learned from history, but not the lessons we have been privy to!


I wonder what they learned that was of value after the fall of the Shah of Iran, the rise of Ayatolla Khomeini and subsequent Islamic fundimentalists? I hope it was a good lesson but I doubt it, considering where Iran is now (doing everything it can to be a "newc-u-lar' (nuclear) thorn in the worlds side. .....And here we are again meddling in another Middle Eastern countries politics.

(sounds like it's time for a trip to the computer store for a new keyboard) :sick:


Clearing that up was on my things to do. As far as preachers, click channel like I do . Agreed. I was born a Catholic. Those are my core values, but a poor one as far as attendance.

I did not add as Carl points out, they do have the right of course.

When I say go back to your hole. That is my reaction when someone, say for example Cher, comes out and says: You M--- F---ing blank blank why are you going to vote for that sob. Don,t you know this is our view, you need to vote Kerry, it is the only side to be on blah, blah,... you blank blank.

Now part of every campaign is to pick off weaker members of the other side, as well as swing voters.

Now I never understood this. How will that change may people's mine with attacts like that.

If I were to write a book on how not to win over voters, that would be right up there on the list.

Having a polorising figure like Michael Moore as the lead of my campaign is another one high on the list.

What they are very good for is energising your own choir that you already have anyway.

I did not think in my opinion that this was brain science to understand.

But maybe I missed something.

Steve, the only information Cher is qualified to give is how to keep your face lift from splitting wide open. Some peoples "help" isn't even appreciated by the choir"!

Michael Moore is a zealot who as I recall didn't run anybodies campaign, in fact I don't recall him ever being at any campaign event (except his own. It's America and I guess thats his right).

Now if we could just keep loonie movie stars off the stage at national conventions (we do recall Charelton Heston, don't we) swearing that "they (DEM's?) will have to pry my dead fingers off my gun", then that would be progress.

Hi Carl

Peggy Noonan, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity et al are members of the media so it is not like the "media" as a whole (or hole) are "liberal". There are PLENTY of right-wing conservative media out there. Like the Sinclair TV Conglomerate who tried to force all their TV stations to air an Anti Kerry film just be fore the election.

Please understand, I am no friend of the "media" at large, but I use all of them to try to keep myself informed, and then I make my own choices as to what I believe.

I hope that you do the same.

Yes I do the same. In fact, I do not even have cable TV since I moved to where I am now 15 months ago. I get a few local stations only. So in the election I did not get a lot from TV.

You might be suprised to know that I do not much care for Hannity. Also I turned Rush off 5 years ago. Although,I do go to his site to see. if there are any good links or interviews.

Speaking of Sinclair I never heard of them until that film.

So did they ever show it? I have no idea.

Greyghost, I remember when the media was leftist (I'm old enough). Now that the country has turned the other way (starting about the time of R.R.) the media is firmly in the far right camp. The newspapers and radio stations are all owned by a few, which require the assistence of the powers that be to skirt anti-trust rulings. They know wich side butter their bread. The rest of the media is controlled by the Christian colelition which also knows how to by-pass the seperation of church and state by delivering the votes.

Sorry buddy, but your premise died a long time ago. By the way, rock stars and movie stars are not the media. Their every move is covered BY THE MEDIA, if that is what People Magazine/Rollin Stone is.

Steve, you will notice in my posts that I have not slammed the honorable G.W.Bush, only the policies of the majority controlled country we live in.


I know about anti-trust and that it involves every one of every persuation.

So you are saying all TV and all newspapers across the nation are now consertive only, and have been since R. R. ?

That was a joke right?


At the Democratic convention, there was this big fat white dufus in the VIP box sitting next to Jimmy Carter.

They kept showing him and I thought that the commentator said he was some guy name Michael Moore. It looked he was the head of the DNC or something because of his seating position. I must be wrong , maybe that was some other program i am thinking of.


Yeah, it was Michael Moore at the Dem. convention. The Rupublicans had some vile people in attendance at their convention too (Carl Rove). Both (all) political organizations will use all the "weapons" in their arsenal. Extremists, and Mainstream.

Sinclair, as I understand it, eventually backed down from "requiring" it's TV stations to air the entire film mulitple times. It allowed them instead to air an editted version a lesser # of times. Now bear in mind that I did not follow this issue much because I do not watch ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX very much, so I may not be correct on the final outcome. I do remember the Sinclair group from some other things they have done since 9-11.

I've included a link to a website with some info about Sinclair, but PLEASE NOTE: I do not know much about, nor do I necessarily support this website. However, The article is written by a mainstream news organization (Associated Press)


In one of your earlier post you mentioned some Democrats that you felt were ultra liberal. May I ask the names of some Democrat politicians that you feel are more to your liking? I'm just curious.

Sorry, to hear Michael Moore was at convention. I work nights so didn't get to watch (relied on the media to write about the events). Who didn't the media tell me about at the other convention? Martha Stewart? The board of Haliburton? Rush Limbough?

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