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Hey guys, I am new to the carb game and was wondering if you could help me identify what these components for and what their purpose is.

1. What are these hoses, where should they go? It looks like they go into the stock aircleaner box (if you have one), can I drill a hole in the back plate of my ram-flo's and run it into them?

2. I understand this connects to the crankcase vent (my car is 350km's away so it is hard to see a logical solution), is this correct? What type of hose should I use.

3. Does this go to the brake booster, in other photos I have seen it heads off that way yet I cannot see where it ends up.

4. This is not labelled, but there is a hose that runs off the front carburettor, I have no idea what it is.

Also, what is the best way to clean the foam from my ram-flo's, or should I just replace it.

If anybody could impart their knowledge onto me that would be great.


Kendall (viparz)


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a bit more info

1 = Fuel Inlets - rotate the hoses towards the cylinder head, they go to the fuel rail. (there should also be an fuel overflow fitting for each carb that would go to the aircleaner)

2 = PCV

3 = Fitting for Vacuum to Master Vac Booster for your brakes

After looking at other threads I now know number 1 is the fuel overflow (the fuel inlets are at the very edges of the photo.

As I do not have the stock aircleaner should I plug these or run them into the ram flo aircleaners or would this be advised against?

number 2 (PCV Valve) this is what I thought it might be, does this connect to the crankcase?

Also, is there anything missing, some of the photos on the site show a whole lot more hoses and things (Emission maybe?)


from a US perspective, Lots o' emissions stuff missing from what I see. No idea what came on an oz car.

won't advise on the fuel overflows. This is why I keep the stock aircleaner w/ a KN. Everything has the proper place to connect, you dont get that with the aftermarket stuff.

Yes, PCV goes to the crankcase breather pipe on the side of the engine IIRC

You don't want to plug the fuel overflow lines. I would suggest getting an overflow container suitable for containing/storing fuel and replace them and reroute the lines to the container. With using aftermarket type air cleaners such as the ramflo and others, running the over flow lines to them could cause a potential life threatening issue. If you get a stuck needle valve in the fuel float bowl and they overflow then the fuel may puddle in the air cleaner assy and possibly drip onto your hot exhaust manifold spelling certain fire. If you plug them, then your engine won't run. So your options are to get the stock air cleaner assy or get an overflow bottle and use it. Hope this helps

#1 is NOT a fuel overflow. The two hoses identified as #1 in the picture are vent hoses to provide atmospheric pressure to the fuel bowls of the carbs. On a stock setup these two hoses are connected to the backside of the air cleaner. Run them to the back of the Ram Flo's.

#2 is the PCV valve. The PCV valve connects to the crankcase. There should be a pipe, about 1" in diameter, that protrudes from the block just under where the thermostat housing is. Try MSA, Victoria British or e-bay for the proper hose.

#3 is the brake booster vacuum port. It should have a hose that connects to a check valve mounted on the firewall. A second hose connects the check valve to the brake booster.

#4 looks like the vacuum line that connects to the distributor.

Hope this helps!

If what I thought were the fuel overflows are vents, where are the fuel overflows? Do I have any? I cannot find any labels for them in my workshop manual.

Other than that everything is cool, thanks very much for your help guys, I am getting a good picture of where everything goes.

Couple more questions:

The vent hose from the valve cover, where can I run that (with the ram-flos), do I have to put a breather on it?

Can you purchase balance tube gaskets, or will I have to cut my own (I don't mind doing this if it costs less..)

Cheers guys :bandit:

Kendall (viparz)

The SU's used on the Z cars don't have any fuel overflow outlets. If an inlet needle sticks open, the fuel level in the float bowl will rise, and will dump more fuel into the carb. There would be so much fuel going into the carb through the jet that the carb would start leaking fuel. A dangerous situation, as raw fuel would be dripping onto the engine. Also, the air/fuel mixture would be getting very, very rich and the engine would probably stop running.

I don't know if enough pressure would ever build up to actually push fuel out through the vent hoses into the air cleaner. Keep in mind that the fuel level in the float bowl and the jet height in the carb are related. The two are connected by a rubber hose that runs from the bottom of the fuel bowl to the bottom of the jet. So, in normal operation the fuel level at the jet will be roughly the same as the fuel level in the float bowl.

If you've every siphoned liquid out of a container, you'll understand what I'm talking about. As long as the outlet side of the siphon tube is below the level of the liquid in the container, the liquid will flow out of the siphon tube. In this case, the the liquid is fuel, the container is the float bowl, and the rubber hose & jet make up the siphon tube.

Sorry, but I disagree.

I have SEEN fuel overflow out the nipple on the float bowl cover. the hose from it to the backside of the aircleaner is what keeps the fuel from ending up on the exhaust manifold.

The key words you seem to be disregarding are "normal operation". Engines/carbs do not always operate normally and if this results in a dangerous condition, provision has to be made to minimize the danger. Hence, fuel overflow nipples connected to the aircleaner. Better to have the engine stall than burst into flame when excess gas hits the exhaust manifold.

When the inlet valve sticks open or is misadjusted, fuel can enter the bowl faster than it can flow through the nozzle of the carb. When this happens, fuel WILL (HAS TO) go somewhere else. When the float bowl becomes full that somewhere else is out the overflow nipples. Do they also operate as vents? Well ya, sure they do, but they are plumbed to the aircleaner because they also function to get rid of excess fuel when something goes wrong in the float bowls.

FWIW, there is no # 4 indicated on the picture. I think mentioning a #4 will confuse the issue.

It all sounds a bit up in the air to me, my car has caught fire once before, I am prepared to do anything I can to stop it happening again. I think I will get a stock air box, it sounds like Datsun had the design pretty well sorted anyway (plus I get free airhorns!)

Having somewhere to vent the valve cover would be an added plus also, anymore fumes from my car and I would pass out one the way to work!! (Joking, its...not......that...........baaaddd..................zzzz)

Thanks for the help guys.

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