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  • 7 months later...

Hi Joe,

Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu!

S30-00002 has not have news to tell us so far, I still can not make a trip to look into the car's detail.

One thing I have heard recently from a man who worked for Nissan, it was common in Nissan Shatai (manufacture) stamping duplicate chasiss number for test assembling.

Like 00002 or some super early number would have been used again, they thought no-problem because those numbered car never be able to get out the factory anyway,they (real 00002 and duplicate 00002) are test cars.

This is just my thought,I think this car is not 1969/ S30-00002.

I think in 1971 they made this car and stamp S30-00002 on the firewall.

One of the big reason is , the bracket for the master vac hose under the chassis number.

This 00002 has it, but if you look really carefully into 1969 cars( I do not know the VIN but cars like on the manuals) does not have this bracket.

I saw HLS30-00013 does not have this bracket but it has a special bracket near the window washer tube.

PS30-00013 is still exist in Japan and it is the same, no bracket but a special bracket.Even no hood bumpers.

Yes you may say the bracket was welded later, but....

And the chassis number, it is too neat to be an early car.

See the picture of PS30-00009 , this is a good example of super early car.

No bracket for the master vac hose and not-neat numbers.


PS:Remember, when this 00002 was found in the dismantle yard, the shop owner did not want to sell the car.I have heard he said "I can not tell anything about this car"

Some story must behind there.






This 00002 has it, but if you look really carefully into 1969 cars( I do not know the VIN but cars like on the manuals) does not have this bracket.

I saw HLS30-00013 does not have this bracket but it has a special bracket near the window washer tube.

Hi Kats, I think all early production S30s must have the different bracket that you show. Here are pictures of the ones from HLS30-00032 and HLS30-00237. Maybe some early 1970 production cars too. I wonder what the cutoff was?

PS30-00013 is still exist in Japan

Its good to hear that Kats. I wonder which was the "first sold to the public", PS30-00013, HLS30-00013, or HLS30-00016?




Thank you Mike,

That helped me a lot, quite high number of early cars do not have the one,but special one.Very nice clear pictures,thank you.

So these bracket can not be the good sign of super early car.

How about "no-hood bumper" ?

One more good point of super early car,is the side bolt of a head lamp case.

I want to know how many cars do they have this bolt?

See this picture.




So these bracket can not be the good sign of super early car.

How about "no-hood bumper" ?

One more good point of super early car,is the side bolt of a head lamp case.

I want to know how many cars do they have this bolt?

I agree Kats, I have not seen production cars (sold directly to the public) without the hood bumpers or with the side bolt attaching to the headlight bucket.


Thank you Mike,

Here are some pictures of the side bolt,this yellow car is PS30-00013,pictured in late 1969 then showed up on 01/1970 magazine.

This car has the bolts on each side,how about HLS30-00013?

If HLS30 does not have the bolts,can I say PS30-00013 would be earlier than her?





Its good to hear that Kats. I wonder which was the "first sold to the public", PS30-00013, HLS30-00013, or HLS30-00016?


Don't forget PS30-00009, PS30-00010, PS30-00011 and PS30-00012, as well as S30-00006, S30-00007, S30-00008 etc etc.

Anyone talking about "first sold to the public" might be well advised to take them into account.

I've seen PS30-00013 in Japan several times ( it was also used in several Japanese magazine road tests in early 1970, so it is quite a 'star' ) and I always think of it when anyone mentions "#13" or "Lucky #13" etc.

Of course, if we want to refine it down to "first 240Z sold to the public", then we might be well advised to remember HS30-00003, which could easily be in with a shout......... :)

Alan T.


Don't forget PS30-00009, PS30-00010, PS30-00011 and PS30-00012, as well as S30-00006, S30-00007, S30-00008 etc etc.

Anyone talking about "first sold to the public" might be well advised to take them into account.

I've seen PS30-00013 in Japan several times ( it was also used in several Japanese magazine road tests in early 1970, so it is quite a 'star' ) and I always think of it when anyone mentions "#13" or "Lucky #13" etc.

Of course, if we want to refine it down to "first 240Z sold to the public", then we might be well advised to remember HS30-00003, which could easily be in with a shout......... :)

Alan T.

Alan, I didn't forget about the other S30 models or earlier VINs, I was just limiting my reference to PS30-00013 since Kats had noted that it is a 1969 production car and it still exists. My point was, since it was sold domestically, surely it must have been delivered to a customer earlier than either HLS30-00013 or HLS30-00016, which we have heard so much about recently. Just trying to keep it all in perspective for those of us that aren't as aware of the other S30 variants when all we hear about are the HLS30 models and how significant certain cars are.


Hi Joe,

S30-00002 has not have news to tell us so far, I still can not make a trip to look into the car's detail.

PS:Remember, when this 00002 was found in the dismantle yard, the shop owner did not want to sell the car.I have heard he said "I can not tell anything about this car"

Some story must behind there.



Glad I was able to bring this thread back to life and for you to share some more insight.

Thanks for the info.

Alan, I didn't forget about the other S30 models or earlier VINs, I was just limiting my reference to PS30-00013 since Kats had noted that it is a 1969 production car and it still exists. My point was, since it was sold domestically, surely it must have been delivered to a customer earlier than either HLS30-00013 or HLS30-00016, which we have heard so much about recently. Just trying to keep it all in perspective for those of us that aren't as aware of the other S30 variants when all we hear about are the HLS30 models and how significant certain cars are.


Thanks for clarifying your intention. Of course, I knew you hadn't forgotten ( you are always very thorough and correct ), but others may well have missed the 'other' prefixes.

According to public record in Japan, PS30s of chassis numbers PS30-00001 through PS30-00072 were all made in calendar year 1969 ( not to mention over 950 S30-prefixed cars ) so I think it's fairly certain that many of them went to their first private owners before HLS30-00013 and HLS30-00016 even left Japan on their way to the USA.


Alan T.

Hi Alan:

That's interesting. What type of public record in Japan gives that info?

72+950 = 1022

The production schedules show by Kats show a total of 969 domestic cars. Does this mean that the production schedules are incorrect or the public records?


Carl B.

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