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I am with you on this one James, people seem to buy an old car for 4-5 grand and expect it to be better than a brand new 20grand car. There are some absolute tools out there who seem to want everything to be perfect for nothing. Its a fact of life if you own an old car you have to be prepared to do some work yourself, even if its only the small stuff.

For $1600 I would have grabbed that straight away had it been in SA and I am sure if he had waited a bit longer the second seller should have been able to get what he paid for it (you cant expect to get back what you spend on any car though, its a fact of life), thats an absolute bargain for what is essentially a very tidy and useable (with a few quirks perhaps) car.

I had this issue when I sold a worked 1600 Datsun I had, the new owner begged to buy it off me, then proceeded to badmouth me behind my back for months (till he wrote it off), there was nothing wrong with the car, but he wasnt used to something without fuel injection and the lumpy cam.

It appauls me that anyone would badmouth something like this probably more than a year after it was bought. If he was stupid enough to think a sub 5 or 10K car was going to run forever without problems he was an idiot. Next time you sell a car, offer the 12/12 warranty, they have 12 seconds or the car moving 12 inches and its no longer your problem (which it isnt).

Sorry for the rant but behaviour of clowns like this whinging about the costs associated with running an old car are absolute idiots. If he really was truly mechanically ignorant the person who inspected the car should have told him an old car wasnt the thing for him. But hey he could have learnt, a local car club is a wealth of information for things like this.

Disgraceful behaviour on the buyer and mates part.


As an owner of both newer and older cars (240Z, R32 GTR, Navara STR) I can appreciate each of the cars for what they are and the period that they were built.

Like James and Chris have said, if you are going to buy an old car be prepared for what the whole ownership of an old car is all about, fixing it and hunting down hard to find parts etc.

If you dont have the patience, time, money or the skills/know how to do that, a newer car may be the right one for you. You can buy a EFI modernish car for the same amount that our older zeds are fetching these days.

At the end of the day, know what you are getting into and dont kid yourself that an old car is going to be all apples from day one.

Personally I prefer a new car for day to day commuting but when it comes to the weekend there is nothing like getting into a classic sports car.


What a bloody $^!# fight....

Ignoring the blatant bad mouthing about me:

The fact is Jesse (aka, Mobsta) never expected a bloody Ferrari, It’s a ‘70’s 240K FFS!

He was more then willing ‘AT THE TIME’ to accept it for what it was & do it up.

BUT, like a lot of things, times change. He found that (as his 1st car) he didn’t like having to do maintenance on it nearly every WE, amongst other things...

James, make no mistake, I have PLENTY of experience at mechanics, & I was fully prepared to help with the required work to bring it up to RWC.

BUT Jesse ‘preferred’ to have the work done by a professional, & the amount of work required was startling to say the least... :surprised

I will not repeat what was wrong with it; suffice to say that the 240K, by itself IMHO, was NOT worth the original asking price. And I duly explained this to him. BUT, I believed the parts that came with it more than made up for any shortcomings...

I said at the time, IIRC, “it drove ok & the motor felt strong”. Fast is a relative term...

I’m sure, like we all were at one time, very nervous about buying ones first car & that/this situation is not any different.

How were you when you ‘bought’ your first car?

Perhaps you feel some sort of resentment towards newer cars, James?

His new Skyline is rather nice with all the fruit, but it is not exactly my cup of tea either.

I’ll stick with my Datto for the moment, thank-you...

The fact is I am now ‘somewhat’ unpopular with Jesse over this whole debacle – so it seems no one came out of this unscathed.

I have now ‘washed my hands’ of the whole situation...

And James, if you expect to make money out of doing up specialist older cars like 240K’s etc, then you need to take a reality check mate.

You do it for the love of the cars – not to make a profit or break even. THAT’S the truth.

The prices you have quoted are pretty reasonable – but that still doesn’t make the car worth the price of the parts as a WHOLE.

Example: my 260Z. I have plowed around 5k into the thing, on top of the purchase price, to get it to a half decent standard. Right now, as it sits in the shed if probably only worth around 4k – IF IM LUCKY!

So James there is not need to talk to me about that....

The selling price was not set by me, though I was rather devastated when I was told what it went for – should have gone for FAR more.

Pity someone on here didn’t grab it when they had the chance...

I also say good luck to the new owner – hopefully he does well with it.

I know the car deserves it at least...

It’s unfortunate, that people make comments about a situation that they know nothing about. Perhaps hearing the full story from both sides first, is an idea...

If anyone would like to discuss all this, then please PM.

