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What do you mean? When you click on a thumnail to view a larger image, that's downloading an image. Oh, I think you might be referring to saving an image. Nonetheless, when you click on an image to see a larger representation of it... you're downloading it.

It's all bandwidth man................... :D

Yeah, I meant "save". You're right about downloading

Yeah, I meant "save". You're right about downloading

EDITED: Pulled this quote as I do not wish to add fuel to a rather controversial subject.

I deal with this subject matter in my professional life and basically my advice to people regarding this matter is that if you do not wish to have any of your material saved or copied from the internet, do not post it. There are many ways to disguise or shield material from the "average" users/viewers, but the truth of the matter is that ANYTHING posted on the net is subject to retrieval, often quite easier than you would imagine. That is not meant to discourage people from posting images, in fact I encourage it whole heartedly. It is only meant to say that if you are concerned about your images, more specifically are concerned about them being used in a "for-profit" use by others without your permission, then you are strongly encouraged to do your homework and learn how to protect your material. If anyone would like more specific information regarding this, feel free to PM me and I can get you some info. The internet is a pretty amazing place, and it opens up avenues of sharing previosly unimagined (this fantastic place for example). It does, however, have it's inherent pitfalls, protection of "property" being the largest of them all.



Back when you redid the galleries, who was it that complained they didn't want their images saved?

I think that not being able to right click on an image is ridiculous...if you don't want someone to save your image, don't put it on the web....

I mean, its slightly annoying, but all you have to do is screen print and crop...I mean not being able to right click and save is just plain annoying...nothing stops anyone from getting an image.

Can't the policy on this be reviewed, possibly changed?

Keep up the good work!!! Love the site man,

I think that not being able to right click on an image is ridiculous...if you don't want someone to save your image, don't put it on the web.... I mean, its slightly annoying, but all you have to do is screen print and crop...I mean not being able to right click and save is just plain annoying...nothing stops anyone from getting an image. Can't the policy on this be reviewed, possibly changed?

I agree with your thinking about posting pictures on the web. But, if people never posted their pictures, they wouldn't be famous! ;)

I think the original issue with limiting the ability to SAVE was to 'help' people remember that images cannot be used elsewhere. Everybody knows that images can be saved. However, by removing the CONVENIENCE of downloading them with a simple mouse click, it resulted in a 'happy medium' for everyone.

But, looking at our poll, most people really don't care if their images are saved. Click HERE to see the poll.

My biggest problem was this.... Our gallery was continuously filled with images of the people who didn't want their images used elsewhere. I didn't want them to stop uploading!!

I still want everyone to upload images because I want to be the best place on the 'net to come and see Zcar images.

The funniest part of this story? The loudest complainers are the people who don't contribute. LEECHERS!!! Go figure.

-- Mike

Some of us quit contributing in protest to the restrictions including the loss of ability to delete our own pictures.

Are you serious? I would think that it's more important to share knowledge about the Z by passing it on to others. This benefits other people and will only strengthen the value of our purpose of being here.

If I had more people posting pictures rather than members deleting their ENTIRE galleries based on an emotional response, we can talk about putting the delete function back.

Again, I must stress that our biggest contributors were getting pissed that their stuff was showing up on other websites. I would like to have a gallery full of images and rules, rather than a gallery with no images and no rules.

Here's a quote from one of my business partners... "Would you rather have ALL of nothing......... Or would you want PART of something big?"

I had 2 more illustrated Tech Articles almost ready to post..........

What's keeping you from posting them? Our rules?

Are you serious? I would think that it's more important to share knowledge about the Z by passing it on to others. This benefits other people and will only strengthen the value of our purpose of being here.

If I had more people posting pictures rather than members deleting their ENTIRE galleries based on an emotional response, we can talk about putting the delete function back.

Again, I must stress that our biggest contributors were getting pissed that their stuff was showing up on other websites. I would like to have a gallery full of images and rules, rather than a gallery with no images and no rules.

Here's a quote from one of my business partners... "Would you rather have ALL of nothing......... Or would you want PART of something big?"

What's keeping you from posting them? Our rules?

Yes I am serious, it's because of the rules. I don't agree with them and will not submit information that I cannot control. (same issue that you were concerned about with your "biggest contributors"). Catch 22, huh?

IIRC only 2 people that I know of "deleted their whole gallery" and one of them (ZmeFly) did it after the "rules" had been changed to prevent deletion. To an outsider, it appears that he had "inside" help to accomplish that. And anyway, What's it to you if they do delete the images that they own? The pictures BELONG to them (not you or I), just as the images of the "biggest contributor's" belong to them. Surely you don't believe that once they are posted the images belong to you?

Your business partner sounds like a salesman, and you know what I think of salesmen. :devious:

Let's not get into this unproductive discussion again. You know where I stand, I know where you stand, and neither of us is going to change anything. It's pointless to continue.

When I post a picture on this or any other site I assume it could be taken anywhere at any time. If you have a pictureand you do not want it to travel to other places then it should not be posted. That is why I would not post pictures of my family (except my dogs) or friends unless they wanted me too.

I put my pictures up because I wanted people to see them. If someone wants to store a picture of my car or anything else I posted I say great. IMO sites like this are here so people can share information wheather it is text, audio, or visual; to seclude that information to this site only would be nonbenificial. Keeping info in could inadvertantly lead to keeping info out as well.

IIRC only 2 people that I know of "deleted their whole gallery" and one of them (ZmeFly) did it after the "rules" had been changed to prevent deletion. To an outsider, it appears that he had "inside" help to accomplish that.

