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I bought a set of D caps that are in very good shape from a hubcap dealer for $17 apiece. She had gotten them from the local Nissan dealer by going through their old stock, so most likely they were taken off before the car was sold. I recently found another one for $10, but it has light gray paint.

I've purchased several of the Z caps in various conditions, from rather ratty to very good, like the ones on ebay, and have paid anywhere from $5 to $25 apiece for those.

I've attached a couple of pictures of some of the caps I have: one Z cap, and two D caps. One of them has the light gray paint. Anyone have any thoughts on what Z's would have had a D cap with light gray paint?

Rod's Discount Datsun Parts (www.rodsdatsun.com) has the following listings:

Hub Cap, 70-71 240Z, Used, $150 each.

Hub Cap, 72-76, 240Z-280Z $105.00

Hub Cap, 72-76, Used $10-$45

The 70-71 caps would be the D caps, the 72-76 would be the Z caps, at least as far as I know.

Hope this helps!

Kenny P.



  • 2 weeks later...

The value of Z wheel covers (or hub caps) has sharply risen as of late, particulary the rare "D" caps. I understand the the "D" caps were only found on Series I 240Zs (1970 models & early '71s), which happen to be the series with the smallest production number. "D" caps in good shape bring big bucks today. Here's a link to what may be a record or close to one:


  • 2 weeks later...

Funny, I've got a basement full of them !!!!! I knew they would be worth something someday!!!! I would have never guessed a set of "D" caps would go for $1247.00!!! If I could get that for each set that I have, I could afford a new 350Z !!! LOL !!!!!! I have been collecting nicer to mint hubcaps since the early 90's and have quite a few stashed away for "future" projects. KT

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a set on eBay now. My dad bought a 1971 240Z back January of 1971 and sold it shortly after I was born in 1973 to get a four door Audi Fox. He really wishes he had kept it now! In any case my mom was cleaning out the garage yesterday and I rescued these from the back of the van before it went on a run to the dump! (She saw the "D" and thought they were off of an old Dodge van we used to have :D) I think we still have some of the original promotional materials, maybe an owners manual or window sticker... I'm not really sure.

In any case I put the hubcaps up on the classifieds here, but I didn't find the forum until after I already put them up on eBay, so the ad is really a link to the auction.

It's kind of interesting, because I have two 1990 Infiniti Q45s that I really love, but they can be bought for next to nothing now. I wonder if they'll be collector's items someday too... Kind of like the Z they were the first of their type, and are even the flagship of a new car "brand" - the only difference is that they didn't sell that well... Oh well, I guess I'll find out in another 15 years.


i can't find these d caps listed on ebay. i type datsun z in the search and get-ebay datsun z, parts and accessories, passenger vehicle & diecast toy vehicle items. also put the check in the box beside- search title and description, still can't find hub caps. why's that?

Sorry for the confusion... When did the "X" get added after the Z in the naming scheme? I guess it's like having people spell Infiniti with a "y" at the end... looks right but it's not!

Here's a link to the auction. I hesitated to be too aggressive in talking about the auction in the forum... some fourms seem to frown on a brand new member "dropping by" to sell something.



Heath, in 1978 the 280ZX was the first Z to have the X with it. It was a very different car to the previous generation... If you want to give your auction some help I recommend changing the "240ZX" to just "240Z". That way more people will see it.

Ebay links are always welcome here :) Makes for a good discussion if nothing else.

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