Our club has been growing! We are getting to the point where we are busting at the seams and more people are asking, "What kind of Zcar content can we post or talk about?"
Well, here's your answer!!
This site accepts any kind of content about Zcars as long as the information relates to the CLASSIC Zcar. No problem, right?!
Sure, but, the definition of a CLASSIC ZCAR is up for debate and I'm sure our club could talk about it until we are blue in the face.
So, we need to keep in mind that a few simple rules are in place here. They are:
1) Keep all content Z related. The occasional joke, comic, other car companies, and just general 'other' content is also welcome. However, it should be in limited quantity.
2) All content should be useful to an owner of a Classic Z. If you are posting messages about how to add a supercharger to the newest 350z, you should probably take your message to a site that is dedicated to the 350z. Although we do discuss the 350z on this site, we usually talk about the styling, design, handling, and how it compares to the true classic.
3) Keep in mind that our site is a place where ALL creatures are welcome. We don't have any official speakers or representatives and the messages sent and received by other members should be construed as opinions. Whatever you take from this site, we want to make sure that you walk away with a confidence that your car is the best damn thing on the planet. And, that you can work on it knowing that others are here to help you.
4) Remember that our site is a moving target. Although our focus will *NEVER* stray from the Z, our content can change and move according to the people we attract. We want to make sure you get what you came for.
5) Never flame (messages filled with emotion rather than fact) and treat all members like they were your best friend. We are here to help each other and any debate that moves away from factual Z-related content will only harm all of us in the end.
There ya go, if you think we need more rules or changes to the rules please let me know. If you forget all 5, remember this NUMBER ONE RULE... keep all content Z related. You'll be right on track....................
We originally started this club as an email discussion group using a server located at Oregon State University. This started at the approximate year of 1993. The discussion group was created as an alternate location for people to discuss the 240z. We were tired of weeding through the massive amounts of email messages sent through the mailing list in order to get our own content. It worked very well and it made a lot of early Zcar fans happy.
We also had a small website with some general content that I created in my spare time. The site was limited and it was a 'static' area containing small bits of information about the 240z. We also registered the domain name '240z.org' with the financial help of all the members.
In 1997 I added a small forum software package to the website in order to create 'moving content' or an interactive experience. At that time, I saw the need for web-browser interaction rather than just an email discussion group. When this happened, our mailing list members became concerned that they would lose the mailing list software. Therefore, we found a new server (at my house) and moved the mailing list to our control. The website moved with it (along with the forums) and we started to see a lot of growth.
In 2000, I added the custom 'portal' front page that you see today. It's a total interactive interface and provides everyone with a sneak peek at the content we have inside our system.
In 2001 the decision was made to register the domain 'classiczcars.com' and open the site up to owners of the CLASSIC Zcar line-up = 240z, 260z, and 280z. Although this was met with some debate, users finally opened up to it because all three of these model cars share the same basic design and parts are mostly interchange-able.
In 2002, the site was moved to a dedicated server located at a hosting company in Texas. There were various reasons for the move, but, the biggest being the need to control the site w/out relying on a single internet connection at my residence.
In 2003, we are met with the question about what kind of content is really allowed.....
And in 2005... we continue to be the best classic Z club on the web. Our content continues to be related to the best Z ever and our membership continues to grow into a close family with the same interest!! Let the classic Z live forever. That's why we are here.
Our club has been growing! We are getting to the point where we are busting at the seams and more people are asking, "What kind of Zcar content can we post or talk about?"
Well, here's your answer!!
This site accepts any kind of content about Zcars as long as the information relates to the CLASSIC Zcar. No problem, right?!
Sure, but, the definition of a CLASSIC ZCAR is up for debate and I'm sure our club could talk about it until we are blue in the face.
So, we need to keep in mind that a few simple rules are in place here. They are:
1) Keep all content Z related. The occasional joke, comic, other car companies, and just general 'other' content is also welcome. However, it should be in limited quantity.
2) All content should be useful to an owner of a Classic Z. If you are posting messages about how to add a supercharger to the newest 350z, you should probably take your message to a site that is dedicated to the 350z. Although we do discuss the 350z on this site, we usually talk about the styling, design, handling, and how it compares to the true classic.
3) Keep in mind that our site is a place where ALL creatures are welcome. We don't have any official speakers or representatives and the messages sent and received by other members should be construed as opinions. Whatever you take from this site, we want to make sure that you walk away with a confidence that your car is the best damn thing on the planet. And, that you can work on it knowing that others are here to help you.
4) Remember that our site is a moving target. Although our focus will *NEVER* stray from the Z, our content can change and move according to the people we attract. We want to make sure you get what you came for.
5) Never flame (messages filled with emotion rather than fact) and treat all members like they were your best friend. We are here to help each other and any debate that moves away from factual Z-related content will only harm all of us in the end.
There ya go, if you think we need more rules or changes to the rules please let me know. If you forget all 5, remember this NUMBER ONE RULE... keep all content Z related. You'll be right on track....................
We originally started this club as an email discussion group using a server located at Oregon State University. This started at the approximate year of 1993. The discussion group was created as an alternate location for people to discuss the 240z. We were tired of weeding through the massive amounts of email messages sent through the mailing list in order to get our own content. It worked very well and it made a lot of early Zcar fans happy.
We also had a small website with some general content that I created in my spare time. The site was limited and it was a 'static' area containing small bits of information about the 240z. We also registered the domain name '240z.org' with the financial help of all the members.
In 1997 I added a small forum software package to the website in order to create 'moving content' or an interactive experience. At that time, I saw the need for web-browser interaction rather than just an email discussion group. When this happened, our mailing list members became concerned that they would lose the mailing list software. Therefore, we found a new server (at my house) and moved the mailing list to our control. The website moved with it (along with the forums) and we started to see a lot of growth.
In 2000, I added the custom 'portal' front page that you see today. It's a total interactive interface and provides everyone with a sneak peek at the content we have inside our system.
In 2001 the decision was made to register the domain 'classiczcars.com' and open the site up to owners of the CLASSIC Zcar line-up = 240z, 260z, and 280z. Although this was met with some debate, users finally opened up to it because all three of these model cars share the same basic design and parts are mostly interchange-able.
In 2002, the site was moved to a dedicated server located at a hosting company in Texas. There were various reasons for the move, but, the biggest being the need to control the site w/out relying on a single internet connection at my residence.
In 2003, we are met with the question about what kind of content is really allowed.....
And in 2005... we continue to be the best classic Z club on the web. Our content continues to be related to the best Z ever and our membership continues to grow into a close family with the same interest!! Let the classic Z live forever. That's why we are here.
Link to comment
https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/18011-club-posting-rules/Share on other sites