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Central Locking


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Has anyone managed to install central locking into a 1970-78 Zed?

I had a good go over the weekend and just couldnt get the angel right,

I positioned the Central Locking Actuator above the lock and mounted it off the door handle nuts,

But the actuator was to far down and the angel is all wrong for the lock to open and close properly,

if i locate it any highy it gets pushed out by the cotours of the door,

Any suggestions...........anybody got pics of how they mounted their central locking??? pics of the brackets they used???

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Just couldnt see how you could mount it below the lock because when you wind down the window the glass would get in the way,

The only possible place to mount it (that i could see) was parralle to the lock or above the lock,

If you mount it parralle to the lock it would be impossible to get the actuator to push to lock in the correct directions to get it to open/close the lock,

But mounting it above the lock, seems a bit tricky aswell,

The lock starts of just above the horizontal, and then moves up above the horizontal to open,

Then down past the horizontal to close,

This means the lock effectively travels almost a complete semi-circle,

So you would have to mount the Actuator quite a bit higher than the door lock to get the travel that you would require to get the lock to operate correctly,

And with the glass all the way up, so you can have access to a mounting point (the door handle) this is not very much fun at all,

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It can be done, I did it to my 260.

Don't ask how as it was 6 or 7 years ago and I can't remember, suffice to say it wasn't easy and I had to add a length of wire somewhere in the process. [damn wire rattles against something at 100kph, so make sure your run some tape or something arond it so you don't have the same problem].


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...snip...run some tape or something arond it so you don't have the same problem].


On many of the rods in there, where they come close to the other rods or metal, try inserting them through some silicone tubing, like the type used in aquariums.

Get the type made out of silicone, not the clear plastic. The difference will be readily apparent if you try to squeeze or bend it. The silicone will, the plastic one will be harder, and almost impossible to bend backwards without having a kink left in the plastic.

Then with a little bit of stretching and a little bit of pulling, slide it on the rod until it gets to the area where the rods meet. The silicone will absorb the rattling and will not harden or crack like the plastic one would.



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  • 2 weeks later...


I put in central locking in my '75 260z late last year, took a bit of fiddling but they work fine now. I bolted the actuators to the door handle plate (take the door handle plate assembly out of the door, and put the actuator against it.) You want the actuator stroke? rod parallel to the factory door handle rod (looking at it, there is a metal rod that runs from the door handle to the lock mechanism) and then use the linkages supplied to attact them together

I would post photos ...but dont have a camera. didnt have to use a bracket, just bolted the central door locking mechanism straight to the rear of the door handle plate

best of luck

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