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Hello members!

I was just browsing through our selection of many forums and wondered if there was something I could do to make it better.

Do you have any ideas for new forums or any ideas about how we should re-structure our existing system at all?

Of course, all opinions are welcome and even those who "like it the way it is" are also free to speak up. I need your input! Just click READ MORE and then REPLY.

Thanks! [m]

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i think everything is just fine actually, if not a little spread out.

For instance, engine, electrical, parts swapping, could be merdged together into one catagory and call it simply


Fuel injection and Carb could be merged into "fuel system"

the body and suspension sections could be turned into something

and racing and modifyed Z could be put together under Modifyed Z...or maybe even put them together under engine.

I personally like Zcar.com's set-up by years...but where the post names are user created in one GIANT forum...

it does get a little annoying when you can't even find your post from the night before, but just something to go on.


I agree, it works very well as is. I too look in all day from work, so i see most posts, and rarely look at the entire forum list.

When i do, it does seem that there may be too many individual categories to sift through- that would be my only issue- maybe merging some of them would make looking for posts simpler.

FWIW,HTH,etc,etc Jeremiah

Personally, I'd like to see it that when you have a picture in the Photo Gallery section, if you click on the picture it take you to THAT picture and not to the general entrance.

There have been pictures that I would have liked to peruse, but don't feel like going through ALL the different areas to find the ONE that was featured when it caught my eye.

Regarding the various forums: Although I can see why some people feel the classificatons are too broad, I feel that for the most part the subject matter within each has kept to the given title of that forum.

For example in the post where Wish posts:

"For instance, engine, electrical, parts swapping, could be merdged together into one catagory and call it simply Engine "

I disagree completely with that generalization.

Electrical in the FSM and all the other manuals for the car has always been a separate chapter. Lumping it into Engine and a ton of people won't know where to look for answers as such as:

"I disconnected all the bulbs on both my tail lights, could someone tell me on the 71 240 where the individual bulbs go? I can figure out the reverse, but what about the turn and stop and tail lights?" (By the way, could someone post that answer?)

Additionally, part swapping. While many of us have bought the CD and know that you can swap out the exterior door handles pretty much through 78, that would be a perfect spot for that question. Same thing with swapping doors, hoods, hatch, windows etc. Are these parts Engine? I don't think so.

Carb and FI systems are completely different in many of their components. Mention Injectors to a Carb guy and he'll think you're on drugs. Mention a computer to a carb guy and he'll tell you that Yes, he uses one to hook up to the internet. Similar? Well they both deliver gas to the engine, but past that....

Enough on that.

I would try to unclutter the home page. There is so much there that it is very easy to overlook the bulk of it.

The Automotive news could go to it's own page, but that's my opinion.

Private Messages and User's Login seem redundant and if you allow cookies, you don't need to log in every time.

The Ride of the Month seems almost like an after thought and doesn't allow you to click to it. Ditto the Photo Galleries, but I've commented on that.

Web Links is nice, but would be better off on another page.

In my opinion it would allow the Home page to load faster and cause less problems to myself and other users. (When I log on here, I go get a cup of coffee simply cause of the length of time it takes to load.

Enough, I am NOT trying to knock what Mike has done. I really like this place, and although I like the irreverent attitude in Banter & Chat on Zcar, I have to admit, I DO like the fact that we're NOT discussing whether pissing in the sink or eating boogers or ....

I enjoy a good intellectual discussion, but whether or not someone should be grossed out over pissing in someone's sink? That I can do without. Religious discussions? beyond simple discussion, go to biblethumper.com.

Politics? Again, in moderation. Too many of those degrade down to "You're an Idiot" level in short order and only make people mad.

We do need to have a few more users, and a bit more activity. But we definitely don't need the wars / arguments / nonsense at Zcar. Zdriver also has the same problems, although over there it seems as though a requirement is that your Z must be modified before you can post.

Well, my 2¢

Hey guys, don't worry about me. Let the site have it. I appreciate the honesty.

I will take all of the suggestions, put them into a pot, stir it up, and bring out the new monster.

I've known about the long load times on the main page and I actually had a chance to experience it during the MSA show. I was forced to use dial-up access to the Internet via AOL. Yes, high speed and local networks have spoiled me. I will definitely work on this issue. This is one of the big webmaster 'no-no's' on the Internet.

The other suggestions you have mentioned will also come to play when I launch the new system. Until then, please continue to give me some more feedback. I could really use it and this is probably the only way the site will turn into something all of you will appreciate and enjoy for years to come.

-- Mike

I agree with the the amount of detail on the main page. I use this site to gen up on Z's...figure out what I want to do to one by reading most posts...and also find the links a huge benefit. So I always scroll down to the bottom and read the threads. I am also spoilt by broadband at work but at home I'm on the 56K link.....sslllowww....so I tend to wait until I get to work to view.....I do hope my potential employer isn't reading this.

I like the front page. I generally glean alot of info off it. I don't care for the four or five article lead-ins--I think one would be enough. It's going to show up in the active forums if anybody's interested anyway...

As far as forums go, Of course carbs and FI could go together as 'Fuel Systems'....Help Me is pretty redundant. Ask the question in the applicable forum and everybody is going to see it. Putting it in an emergency section does nothing to underscore it. Camp fire stories and humour could go away, along with Nissan in the news and a few other extracurricular topics. If someone feels strongly enough about something or feels it is important enough to share with his group of friends here, it will go in Open Topics. That goes for just about any topic: We are all friends here and the attitude is definitely different than 'Brand X', you're not going to get dumped on here. I seriously do not picture poor little GeekZ at home frantically scrolling up and down the forums desperately trying to find the appropriate section and finally giving up because he didn't find the 'Headlight Discussions' forum. Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.

And remember: To emphasize everything is to emphasize nothing.


Yep I agree with most here - less forums. It's all overwhelming to the first-timer (well it wsa for me) and I guess that could be some of the reason why there aren't as many members here as other sites.

Not that I visit any other Z site on a regular basis...

Here's what will be interesting....With the demise of ZCAR's Banter & Chat forum a few days ago, we may be seeing a bit more activity around here..and then, maybe not. I have been scanning lately to see who is still there despite the new regulations regarding posting on that forum. The are many VERY NOTICEABLE absences. There are some very enlightened minds over there that practically LIVED there and it would be fabulous to see some input from them over here......AND OF COURSE, THE FLIP-SIDE: There are some unbelievably foolhardy and impetuious minds over there who will be looking for a place to show off their two-digit IQ's.

Please, please, PLEASE..while we must remain open-minded, I would beseech the moderators to sharpen their magic wands and be prepared to preserve the reasons a few of us are here.


I was just reading through the comments and it dawned on me that every time I visit this site I have to fully scroll to the bottom to get to the latest discussions which is where I generally go first. I would assume other do too but you know what they say about assume. What if you were to move the latest discussions up the page just under the welcome box? All the other info drops down and those who want it know where it is and those who never use it can essentially bypass it. It would make the site a little easier for me personally and hopefully others.

The new changes are great and I think the format is getting easier to use all the time. Being able to see who's in the chat room, having all the options at the top and left side is great too. The site's wonderful, I've learned a lot since joining so thanks for the site and everyone who gives feedback.

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