I want to notify ALL USERS about our email system. If you are a NEW user and just signed up, please pay attention to this notice. And, if you are an existing member, please make sure your email address is current.
Due to the overwhelming issue of SPAM coming through email servers, most service providers will not allow incoming emails from just anybody. In order to receive emails, the person sending the email will need to be added to the "allow" or "trusted" list. This includes our club.
I've been seeing a lot of emails bounce back to us because of this exact issue. EARTHLINK USERS PAY ATTENTION!! If you have just signed up for a membership, our server will send you an activation email. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THIS EMAIL UNLESS WE ARE ADDED TO YOUR TRUSTED EMAIL LIST. This is NOT limited to Earthlink users. Other email service providers are also doing this, so, please make sure that we are added to your trusted source as well.
I encourage all users that have signed up, and have NOT received the activation email, please add our domain (classiczcars.com) to your trusted source in your email setup. Sorry, I do not know how to do this for you. The only help I can offer is to open your configuration (or setup) panel through your email service provider. This usually means logging into your web-based email account and opening the appropriate screen.
Existing Members: Please open the User CP screen and assure that your email address is current!! Do this now. I have seen a numerous amount of members change servers and the old system simply bounces mails. This will help me out a lot.
Spam: We will NEVER use your information for evil. The only messages you will receive from us will pertain to the club and any kind of activity here. Most of you already know that our system has the option to send you a notification if somebody replies to your thread or sends you a private message.
Anyway, that's my rant on email. If you have signed up and did not receive the activation email, please use the FEEDBACK link from the main menu and I'll have the system send you another message. Just make sure you add our site to your trusted source first!
I want to notify ALL USERS about our email system. If you are a NEW user and just signed up, please pay attention to this notice. And, if you are an existing member, please make sure your email address is current.
Due to the overwhelming issue of SPAM coming through email servers, most service providers will not allow incoming emails from just anybody. In order to receive emails, the person sending the email will need to be added to the "allow" or "trusted" list. This includes our club.
I've been seeing a lot of emails bounce back to us because of this exact issue. EARTHLINK USERS PAY ATTENTION!! If you have just signed up for a membership, our server will send you an activation email. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THIS EMAIL UNLESS WE ARE ADDED TO YOUR TRUSTED EMAIL LIST. This is NOT limited to Earthlink users. Other email service providers are also doing this, so, please make sure that we are added to your trusted source as well.
I encourage all users that have signed up, and have NOT received the activation email, please add our domain (classiczcars.com) to your trusted source in your email setup. Sorry, I do not know how to do this for you. The only help I can offer is to open your configuration (or setup) panel through your email service provider. This usually means logging into your web-based email account and opening the appropriate screen.
The specific email address you will receive email will be: webmaster@classiczcars.com
Existing Members: Please open the User CP screen and assure that your email address is current!! Do this now. I have seen a numerous amount of members change servers and the old system simply bounces mails. This will help me out a lot.
Spam: We will NEVER use your information for evil. The only messages you will receive from us will pertain to the club and any kind of activity here. Most of you already know that our system has the option to send you a notification if somebody replies to your thread or sends you a private message.
Anyway, that's my rant on email. If you have signed up and did not receive the activation email, please use the FEEDBACK link from the main menu and I'll have the system send you another message. Just make sure you add our site to your trusted source first!
Thanks all...
-- Moderator Mike
Link to comment
https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/16460-read-now-email-from-us/Share on other sites