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Hey guys/gals...

Check it out. Look at the latest threads for the past 24 hours, 48 hours, week... and tell me if you notice something sweet. It's got to be the fact that our CONTENT is 95% Z-car related!!

Now tell me that ain't sweet?! While we probably don't have the most traffic, our content is rich. And, I would like to say thanks to all of you who are helping out with the things that you do.

I'd say that we have made a name for ourselves. However, I have still met a few folks at shows and meets that haven't heard of us. The next time you're out at a show... make sure to wear your club shirt with pride and let others know about this sweet club. I know that I'm proud of what we have become. :)

-- Mike

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Yes, Gary, I do agree, there are a lot of petty arugments. Although when used and treated correctly, this club is fantastic. The amount of information here is immense. People go out of their way to help me, the members here, to me, have been fantastic. Gary, by what you were saying about recieving negativity, I think in this club you get what you give, not only by physical help, but by attitudes. I visit the website very very often, I don't post all that often, but just by reading so many posts and conversations, I feel like I know so many of you. Thanks for everything and keep up the good work everybody, and especially you Mike, this site is making my Z possible!

Andy Schevets

Andy you are absoluty right about you get what you give. This web site has made my Z possable as well . Like I have said before I am trying to pay back the favors . Gary

This site is a fantastic early S30 resource. Second to done (oops "none") in my opinion.

I too post here very infrequently now. But I come back now and again just to see what's happening. I also have gotten a little tired of the tone that some members use. But heh, it's a big thing this internet and your are right in saying that you can't please everyone.

With regard to recommending people here, sure I do. It is a great place to learn and ask stupid questions. Members just need to remember that there are plenty of people out there who buy a Zed because they have just plain "fallen" for them and they are automotively green. It is these members who get the most of the site as they learn (some with $$$ pain) all about the little quirks and reasons why they have such a following. Try not to give them the "use the search feature" statement too often. Sometimes people just want to get an answer quick and this place is like a online help function for them. It really is!

Well I've always loved Z's and have visited many different Z sites over the past few yrs. I have to say that when I came across this site, I was very happy with what I saw and now this is the ONLY Z Site I visit. Why??? Like you say Mike "the past 24 hours, 48 hours, week our CONTENT is 95% Z-car related!!" I've been to some so called Z car Websites and the majority of the people on the site use it as there own personal Chat which clutters it up with worthless B.S. that has NOTHING to do with Z's. Gets very very old and tiresome after a while. Crap like that is what you have instant messaging and e-mail for :)

You have one hell of a good online Z CAR club Mike. Keep up the excellent work man.

I agree with 240ZX here. I spend much less time on this site now . And more on hybridz . Mostly because I have grown weary of the bickering that takes place if a member asks a question that they thought was important enough to ask , and it has been asked many times before. Frankly I am NOT that impressed with the way the site has treated some of the new members . There are some that chose to set them selves up as the ONLY person of knowledge and if dissagreed with start a holy war.

I know about your frustrations here. Somewhere along the line, some of our members decided to turn our site into a "purist" site and put up quite a fight when they didn't think our members were following the rules. But, I must say that I have never wanted our site to become this way. I have even proved to many of these guys that I will not stand for it -- Ie: Banning users.

Anyway, our club is NOT about purist Zcars. Period. You can see that in our forums.. I even have areas dedicated to certain modified Z's such as the Scarab. Thanks for supporting us in this area Zrush!! I can't wait to see that Scarab!!!

The only way we are purists is in relation to the ZX. I believe 99% of our members want us to continue supporting only the early Z's (240z, 260z, 280z). But, we need to remember that as time ticks on... these cars inch slowly toward a 'classic' status. :)

Please also keep in mind that I am only one person. I cannot be at all places of this website at a time. I need help to keep the peace and keep us on the right path. I cannot do it alone. The next time you see one of our fellow members ripping into a new user... tell me about it. I will crack some heads.

Purists - no.

Friendly members - yes.

Open club - yes.

I believe it's all of you that make this site a better place to be. If we want it to remain that way, we all have to work at it. The benefit to me is simply creating the best club on the 'net for all of you. I spend more time and money than I make on this place. Guess I just love the Z that much.

-- Mike


I need help to keep the peace and keep us on the right path. I cannot do it alone. The next time you see one of our fellow members ripping into a new user... tell me about it. I will crack some heads.

Purists - no.

Friendly members - yes.

