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Hey guys/gals...

Check it out. Look at the latest threads for the past 24 hours, 48 hours, week... and tell me if you notice something sweet. It's got to be the fact that our CONTENT is 95% Z-car related!!

Now tell me that ain't sweet?! While we probably don't have the most traffic, our content is rich. And, I would like to say thanks to all of you who are helping out with the things that you do.

I'd say that we have made a name for ourselves. However, I have still met a few folks at shows and meets that haven't heard of us. The next time you're out at a show... make sure to wear your club shirt with pride and let others know about this sweet club. I know that I'm proud of what we have become. :)

-- Mike

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congrats Mike and everyone that has contributed. you should all be proud of yourselves.

personally i have stopped coming here because your content is so 'rich'. sure i still come here and browse and defiantely look for information when i need it but i find it hard to form a bond with members who have blinkers on. anyways, don't mean to trample on your parade. you've set out to do something and you have achieved it.

well done again...

Thanks for the kudos, George. I guess this proves that we can't please everybody. :D

But, you might have a point. Are you saying that our site should work on being a little less Z-related so that members can get to know one another a bit better? We do have open forums and such for this type of thing.

One hand I have the ideas that we should not become like other sites which are full of garbage posts... and the other hand that says we need to be a little less technical and geared toward people.

I can suggest this... get involved. Instead of avoiding the site because of certain aspects, work with us to make it something that you will enjoy visiting on a daily basis.

great work with keeping the content all about zeds you are really developing a great site

dont know if this is what ozzy means but i dont spend as much time onsite now either main reason is the fact that modified zeds are not what your members as a rule seem to enjoy dont get me wrong your site serves the classic zed owners superbly well but those same members dont seem to respect the modified zeds which i find a pity as i luv all zeds and can appreciate a car for what it is std or over the top modified

But as one member said this site is classic zed cars so respect classic mildly modified zeds and if you want to be respect for a more modified car go to hybrid z and having never thought of it that way have to agree so i now do go to hybrid z first but still come here for a look hoping to learn or help other members with the things i learnt rebuilding my car or learn from what they have learnt

It is so fanastic to have a problem stump u they come to a site and see how other people have dealt with it my lasted changes wouldnt be happening with the internet thats for sure

keep up the great work excllent work Keep those zeds on the road


I have to say I find this a great site for helping out with the basic problems that a lot of owners face, either just keeping a car running, or getting one back on the road as in my case. Anything I need I will look here first, as the archives are so extensive, but anything a little off the wall I might need to ask elsewhere.

I also like the fact that in the spirit of give and take most people will offer help where they can, and are therefore more likely to get assistance with their own problems.

Congrats Mike and thanks for all the hard work


I guess this proves that we can't please everybody. :D

you said it all there Mike. you certainly can't please everyone nor should you try to as it is a futile exercise.

i firmly beleive you have something here that works and i wouldn't go about changing much. this site (beg yours, this community) has been built with a purpose and you serve that purpose very very well.

Wait a minute now, if you take the Boobs thread-very rarely Z related-and judge the rest of the threads by participation and viewing in it... ROFL

Oh, wait, you did say the last two weeks... :)

Seriously, I ghost all of the other sites, and in terms of an internet neighborhood, this is where I have chosen to live. Here there are extreemly knowledgeable members, there are newbies that know they don't have a clue, and the gambut between. For the most part-barring the resurrection of old and seemingly completed threads, and comments that follow-everyone gets along pretty well-some brotherly and sisterly rivalry and bickering occasionally, but that is normal in every community.

Mike, I think you have fostered a dynamic and well rounded site-maybe not the most well known, but, size and infamy are not everything. I haven't found another site that isn't eaten up with rust.

If it was all about being the biggest and best known, the site would be called:

Classicnekedhottiesinheat.com and there would be only one thread that would cary over, the Boobs thread, The "sister site would be, ClassicNekedMaleButtsinheat.com, for Vicky, RacerGirl, and the rest of the current feminine members-I won't even venture a guess at what kind of snailtrails might be in the equivalent of the boobs thread there ROFL !


