November 22, 2024Nov 22 Author comment_671632 I'm interested. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 22, 2024Nov 22 comment_671658 26th-z - Can I mail you a copy as well as posting to this site? Might be a little clearer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 22, 2024Nov 22 comment_671659 13 hours ago, 26th-Z said: I'm interested. Me Too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 23, 2024Nov 23 Author comment_671706 Sure, Mike. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 23, 2024Nov 23 comment_671708 Chris, If this isn't satisfactory send me an email - - w/ your mailing address and I'll put a copy in the mail to you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 23, 2024Nov 23 comment_671714 @zspert Don't want to ruin hopes and expectations here, but that's not a 'Build Sheet'. It's a 'Sharyo Shikyu Hyo Ikan Hyo' document, which I would translate (with a little bit of artistic license) as a 'Vehicle Supply Movement Sheet'. It has sections for Domestic Delivery, Factory Return and Export and it would direct the onward journey of an individual car through Nissan's new car logistics and supply system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 23, 2024Nov 23 comment_671717 Whenever one posts anything on any site in the on line universe one runs a considerable risk that he/she will be challenged. My answer is "let's see you do better". If you can, I'm talking first hand , personal experience, and not something from another site somewhere, I'll be among the first in line to offer congratulations. You see, I don't have anything to prove to anyone save myself. This will be my last offering of this type on this site. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 23, 2024Nov 23 comment_671718 The internet is why we cannot have nice things 🙄 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 23, 2024Nov 23 comment_671719 4 hours ago, zspert said: Chris, If this isn't satisfactory send me an email - - w/ your mailing address and I'll put a copy in the mail to you. Great find Mike, was this with the car when delivered? Nice bit of history, I wonder what the translation is of the different sections. Also what do the numbers along the right on the third line mean? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 23, 2024Nov 23 comment_671722 @zspert I haven't quoted your post because I hope you might reconsider your response. I'm sticking by my guns though... Who has interpreted your document as a 'Build Sheet'? Was it somebody who reads Japanese? Was it somebody who has a sense of the simple day-to-day machinations in the auto manufacturing world? Because everything about it is concerned with post-production logisitics; The transportation/movements of a finished product to take it to its destination market. It isn't a before-the-fact plan of content for something yet to be built. In fact it it doesn't state any specific content over and above what has already been added (paint colour), installed (engine number) and after-the-fact trivialities (EG key number). After that it lists places, not pieces... The responses from @DatsunZGuy and @SpeedRoo are typical. They want to believe, despite clear evidence to the contrary. @SpeedRoo asks about "...the numbers along the right on the third line..." straight after adding a 'Confused' emoji after my post. The numbers he asks about are companies, places, facilities within the Nissan fold and within the logistical destinations for a finished car. 'G502' is Nissan Shatai itself... Nothing much changes, does it? I first became interested in these cars well over 35 years ago, but I immediately came up against a hard wall of misinformed comment, misconception and downright disinformation about them, telling me that they were "American Cars, Made in Japan". None of the people chanting this mantra seemed to consider that prime sources, Japanese sources for a Japanese product, might get us all a little closer to the truth. Something as simple as an accurate translation of a simple Japanese document - without thinking that the world might revolve on an axis placed firmly in the USA - still seems to elude us. And here we still are... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 23, 2024Nov 23 comment_671723 23 minutes ago, HS30-H said: The responses from @DatsunZGuy and @SpeedRoo are typical. They want to believe, despite clear evidence to the contrary. @SpeedRoo asks about "...the numbers along the right on the third line..." straight after adding a 'Confused' emoji after my post. The numbers he asks about are companies, places, facilities within the Nissan fold and within the logistical destinations for a finished car. 'G502' is Nissan Shatai itself.. I always love your responses as you cant resist anyone questioning you. "Typical" response...yes. I never mentioned anything about "build sheet" at all, just asked if this was with the car when delivered and what the entries on the sheet mentioned. Doesn't take much to set you off, try answering the question as you are so versed in Japanese. It's sad when someone who claims to be so knowledgeable sees a challenge to their character at every opportunity. I hope Kats can translate the sheet and what the entries mean. Here's another on for Kats to translate, came from 04684, the Green 1970 240Z on BaT. Also is it a delivery note? Edited November 23, 2024Nov 23 by SpeedRoo Addition Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 23, 2024Nov 23 comment_671728 26 minutes ago, SpeedRoo said: I always love your responses as you cant resist anyone questioning you. Way to miss the point, as is your usual habit. The title of the document itself tells us what it is. Written plain as day. It's not a matter of anyone "questioning" me. It's about whether you believe it is a "Build Sheet" or - as the document itself tells us - it is related to delivery logistics. It's not for me to turn it into something that it isn't. 31 minutes ago, SpeedRoo said: I never mentioned anything about "build sheet" at all, just asked if this was with the car when delivered and what the entries on the sheet mentioned. You're asking the person who is telling us it is a "Build Sheet" what the entries mean, right? You don't have to believe my translation of course, but you might like to try a little Japanese language detective work of your own perhaps? 37 minutes ago, SpeedRoo said: ...try answering the question as you are so versed in Japanese. LOL. OK. You asked about the third line... YOUR SERVANT, SIR. But, of course, you might want to ask for a second opinion from someone you actually trust... The fact is - sadly, despite our hopes - that any 'Build Sheet' for each individual HLS30 in 1971 would not be very likely - at least in the sense that 'Build Sheet' is usually used to decipher content and options on something like a 1968 Plymouth Barracuda - because there really wasn't much variation to note on Export cars. Maybe transmission choice (4-speed or Auto). Final destination pre-determined presence of certain anti-emissions devices or not. It's not as though dealers were requesting build of specific cars per a customer order, despite what a salesman might have said... What we are looking at here is (part of) a movement order for a particular car. Details mentioned would merely be a means to identify it in terms of getting it through its journey to its ultimate destination, not specifically identifying its content in the terms we would want to see on a full Build Sheet. Japanese Domestic variants were a different matter. They had a choice of variants and a choice of options for each variant, and Japanese dealers could request cars be built to customer requirements within that framework. Logistics would have required the car be sent to the right place within Japan via the correct route. But what you'll see with the interpretation of such documents is that they are viewed through the prism of the North American market, despite the fact that the title of the page caters for both 'Domestic' and 'Export' cars. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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