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I just read the thread about the pace cars and umm...flaming. There are three types of people in this club:

1. People that know a lot about the subject and are willing to learn more. Not Z Guru's either.

2. People that know some or little information about the subject that want to learn more.

3. People that don't care about the history.

That is fine and dandy, but I think we are butting heads here. Sorry for pointing out the obvious, but I must say that to support my argument. There are constructive arguments, but on the pace car/flame thread members are just bashing eachother. I don't like it one bit. I cann't say that I am completely innocent because a while back I said something to Carl B. that I regret, but I let emotions take over my head. That does not justify it. Anyways, I am taking a psychology course and if I remember anything from that course it is "speak without offending and listen without deffending". I think we should all try this more often. I know that we are not horrible and these flame threads are rare, but it saddens me when GREAT, knowledgeble, and helpful people like Carl, Enrique, Ron, Alan, and others say some of the things that they said to eachother. I don't know what I am trying to prove here. I try to be diplomatic and it seems that I am ignored, but I really feel bad for saying anthing bad to anyone on this site. Furthermore, there seems to be SOME people that are close-minded towards certain opinions on this forum and I feel that as a club of friends(?)/enthusiasts we need to start hearing people out more often instead of making total assumptions about others. That talk on the other thread is grounds for someone possibly leaving this forum. I would hate to see something like that. This is not directed to a particular member, this is to the whole. That goes to our moderator(s) too. Now I sound bossy, but that is not my intention. It is a mere suggestion. I am sure I will get ignored and ridiculed for my passiveness. I am still an amateur with Z's and this forum so what do I know? I know that we really need to start listening to eachother more by saying something like, "What exactly do you mean *name* by your comment? Is what I posted really that off topic?" I assume this is going to be thought of as impossible and too diplomatic. We are educated people here, lets act like it and learn as much as we can. I am off on a tangent now. Just to clarify, all of this information goes for myself as well.

With sincere regards,


I think that posts that contain more than three sentences "quoted" from a previous post are bunk.

The need to pick apart others statements (as though this were a court of law), sentence by sentence, is most evidenced in the "flame threads".

Just resist the temptation to prove your nemisis is wrong.

If you can't say what you want to say without 6 quotes, from 4 posts, from 3 people----keep your mouth shut!

EDITED: No need to "quote" this in any replies to this thread. I think it's pretty clear to all. I feel no need to defend my view, so your response should be whatever your origional thoughts are.

I agree with V-12 Horse and that was an excellent post. I have a said a few things that I didn't mean to say before, and I try to use humor in my post but usually not everyone takes it the right way and somehow gets offended.

But I must say that this is one of the nicest forums I have seen. A while back when I was on a planet called high school (gasp!) I was a member of a Honda/Acura forum where the kids there, for lack of a better word, complete assholes. They would make crude sexual refenerences to everything and anything, call each names out of the blue, and rarely anyone got advice or help from there, at least I know I didn't. It was nothing more than an Ego-Board.

But, you can look at the demographics of these two boards. The Honda/Acura board was mainly comprised of 16-21 year olds who felt it important that others know how tough they are. This site has much wiser (Older sounds like such a negative word, doesn't it?) members that are willing and ready to dispence advise to anyone with open hears, which is what a forum should be. But, everyone has emotions, and sometimes they do get the best of us and we just have to be careful.


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