Open club - yes.

I believe it's all of you that make this site a better place to be. If we want it to remain that way, we all have to work at it. The benefit to me is simply creating the best club on the 'net for all of you. I spend more time and money than I make on this place. Guess I just love the Z that much.

-- Mike

I liked this place and was one of the first to order a Z club hat way back when they were khaki green and only had the Z logo. I've done my share of referring and I believe there are a few members who are still here whom I've referred here.

I may be accused of being a purist although my car has various modifications that definitely would not allow me to compete in a strictly stock class. (Dash from a later year, '73 HCP, Hand Throttle on an Automatic, Interior Step Lights, Dual Mono Speakers, Mag Wheels, Halo Headlights, Chrome Headlight Covers, Reclining Seats in a 71 and more) But if I've erred on the side of "purity" has been when someone has been goading us as a club about modifying an otherwise "cherry" Z into a Hybrid JUST for the modification. I'm all for putting a Z back on the road with a V8, V6, Wankel, Electric, Pedals or whatever. Just do a job that doesn't look like a poor edition of Monster Garage or Junkyard Wars.

And I've also stepped into the fray when it seemed that a member was being unduly abused. Maybe I should just "tell teacher", i.e. give Mike a jingle and point out the post, but I've always felt that if as a group we let people know what kind of activity is NOT tolerated, then we don't have to resort to "Bone Cracker" having to do just that. Unfortunately, it seems that all it does is elevate the argument beyond any reasonable resolution and everyone gets tired of it. Then, even though there are a number of members who have agreed with me and have let me know that, there isn't much support posted, and therefore there appears to be a tacit approval of the abuse, by the rest of the members. Simply put, one bully beats up on other folks, and no one speaks up against those actions so the bully feels vindicated and continues to do so.

This club has the unique venue that it is visited by people from all over the world. As a result, view points will differ as well as knowledge of the car and automobiles in general. Many folks come here to learn, and that will entail explaining "basic" items that "everyone knows". Everyone has something to contribute, and most have done so. Even the dumb questions, as they are referred to, can contribute if the discussion afterwards is used to educate and not lambaste.

Yes, there are items that have been brought up time and time again, and it is very easy to fall back on that famous "Search the archives." answer, but there has been a lot of information posted already. If a new person would search, and then post another question to the archived post, it will help to keep similar questions in one post instead of 23 other little ones. That person shouldn't be chastised for returning an old post to the active list, it may in fact make the archives that much more valuable.

But what has been happening lately is just what I don't care to participate in. Posts get hijacked into nonsense discussions, and while a bit of that will occur, the ones that do the most hijacking are the ones that complain the loudest about others doing the same. Bring an old post back into the active list and immediately the "Old Post Police" jump all over it and denigrate the need to "regurgitate" an old post. This is a club about a car that averages 30+ years of age, there are bound to be many issues that re-appear time and time again. Especially if the cars are being maintained and used at different rates from other member's use and care. To insist that nothing be repeated is ludicrous as well as unreasonable.

And yet, it is only a small handful of people that "dare" speak up. And when they do, they're set upon by these self-appointed vigilantes.

So Mike, I ask you, where to from here? I'd like to return to the days when I was proud to post and did so often, but now, knowing that only certain viewpoints will not be ridiculed, lambasted and denigrated, it's hard to feel the same enthusiasm.

Sorry for the length and "down" mood of this post, maybe that's why I didn't participate in the Canby show.......



But what has been happening lately is just what I don't care to participate in. Posts get hijacked into nonsense discussions, and while a bit of that will occur, the ones that do the most hijacking are the ones that complain the loudest about others doing the same.

You mean like this one? haha... just kiddin.

And yet, it is only a small handful of people that "dare" speak up. And when they do, they're set upon by these self-appointed vigilantes.

I want to know when a self-appointed vigilante does something. There are only a select handful of moderators on this site. These are the guys I trust to make smart decisions. If they aren't on that list, then they have no right to "set upon" anyone.

So Mike, I ask you, where to from here? I'd like to return to the days when I was proud to post and did so often, but now, knowing that only certain viewpoints will not be ridiculed, lambasted and denigrated, it's hard to feel the same enthusiasm.

Well, I am not sure I can guarantee that you won't be ridiculed. That's just something I cannot control. Abuse is one thing, but, a difference of opinion is another. :D

I can tell you that I want to see more of the old school guys back on our website. You should feel comfortable knowing that you can post on here without being blasted by anyone. I will do my best to review the posts that come up as long as someone makes me aware. Ever tried the "report post to management" link? Or, I think it's called the "abuse" link or something now...

