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She says the garage "is a pig-stye." So guess what I'm doing today? I don't get it...you can TOTALLY walk through it and she can COMFORTABLY park her car next to my two Z's. OK...so there's a couple piles and there is generally a litter of tools around the Z's...There's even white carpet where she gets out of her car.

...Off to 'tidy up'....


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A woman's definition of a pig sty:

Anywhere she can't walk in in bare stockinged (nylons / pantyhose) feet. Especially if the "mess" is attributable to someone else's actions and more applicably if someone else (read: husband / children) can be made to clean it up to HER satisfaction.

A man's definition of a pig sty:

Where pigs live.

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"Anywhere she can't walk in in bare stockinged (nylons / pantyhose) feet."

That was exactly it, too. I had built some furniture for wome people last week and there was a bit of sawdust about. It really came in handy with the wreck I towed in yesterday as I drained the swamps that were floorpans. Also the antifreeze was not content to stay in the radiator. So the sawdust was there "for a reason". She didn't buy it.

So, I'm all done now. Four 8' wire shelves put up to hold all the Z goodies. I have 56 aeresol cans of various substances just for the Z. Amazing.


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well, i'm only 19, but in my short experience dealing with women, i've noticed that they have absolutely no appreciation for organization in chaos. my computer area is piled with cd's, papers, and who knows what else, and my mom comes and puts my stuff away, and she's just shaken my world apart! i can't find anything. leave my stuff alone please, mom!!! geez:confused: it takes me days to get my system back to a steady flow. what's wrong with MY organization style?:confused: :confused: :confused:

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Choco said it, we may have 6" piles of odds and ends on our desk, but ask us to find that scrap piece of paper where we doodled the possible wiring diagram for a fuel shut off switch that was done on the BACK of an otherwise non-descript piece of paper, and within a few minutes of searching....we'll find it.

A woman comes in and looks at this "mess" and not understanding that we have every bit and piece catalogued in our heads by it's spatial coordinates and relative proximity to other nearby pieces of otherwise non-descript stuff; will then proceed to discard it all as "trash".

<<(ahh, yes here are the picture ads that stripper girl was handing out at the bar when I was returning from buying the air compressor, therefore in the pile to the left, at about the same height should be the owner's manual for the compressor, and right beneath that is where the wiring diagram is.)>>

But, if you look in a woman's clothing drawers where they stash their panties, pantyhose or brassieres you will encounter something interesting:

These are either:


No dear, those aren't true pink, they're almost pink, and they have lace, although not lace in the front, and they have a seam in the middle of the back, although they're obviously different from that other pair because if you look you'll note that those have WIDE elastic and these don't; AND they are bikini style not hip-huggers which any idiot can tell are different from briefs.



You look in the panty hose drawer, and the resulting mess will rival the most hideous squirrel's nest of fishing line you ever laid your eyes on. Even Spaghetti is easier to unravel since there you CAN pull on a single strand and the bulk of it will at least slide out from within the rest of the mess. And the problem is that when they need a pair, they're not looking for the first one they can unravel out of this hunk of solid nylon, they're looking for that UNIQUE pair with the UNIQUE shading which can only be discerned from the other pairs in there if they either put their leg in to it, or at least an arm, which of course means you have to untangle each individual pair out of the mess before you can discern it's shade at that point in time. Then when they finally do find the one pair, they ball up the ones that they had to check before they found ~the~ pair and stuff them back in to the drawer. And then pray that they don't develop a run.

But women will agree that we men are disorganized, whether THEY are organized or not, this also goes for all you sicko's who insist on cataloguing the replacement screws in your spare parts bin not only by size, thread count, and material, but also by manufacture and purchase date. Trust me, as far as a woman is conscerned, your method does not make sense.

But just my 2¢

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Funny that...my wife's draws sound just the same...but I know for sure that she doesn' t go diving in there to "decode" the pair of pantyhose she wants...she just trots off down the shop and buys more pairs...where's them once and files them in "the draw"...the same goes for shoes...evening dresses (yes those really expensive ones that your wallet felt) and money.

However, they expect us to live my the law when it comes to our space....gezzz...yes lads...we all stand united...we love mess and we know where everything is...or use to until it was moved by someone....(however we can sometimes be quick to blame the kids...dog....alien...Volvo driver...cause we didn't move it).

My wife has a thing about carpet...she wanted new carpet in our lounge when we moved in...it had to be dark blue to "match" the sofa's we have....well guess what...that dark blue carpet shows up every single little piece of crap that falls on it and guess who always drops stuff.....me...the kids...aliens and Volvo drivers.......somehow my shoes haven't figured out how to walk from under the coffee table back upstairs to the wardrobe....somehow I get reminded about that....hmmmmm.

Men are from Venus, women are from Volvo...true enough.

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My wife just throws all her underthings right on the floor. From there in the wash to the dryer. Taken out to wear and back on the floor. I had a friend over to help put the new bed together and he made an interesting comment about the abundance of panties, etc on the floor. Guess I stopped noticing. Irony is that when I leave Z parts around the house, she notices and I get it. Women.

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"From there in the wash to the dryer. Taken out to wear and back on the floor. "

That's funny...my first wife did that. Nothing ever went into the closet or drawers. There were piles on the floor that somehow were catagorized in her 'system' by varying stages of 'wear'. Dryer to floor to iron to floor. Very interesting. I, on the other hand, must have EVERYTHING hung up--even t-shirts and stuff. Did I mention we're not married anymore?


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Yes, I think you did. But I really don't mind my wife cluttering up. Its just a few hundred pair of panties and the occasional pair of nylons, right? Just so long as she does not give me too hard a time when she stubs her toe on an intake manifold in the guest bedroom.

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My girlfriend has a horrible habit of cleaning up my gear from around the house and putting it 'somewhere'. Never the same place twice.

If I file stuff its all together so I at least have a snowballs chance in hell of finding it again.

Like last week I received mail and 20min's later I can't find it. "Where has it gone" I ask her? "Well", comes the reply, "It's been filed away because it looked messy..... " Messy sitting on the coffee table?

Our house now has numerous draws where little things reside, from clips for my grill/trim to important bills and all in the name of being neat and tidy. There is no organisation to it though! She can usually only guess at where it is, whereas if it had been left on the coffee table I would know in exactly which pile it is as the piles are usually chronologically ordered... :)

Ah well, I spose I shouldn't complain really I just need to learn to put them somewhere quickly


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I always fantanized about, and now that I am married, even more so; about putting a secret room on the house somewhere only I know where it is. Think aobut it, the wife can't move anything in my little 'batcave', I can leave stuff organized exactly how it makes the most sense.

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