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Hi guys I posted a link in the previous thread about the Nationals but I have a feeling alot of you might have missed that and might be curious as to what happened and what cars showed up.

A good showing of Z's but also some 1600's , 510's, 610's, C10, C210's Bluebirds everything etc..

Anyway enjoy.


I should have some footage of race day as well as the show for download soonish. :cheeky:

Yeah there were alot of 1600's however that's because technically it was the Datsun Nationals including the Z car Nationals.

I'm working on the video footage and hope to have it up within the next 2 weeks.

yes there was a C210 there with number plate GDZILA or something but I admit it I didn't take any photos of it sorry.

wow!! :bunny:

not sure how to insert the picture into the post so I've attached it!

Yes it's a very nice machine it belongs to a guy name Gavin Strongman and he won best modified 260z and a couple of other awards can't remember them now.

It's a very tidy car and he also gives it a good run on the track. :laugh:

Great pics!

Some clean and well thought out cars there.

Would have been great to be there.

Thanks Gav

No problems im glad you guys enjoyed them. It was great to be there even if i did spend half the weekend looking for a distributor module since mine decided to call it quits the day after i got to Goulburn but that's a long story and the good news is I got her home was worried she'd be left in goulburn until I could get a trailer and bring her back home. :pirate:

My advice everyone running an electronic dizzy should have a spare module especially when going on long trips :devious:

I was kicking myself that weekend. It pays to prepare.

On Saturday I had a wedding which I had to go to. I left it fairly early so I can wake up early on Sunday to drive down and have a look. Well, as my friend was driving to my house all ready with his travel bag full of mags and cd's I thought I'd check the address and to my surprise the show was on Saturday..... Nooooooo! I have no idea why I thought it was on Sunday.

edit: great pics Gav

Hey George i was looking forward to meeting you and seeing your car. Have to say i was disappointed I was hoping you and Simon with the yellow 240ZT featured in Zoom would have been there :(.

Oh well next time, I had bad luck with my Z and wasn't able to get it to show and shine day as it was sitting in the Hotel parking lot and not running. All good though got her running again and back to Melbourne thank god the alternative was to drive home get a trailer come back and bring her back home. I was not looking forward to that at all.

All of that aside I still had a good weekend and really enjoyed meeting the people I did and taking some of the pictures. I have to hand it to the members like Alan T for example who take the pictures at many events I found it very tiring and difficult to get good shots with the sun shining at times also very exhausting work maybe also cause i was still tired from the long journey the day before.

I'm waiting on a friend to compile the footage i took onto DVD so i can start to edit it and upload to the website. Some of it was of track day some was from show and shine.

Lots of great pics Gav!!! Some really nice engine shots as well! Nice to see some real (Red) Z cars......must be a universal thing! In a couple of weeks we are having the West Coast Nationals in Orange County (MSA). This year I'm just going as a spectator and not entering my Z in the show.....just getting tired of showing up at 5:00 AM, waiting in a line thats got to be at least a mile long, and then after making prior arrangements (as requested by MSA) to park with a particular group of Z folks, they force you to park way out in the south fourty......it just sucks. Don't get me wrong, the show is always very happening...just don't need to deal with the early morning chaos!

Thanks for providing the pics Gav

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