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For the rest of you...who I am is my business. I didn't ask for your names. But if you really need to know, it would be more cordial if you just came out and asked, rather than running to a back door with the site administrator and trying to figure out who I am. What are you guys, CSI detectives? C'mon...have more manners than that!

And what are you? Undercover Brother? Have some balls (or at least one) and post under your regular screen name instead hiding like a coward.

Honestly I can't remember any others. Carl, if you're still reading this, do you remember any others? But anyway like I said, I never created an account to play up an alter ego in a thread like this fag instigator. I've only done it to get around Mike's retarded punishments. If you believe otherwise, then I don't know, you're stupid I guess!


Michael: I can't remember any others. I think you covered them all (at least the ones I am aware of).

...............How many dead innocent Iraqis is too many?

Every death on either side of the war is one of the "too many" as far as I am concerned. BUT, I must point out that there is quite a bit of discussiion as to the validity of the figure published by that formerly respected journal "The Lancet".


Playful? I doubt anyone believes that B.S.

Covering up my tracks? For a spelling error. Ha! The quote in your post still shows the error, I put "work" in quotes in my response also, get a grip on yourself. Foolio.

Yes, playful. Although quite a few others have resorted to name calling (you included), I have not called anyone any name in a derogatory manner. (Hey, there's that "manners" issue again!)

And even though you may have corrected your spelling error in your post, it will forever be immortalized in mine. :cheeky:

PS- What would make you think that I have another "regular" screen name? (Which I don't btw.) Have you upset some other people on this forum in the past? Wouldn't be too hard to believe, honestly. There appear to be a few that are rather quick to vocalize (type, rather) their opinions, even at the sake of others. Again, the lack of manners (and I can only assume some morals). Things are not the way they used to be in this world. What a shame.

PS- What would make you think that I have another "regular" screen name?

The fact that every one of your posts is to non-Z threads, that suddenly you "appeared" yesterday with the "instigator" (which says a lot about you)name, and that you immediately lept into the thread with the arrogant attitude you continue to display. It's not like you arrived with an interest in Z's, or being part of the membership who respect each other even though we may disagree on world issues.

Manners? Why should you be treated with manners? Your first post to this thread was rude and unmannerly to those of us who chose to post to this thread. Your tone hasn't changed since then. You reap what you sow.

As for the spelling error, WHO CARES WHAT YOU IMMORTALIZE? If it's a big deal to you, hang on to it. Petty things matter to petty people.

Well, Carl. You seemed to have a formed opinion of myself based soley on incorrect assumptions. Let's start with my 1st post.

How is it rude? Did I call anyone in this thread a name? No, I called Michael Moore a name. Yes I made a comment about "getting some fresh air" only to mean you guys/gals have spent way too much time hashing about a topic that is so far out in left field from the original thread topic, not to mention that nothing past the 1st page of this thread is even remotely funny anymore. And based on your (apparent) attitude towards me, who are you to talk to anybody about whether or not my post was un-mannerly. I just don't see it, but, alas, that is my opinion.

The "fact" that I have only posted to non-Z related threads says nothing. Because, as you so boldy state, I have only been registered since yesterday and have not had the chance to post to anything else. Not to mention, that I don't actually own a Z car (Sorry to not have answered that question earlier, my deepest apologies). So I would have little to talk about, now wouldn't I. And just because I appeared recently does not mean I haven't viewed a thread from time to time as a visitor.

I don't see myself as being arrogant (hard to view oneself from the outside), but I will accept that "rating" only if you accept yourself as being rather pompous. After all, you have made some rather quick and incorrect assumptions. All with a rather bad attitude, if I must say. You even mention the following:

being part of the membership who respect each other even though we may disagree

How can you show respect to someone and call them names based soley on their view points at the same time? If anybody is arrogant, it's you Carl. :ermm:

Yes, I choose my screen name for a reason. Because I have been known to start this type of discussion on forums before this one. So it fits. (Maybe I should post that in the "Screen names" thread, huh?)

Yes, I choose my screen name for a reason. Because I have been known to start this type of discussion on forums before this one. So it fits.

As you say "don't see myself as arrogant". Its your own admission of doing this on other forums that defines yourself to us. We dont have to label you. Again, you've done it yourself. Quite correctly as a matter of fact.

You are only thrilling yourself. I doubt that the "real" members here are even the slightest bit ruffled by you.

You're a noseeum. One of those little annoying bugs that flit around the face when you're outside on a warm day.


Again, Carl...lighten up. :laugh:

When you do. If you recall, this thread had fallen off the Home page when you saw fit to citicize our discussion. If you don't like this thread, be mannerly and leave it to those who do.

If this thread doesn't interest you, there are thousands of others for you to view that might be more to your liking. I don't think you were promised that everything would suit you.

If you have been a visitor, you have had a chance to post previously, you just chose not to register until yesterday. The "fact" that you have chosen to register now, and only post to this thread in a confrontational manner says much about your agenda.

FWIW, most people who don't own a Z and show up here, do so for the opportunity to learn about Z's (or at least do something related to Z's) they don't just jump into one of the few Non-Z threads and criticize the people posting in it.

Pompously yours,

As you say "don't see myself as arrogant". Its your own admission of doing this on other forums that defines yourself to us. We dont have to label you. Again, you've done it yourself. Quite correctly as a matter of fact.

You are only thrilling yourself. I doubt that the "real" members here are even the slightest bit ruffled by you.

You're a noseeum. One of those little annoying bugs that flit around the face when you're outside on a warm day.


LOL Good call, Chris

" What I say is gospel and I'm really good at insulting people", Mr. HLS30.com)....Now thats probably good for a few more inmature insults from are beloved Will. Get a life!!! Isn't Will such the shinning example of a mature and courtious member...we should all be so proud to be associated with him.......Oh, thank you Will for allowing us to be in your company!"

The only person proclaiming that I speak the gospel is evidently you, 240ZX, and even there you are entitled to your opinion!

I am not good at insulting people, it is something I generally choose not to do. When I do choose to say something insulting, it is always aimed at someone who is a actively being a hypocrit.

If you feel that I insulted you, please point out and quote me on even one insult in this thread.

I have a life as evidenced by: a wife, a new son, four friends I could call on for anything at any time, A Doctorate, a career, two houses, no mortgage, two vehicles less than 3 years old, two vehicles more than 22 years old, a 15 year old cat, church affiliations, professional organization affiliations, a continuing education teaching affiliation, recurring lunch dates, and investment property in two other states. I believe that gives me a somewhat full life-in just one sentance. That does not prove you wrong, it just substantiates my claim.

I am just a man, and my actions prove it. You are free to evaluate your own actions, and change them as you see fit. The only person you are responsable for being proud of is you, and if you aren't, you are the only one to blame.

As to being in my company, that too is your choice, I am not standing behind you forcing you to participate in this thread, in fact, I am granting you the respect of inviting you to reply.

William Stokes

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