Carl, again you are operating on limited information and claiming you know enough about the situation to voice an opinion about it. I have the admin logs and can see everything that happens behind the scene here on the club. There were a lot more galleries deleted than you know... and, when the fiasco was over... many of those people wanted to put their gallery back online. BUT, the fact that they had to re-upload all of their images prevented them from doing it. So, we lost.

If you have info into the ZmeFly incident, please share. I want to know what really happened with that one.

Let's not get into this unproductive discussion again. You know where I stand, I know where you stand, and neither of us is going to change anything. It's pointless to continue.

Oh sure, say that after you got YOUR point across. You are right though, I won't worry about making an issue about this again. I couldn't possibly write enough words to convince you that my decisions are to keep our site going in the right direction. Let's just say that if I changed... this site would turn into another meaningless site with a bunch of banter.

I like it when people tell us that we have the best Z content on the 'net.

When I post a picture on this or any other site I assume it could be taken anywhere at any time. If you have a picture and you do not want it to travel to other places then it should not be posted................. to seclude that information to this site only would be nonbenificial. Keeping info in could inadvertantly lead to keeping info out as well.

Bingo! Well Said!

Carl, again you are operating on limited information and claiming you know enough about the situation to voice an opinion about it..

Read my post. I said IIRC (If I Recall Correctly) Frankly it doesn't matter anyway. If even one person wants to delete their content they should be able to do so. Who the hell are you to hold thier property hostage?

I have the admin logs and can see everything that happens behind the scene here on the club. There were a lot more galleries deleted than you know... .

Frankly it doesn't matter anyway. If even one person wants to delete their content they should be able to do so. Who the hell are you to hold thier property hostage? How good are the logs? Do they tell you how ZmeFly was able to delete his gallery when no one else could do so??

and, when the fiasco was over... many of those people wanted to put their gallery back online. BUT, the fact that they had to re-upload all of their images prevented them from doing it. So, we lost..

That's the individual's choice, not your's or mine. "We" lost NOTHING. It was never "ours" in the first place!!!!

If you have info into the ZmeFly incident, please share. I want to know what really happened with that one..

I don't have the logs. I have less info than you, but I find in quite odd that at a time when NO ONE else could delete images he was able to do so and management doesn't know how it happened. :rolleyes:

Oh sure, say that after you got YOUR point across. .

Please read the thread again. YOU got your point across prior to me doing so. I responded to your post and inquiry, remember? Had you left it at that, I wouldn't be posting now but I won't let these statements stand without response.

You are right though, I won't worry about making an issue about this again. I couldn't possibly write enough words to convince you that my decisions are to keep our site going in the right direction. Let's just say that if I changed... this site would turn into another meaningless site with a bunch of banter..

LOL :tapemouth LOL

I like it when people tell us that we have the best Z content on the 'net.

Even when some of that content is being held hostage and the owner of it doesn't want it on the site any longer? Very Odd Indeed. Seems, IMO to indicate an attitude of ownership that doesn't really exist.

Read my post. I said IIRC (If I Recall Correctly) Frankly it doesn't matter anyway. If even one person wants to delete their content they should be able to do so. Who the hell are you to hold thier property hostage?

Oh, I didn't know what IIRC meant. I didn't know that was a disclaimer. Sorry about that.

What are you talking about when you say "hold their property hostage?" Just by removing the users ability to delete their own photos doesn't mean it can't be deleted.

If you must know the details, the delete option was removed because it is buggy. Right now I don't have it enabled because it has deleted the wrong picture and modified the database pointers incorrectly. I need some time re-creating the thumbnails, database pointers, and links to assure that the delete option is functioning properly. I don't want to lose stuff that isn't supposed to go away.

Frankly it doesn't matter anyway. If even one person wants to delete their content they should be able to do so. Who the hell are you to hold thier property hostage? How good are the logs? Do they tell you how ZmeFly was able to delete his gallery when no one else could do so??

For someone who says that it doesn't matter... you sure are very opinionated about this issue. I am not holding any photos hostage (see above). The delete option is a convenience to the user and it's just not working properly for me to trust it. The logs are VERY good. It shows every single action performed in the gallery. And, yes, it does show that ZmeFly logged in, deleted his entire gallery, and logged out again. I am currently going through the logs to find out who gave him permission to do so. Because the ONLY way it could have been done is by having the right permissions.... *OR* a bug in the delete functionality is also on my radar.

That's the individual's choice, not your's or mine. "We" lost NOTHING. It was never "ours" in the first place!!!!

When something is posted to this site, there is a joint copyright on the content. At the bottom of every post we show ©Copyright Classic Zcar Club. This includes EVERYTHING that is said or posted here. The joint copyright is to protect both individuals from fraudulent use. It also empowers the Club to work on our members' behalf.

I don't have the logs. I have less info than you, but I find in quite odd that at a time when NO ONE else could delete images he was able to do so and management doesn't know how it happened. :rolleyes:

I don't appreciate your implication. I have worked many hours trying to get those photos back. ZmeFly actually went to various shows for me acting on behalf of the club. His photographic work was part of the reason we had such a good gallery in the first place. Why he did that I have no idea.

Please read the thread again. YOU got your point across prior to me doing so. I responded to your post and inquiry, remember? Had you left it at that, I wouldn't be posting now but I won't let these statements stand without response.

You're right. It's all my fault. :tapemouth

Even when some of that content is being held hostage and the owner of it doesn't want it on the site any longer? Very Odd Indeed. Seems, IMO to indicate an attitude of ownership that doesn't really exist.

Anyone can delete any photo (of their own) at any time. They simply need to send me a message with a link to the image they want to delete. Nobody is holding images hostage. And, we have no conspiracy going on here.

-- Mike

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