Hi. I'm new to z cars completly. I am restoring a 1972 240z and need all the help i can get. I had it scince december. I got this car because i wanted a project with my dad because it use to be his high school car. I just got a dash off of ebay ($1000 :stupid: ) and redoing the interior. I have also stripped the car down, got new brakes, master cylinder, fuel filter, interior peices, and lots of other stuff. I posted picks of what the car looked like when i got it, and what it looks like now. Its a work in progress. Theres also a pic of my old and new dash. I only work on it when i get the chance (not in school). Well i hope that i will learn something and i know you guys can help me. :cross-eye
Hi. I'm new to z cars completly. I am restoring a 1972 240z and need all the help i can get. I had it scince december. I got this car because i wanted a project with my dad because it use to be his high school car. I just got a dash off of ebay ($1000 :stupid: ) and redoing the interior. I have also stripped the car down, got new brakes, master cylinder, fuel filter, interior peices, and lots of other stuff. I posted picks of what the car looked like when i got it, and what it looks like now. Its a work in progress. Theres also a pic of my old and new dash. I only work on it when i get the chance (not in school). Well i hope that i will learn something and i know you guys can help me. :cross-eye
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