Sorry for the length and "down" mood of this post, maybe that's why I didn't participate in the Canby show.......

You didn't come to the Canby show because of the length of your post? :finger: No really, it was a GREAT show. There were a lot of early Z's in full color. I was actually hoping to see your golden baby again. If not, my old Roadster at least!!! I sure miss that thing.

-- Mike

Enrique, what you had to say I totally agree with. I feel that I have been on both ends of the purist and non-purist side. No matter how I feel, I really try to be diplomatic and not put down something someone has done or desires to do to their car that I would not prefer. I am not totally innocent, but I am trying to get better (purist-anonymous is working for me). Last month I was at a Z meet and I was talking with CozyZ and he told me that it does not matter what someone does with a car as long as they are keeping it from the crusher. There is a lot of truth to that and I took it to heart. My car is stock for the most part, but there are many modifications that I would like to do. Due to my small funds and the fact that most of the parts I want for my car are only availible in Japan, I am happy with how the car stands today.

Even in our ClassicZcar community there are niches. There are somethings that groups of people prefer/don't prefer and that is just how it is going to be. I have made friends on this site and some of them it has been through getting helped/helping them, and others it has been through similar interests within the topic of Z's. I have not really roamed around HybridZ, but I would assume that it is the same way there too. People need to respect one another sense of style more because each one of us has been influenced by different things.

For example, before my Z found me, I was interested in a Japanese anime called "Initial D", Japanese art, Ferrari's, and many other things. When I saw my Dad's beat up original 260z, I fell in love with it. I became a member here before I got the Z and I saw a photo of HS30-H's Fairlady 240zg. I thought it was a Z with a Ferrari 250GTO nose(Don't hate me Alan. The 250GTO is a beaut, but I do not look at the 240zg in that way anymore.). I loved the look of it to say the least!! Then I started asking around and I found out that it was made that way only in Japan. This is what sparked my interest in the Japanese-market cars, and you can see what led up to it.

We all are influenced by different things that make us like different styles or types of cars within a car model, and although that may be different we all picked the same body style (I think that was mentioned before).

What I am saying is, what the hell is a purist?!?!? And who the hell cares?!?! I will make my car how ever I want, wether it is all stock or modified. Many people will agree with it and many people will not, but we need not say that it looks bad or you shouldn't have done that. Granted, if I had the 26th Z, I would probably make it all stock or sell it to someone that was going to.

This is a great site, and in many ways it is separated, but that is how these things are. We all have our sense of taste, and I am not saying we need to be more open to others, but I am saying that we should not be so defensive (chicken coup car. I am guilty as sin.) about what people do to their cars. We should also not give stupid answers to newbie questions. We were all newbies once, and in some way or another we are all still newbies (some more than others, but still newbies). This is the only Z site that I belong to. I have roamed around on other sites, but I really like this one. I am affiliated with an M3 site, but I don't own one so this is really my only home and it is great.


Ben Yount :)

Well said by all of those that have posted above.

Mike, I admire the work that you have done to provide all of us the playground that we frequent.

I visit this site daily and apart from here I only go to Hybridz.

Just to add to all those that have already voiced their feeling, I agree that there are a small handfull of old members that are trying to regulate the site as if they are the authority. This personally makes me fell less likely to participate because on the back of my mind I just think - am I going to get jumped on by these members if I reply and they dont like my opinion?

Great website, great content, great members!! Keep up the good work.

If everyone just gives and take alittle more than I think alot more older members would feel more at home and post rather then browse. Everyone will build and "restore' their early Z to their personal taste and ability, beside if we were all the same the world would be a pretty boring place.

Cuong Nguyen

Just to add to all those that have already voiced their feeling, I agree that there are a small handfull of old members that are trying to regulate the site as if they are the authority. This personally makes me fell less likely to participate because on the back of my mind I just think - am I going to get jumped on by these members if I reply and they dont like my opinion?

Thanks for the opinions everyone... In response to Cuong's statement above... I encourage all of you to post your messages and participate no matter what difference of opinion may arise. This site is dedicated to the classic Zcar. There is nothing that says these cars must be a certain way before you are allowed to participate in our club. Hell, you don't even need to own one. You just need to love them. :)

  • 2 months later...

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