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This could be fun.

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A few months ago I used a few words and phrases of the Aussie slang, "strine". A few of the more "mature" members, (I won't say O.L.D.), actually understood me.

In the book "Great Aussie jokes and slang it says;

"Australia's rich and colourful 'slanguage' testifies to our verbal inventiveness and our irreverent approach to life".

Hey CARL, do you remember ever having seen the Oz movie "The adventures of Bary McKenzie" back in the late 60's ?????????.

Now you septic tanks are also a rather inventive lot and I wouldn't be at all surprised if you have a "Slanguage" of your own so, how about doing a trade ?????

It's quite possible we might find some common terms. After all, there were quite a few thousand Yanks in Oz during WW2.

I'll start with;

Drunk / Intoxicated.

Away with the pixies.


Dead to the world.

Elephant's trunk (rhyming slang).

Flaked out.

Full as a boot.

Full as a fairy's phone book.

Full as a fat woman's sock.

Full as a goog.

Full as a tick.



Pissed as a newt.

Pissed as a parrot.

Pissed as a possum.

Rotten as a chop.

Snakes hissed (rhyming).



Three parts gone.

Three sheets to the wind.

Under the affluence in incohol.

If you decide to do a swap, I'll give you some good old Aussie insults you can try out on your mates.

Might be fun.


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"three sheets to the wind" is on both sides of the pond!

Here are some more from over here!

He's "poluted"

"His personality has been lubricated"

His mouth is too small for the bottle, and too big not to have been in it.

He's "Trashed"

He is "pickled"

He's "Sloshed"

He's "drunk as a skunk"

He's "walking with benny"

He is "closing in on Ralph with his Buick."

He is "peeling paint and cleaning parts"

He's got "the Proof in his breath"

He's been "tipping the sause"

He's "poisoned"

he "had one too many"

He's "having a brewsky bath"

"looks like he'll be tasting that twice"

he's "breathing fire"

he's "boozed up"

He's spent too much time with Jim, Johnny, and Jack (Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels)

He's "gone Irish"-Saint Patricks day don't you know.

He's had a wee taste of the bubley"

He'd burn like a wipe.

He'll be worshiping the porcelin convenience later.

He'll be kneeled at the porcelin God in a bit.

What about a couple more of yours:

He's"gut full of wizz"

He's "full as a goog"

He's a "stubbie, potted in a pint." I'm not sure I got this one right.


PS. That "old" comment is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, even if it is good oil! I'm only 40!

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