:lick: im new to the z's , where are the tranny codes so i can know what year of 5spd i have? are all five speed's the same? how do i know which one i have? the 5 spd. i have now is VERY close ratio, i shift so much my arm hurts..j/k
also, will any clutch/flywheel assembly fit? or will i need a specific year? its an L28 block, if that helps any?
:lick: im new to the z's , where are the tranny codes so i can know what year of 5spd i have? are all five speed's the same? how do i know which one i have? the 5 spd. i have now is VERY close ratio, i shift so much my arm hurts.
also, will any clutch/flywheel assembly fit? or will i need a specific year? its an L28 block, if that helps any?
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