Hey guys/gals...

I'd say that we have made a name for ourselves. However, I have still met a few folks at shows and meets that haven't heard of us. The next time you're out at a show... make sure to wear your club shirt with pride and let others know about this sweet club. I know that I'm proud of what we have become. :)

-- Mike

Hey Mike, what about some club stickers for the shop? People could stick them on their back or rear quarter windows. For all the cheapskates that cant afford shirts or hats. That should spread the word.

Mike, you've certainly maintain a great resourse (website) and as most everyone knows, this site is more specific to the early less tweaked Zs. I for one prefer to tailor my Z to my likings and have many many mods and up grades that tend to make some of the purists cringe....oh well, each to his own! However, this has got to be the best site for information regarding the early Zs.....history and correctness for restos. I as well as others frequent Hybridz for the expertise regarding roadracing, autocrossing, and engine tranplanting for the Z cars. Both sites have been my regular stomping grounds for the last 5 years, and combined provide...."Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Zs But Were Affraid To Ask". May the Z gods continue to shed their light on all of the members and especially the site administrators.

Mike, you've certainly maintain a great resourse (website) and as most everyone knows, this site is more specific to the early less tweaked Zs. I for one prefer to tailor my Z to my likings and have many many mods and up grades that tend to make some of the purists cringe....oh well, each to his own! However, this has got to be the best site for information regarding the early Zs.....history and correctness for restos. I as well as others frequent Hybridz for the expertise regarding roadracing, autocrossing, and engine tranplanting for the Z cars. Both sites have been my regular stomping grounds for the last 5 years, and combined provide...."Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Zs But Were Affraid To Ask". May the Z gods continue to shed their light on all of the members and especially the site administrators.

I agree with 240ZX here. I spend much less time on this site now . And more on hybridz . Mostly because I have grown weary of the bickering that takes place if a member asks a question that they thought was important enough to ask , and it has been asked many times before. Frankly I am NOT that impressed with the way the site has treated some of the new members . There are some that chose to set them selves up as the ONLY person of knowledge and if dissagreed with start a holy war. I personally find that a waist of my time . There is a wealth of information here in the members . If you notice you don't see many old members posting any more . And this is a shame . I have yet to see one member of hybridz get lambasted because they asked a basic question . It is just not done period . Wear the tee shirt at a show ??? I hope we are in a trasnition period in the lack of tollerence to others here . I guess I am just too thinned skinned in this area . I have been cought up in some of the disscussions along these lines in the past , no more. I think that there are many of us on this site that are driving a hybrid Z by the definition of the word , and they don't realize it. A 5 speed in a 240 , a 280 engine in a 240 for instance . Sometimes we take things to seriously. I owe a lot to this web site and do try and pay back when I can . I am just hesitant to recommend it to others , if I do I always mention a couple of members because of there attitude . Gary :disappoin

It is the only site that I am a member !!!! Mike, I feel you have produced a well organized easy to read , simple to navagate site and just one excellent site !!! I know when this site was down in the past for a few weeks for maintaince or repairs I truely missed it !!! Keep up the great work and all you have done to keep this site going is greatly appreciated by me and am sure of many others in the club !!!!

Thanks From an old school Z-Car guy !!!!!!!!

Yes, Gary, I do agree, there are a lot of petty arugments. Although when used and treated correctly, this club is fantastic. The amount of information here is immense. People go out of their way to help me, the members here, to me, have been fantastic. Gary, by what you were saying about recieving negativity, I think in this club you get what you give, not only by physical help, but by attitudes. I visit the website very very often, I don't post all that often, but just by reading so many posts and conversations, I feel like I know so many of you. Thanks for everything and keep up the good work everybody, and especially you Mike, this site is making my Z possible!

Andy Schevets

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