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2+2 Fuel Tank


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As a new member, I hope I'm using this forum correctly.

Can anyone tell me if the fuel tank on a '75 280Z 2+2 is interchangeable with the tank on a '75 2-seater? If so, does it follow that the 2-seater 280Z model tanks in '76 - '78 are also interchangeable with the '75 2+2?

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I checked the MSA catalog and the original Datsun Factory Microfiche and see only two part numbers for 280Z fuel tanks. One for '75-'76 & one for '77-'78. There are no separate part number listed for 2+2 cars. I believe that Datsun kept the differences to a minimum and although I have never seen a 2+2 tank, I would not be surprised to find the same tanks in it and the coupes. It does list different parts however for some of the other related fuel parts, ex. the 2+2 filler necks.

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Other than the 2 parts numbers, was there any indication of capacity? If capaciity is identical, I would think the tanks would be interchangeable. Does that make sense? OR... do you think the different part numbers reflects a change in mounting hardware for the '77 & '78 models?

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Neither of the sources provided any other details. I would be happy to check my Haynes Z manual tonight, it might have that type of info. The only reason I can think of for why the early and later 280Zs would have different tanks is if they are reshaped because of the difference in the bumpers. I assumed that the bumper mounts where the same but don't know why the gas tanks would be different.

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Well, I checked my Chilton manual (don't have Haynes after all) and it lists capacities as 17.25 Gallons for '75 - '78 280Zs. Although it doesn't make any special reference to 2+2 cars for fuel tanks it does refer to 2+2 cars for other things where they are different. For example wheel alignment. My "best guess" is that the tanks are the same, but I still wouldn't bet my life savings on it.

Sorry, I don't have anything more definitive!

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Thanks for checking into this so thoroughly. Since the '77-'78 tanks have different parts numbers from the '75-'76, that may indicate a different mount or coating or something simple. But the fellow I'm doing this for is not in a position to modify it if it doesn't bolt right in. I'll stick with the '75-'76 model years.



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