I do not like being publicly flamed on a worldwide forum (Z Kid, this is directed at you.

I’m betting you don’t have the balls to talk to me one on one...) :angry:

And lastly, James. If you would like to discuss this further (over a Beer perhaps) please don’t hesitate to PM me – I don’t live far from you.

Tis a sad situation indeed...

Hey Lach, with the new sig (which is great i might add), is it a picture of the rear panel of your own car, or (as i imagine), a modified pictur efrom your own personal collection. In any case, that rear panel appears to be quite unique, due to the level of chrome and also the metal surrounds the lenses protrude from. Explanations? For some reason im thinking its a modified c210 rear panel....hrm more research is needed....

Next time you sell a car, offer the 12/12 warranty, they have 12 seconds or the car moving 12 inches and its no longer your problem (which it isnt).

Back home in Hawaii, we had a local personality called Lucky Luck. He had what he called the 5 minutes or 5 miles warranty - and that was explained thusly: When you can no longer see my hand waving goodbye in your rear view mirror, the warranty is OVER.

But seriously, put this behind and forget. We here (and I'm still new) need to stick together and pool our collective knowledge to keep these cars on the road for as long as possible. I am truly amazed at what you folks must do to keep your cars running Downunder. I live in Japan, and a lot of times I can't get parts! Geez! The darn things were made here. And the service, while polite and professional, is appalling. There are no cross-reference books. I was flat out told at the local parts house that they couldn't get an oil filter for my car because it was too old and wasn't listed in the parts book. Guess what . . . I have in my hands right now an oil filter, Nissan Part Number 15208-43G00, that has 23 applications for various Nissan vehicles with production dates from 02/97 to the present and it fits my car too.

If it was in WA I would have bought it. But Transporting a car to WA would have cost too much, and i wouldnt have been able to get the parts sent over with the car, so that would have cost alot too.

I gotta agree with alot of what Lurch is saying.

When you go and look at a car for a friend, you exptations and his expectations might be completely different.

Mobsta was obviously after a car he could buy, drive from day one, and didnt realise the amount of work involved in getting a 30 year old car up to scratch.

Lurch would have been aware of the amount of work that may be required, as he also owns a 260Z, but maybe Mobsta just didnt understand the amount of work involved.

I think its unreasonable to expect Lurch to fix the car for Mobsta, just because he took it for a drive and said it was ok.

Some people may have bit the bullet and decided to take the time and effort to work on the car and learn a bit of mechanics, but it seems that Mobsta isnt one of those people. Maybe he's too busy with other things. I get to work on my car once a month if i'm lucky.

Either way, he'll probably be happy with his modern car, and the buyer of the K will be happy to take the time to restore it I hope.(he better, or there will be people after him).

So quit bashing Lurch, its not his fault.

Last statement from me on this,

I have been around and owned these cars for the 15 years.

I've owned 7, 5 coupes & 2 sedans all repaired/restored from nothing more than rolling (sometimes not even rolling) shells.

My affinity and passion for these cars is unquestionable, and I do not seek out to make a profit from it. Unfortunately it may seem that way with the cars I've sold over the last few years, but trust me, I had no choice.

I have a young family, mortgage, the usual headaches, and I've sold off my favourites and bought cheaper forms of transport ie my Valiant, even this had to go.

The last 240K coupe recently sold was just about ready to spray, then just when you think you're up on your feet again, it's gotta go.

I'm sure heaps of guys have sacrificed cars they've cherished, unfortunately I'm one of them.

Maybe I'm upset your mate wasn't happy & sold the car, it wasn't perfect but it req'd a little TLC to get it just right.

I never, ever look to ripping people off, just put out there a fair price for what it is....

Talking about fair price, I bought my Valiant for $1200. Repairs were minimal for RWC & Reg, 225 slant 6 blew on me within a week. I ended up buying a 318 V8 for it w/transmission. Rebuilt the bottom end, new hydraulic lifters, new 650 Holley DP, new radiator, welch plugs, etc etc remove and re-fit V8 K frame & torsion bars & fitted V8 floor shift (rare for these models). The body was fantastic, as was the interior, old farm car I travelled 8 hr return trip for.

I sold the car 3 months later for $1200.00, when I look what these cars sell for with those specs it is frustrating! But, when you need the $$$, you can't be a beggar.

Guess I've been stupid, but hey, money talks...Believe it or not I'm always looking to get my hands on other K, just to have one not matter how long time permits.

And yeah, I'm always up for a beer...cheers :classic:

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