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Gas for $1.98 a gallon here!


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After the Katrina insanity I never thought it would go under $2 again. (Maybe that's what a few folks wanted me to believe when it hit $3.26)

So what is everyone else eating for a gallon of gas compared to two months ago? Something else to be thankful for?

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I paid $1.94 today. It's funny how dropping back below $2 suddenly seems cheap compared to a year or so ago when it first went over $2 and that seemed so expensive.

MikeW, I think that's their plan, to make it seem so much cheaper by comparison. Wouldn't suprise me if it settled in at $2.50 and everyone thought that was great. That's what it is here now, beats the high we had of $3.19 (I know others paid more), but still too pricey. We're not known for our cheap gas in my part of the state, but I'd be happy at a straight $2 a gallon.

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For thanksgiving we always go down to NC. Whille passing through Virgina we got some regular for $1.90, no joke. No problems with quality, good power, no knocking. Ha, I think the station was a Kangaroo. Never heard of that before. But yeah, $1.90 nonetheless.

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I just heard on the news five minutes ago that Congress is considering an increase in the Federal gas tax. Their first idea is to increase the $0.18 per gallon tax according to inflation. The second idea would force drivers to pay a tax according to their miles driven (a user tax if you will).

The third, believe it or not, is that they may look into proposing an additional tax to hybrid vehicles because they use less fuel. I said the same thing, but I'm only repeating what the news report said.

Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter. These people see no end to how much of our money they can confiscate. I wouldn't expect something like this to come to the forefront until AFTER the '06 elections.

Oh yeah, gas ranges from 1.949 to 2.049 on my side of Atlanta.

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I use premium. I guess that's because it has the extra octane that the lead once offered. I never worry about the valve faces, they're pretty far gone, I don't know if there is much that I can do about helping that. I have never tried regular though, maybe it would run just as well.

In my earlier post I was taking about putting regular in the family maxima.

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I find it quite interesting that the big oil companies are able to raise their prices so quickly when they have an excuse, (ie "hurricanes damaged our refineries") but that it takes a lot longer for them to lower them back down...that is until rumors start flying about a congressional inquiry (not that it will ever happen) into why they (the big oil companies) posted record profits in the quarter after the majority of their refineries take massive damage do to hurricanes and they are unable to refine enough to keep up with demand. I realize the whole supply and demand economics theory but, if they can't keep production up, how can they post record profits unless it wasn't as bad as they were saying and we were just sucker punched and lied to so that they will have a fat wallet. I'm glad the prices have dropped. Ours dropped to $1.83 for mid grade 89 octane. Fortunately for us our gas prices are usually quite abit less than most other places. I know it is captialism at its best, taking advantage of the people when they least need it...What a wonderful world we live in. :tapemouth :tapemouth :tapemouth

Z Content: I am sure glad my Z gets good gas mileage!!!

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Well now,

Considering the Oz dollar is worth around 0.74 American and take into account that 1 Gallon (imperial) is, (faulty memory here), 4.54609 litres,(I think),

here in Yeppoon, (which is just down the road from Yafork), we're paying around $1.18 per litre.

I'll let you mathamatical experts work it out.


:devious: :devious:

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