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Hey Guys,

I know this aint about a Z, but I still need your help on it. At least its still a nissan! My daily driver 1995 hardbody 4x4, 4cyl, 5 speed has the following issue:

since yesterday, when I stop at a redlight, my truck dies. Not just cuts off, but drops revs and feels like it does when you accidentally leave it in gear without mashing on the clutch. But not every time. Also, it runs perfectly, going down the road. NO skips, sputters, or the like, its still strong (relatively...it is a KA after all LOL ). If it doesn't die at the redlight, you can watch the tach, and the revs will drop from about 1k (normal idle) to around 750-800, and the truck feels like its got a 350 with RV cam in it (vibrating). Then again, that doesn't happen all the time either....In the morning, when I crank it up to let it warm up before I go, it will set there and Idle perfectly with no drop in revs. Can you guys help me with this?:beard:

Hey Guys,

I know this aint about a Z, but I still need your help on it. At least its still a nissan! My daily driver 1995 hardbody 4x4, 4cyl, 5 speed has the following issue:

since yesterday, when I stop at a redlight, my truck dies. Not just cuts off, but drops revs and feels like it does when you accidentally leave it in gear without mashing on the clutch. But not every time. Also, it runs perfectly, going down the road. NO skips, sputters, or the like, its still strong (relatively...it is a KA after all LOL ). If it doesn't die at the redlight, you can watch the tach, and the revs will drop from about 1k (normal idle) to around 750-800, and the truck feels like its got a 350 with RV cam in it (vibrating). Then again, that doesn't happen all the time either....In the morning, when I crank it up to let it warm up before I go, it will set there and Idle perfectly with no drop in revs. Can you guys help me with this?:beard:

Check your EGR valve. Clean/replace as necessary.

dude, seriously....I'm an active member of this forum regarding Z's. and since there is a limited number of hardbody forums with an even more limited amount of members (one had 4), why not use my buddies here to help solve a problem of mine? if they had a question about a freakin 65 dodge dart, Id try to help them, not be a total arse if its not Z related (unlike yourself). dude, with an attitude like that, I wouldn't wizz on you to put out a fire. don't expect help from me on anything from now on. and with the smart arse comments you have been putting in other peoples posts and picture galleries, I don't expect them to think too much higher of you as well. its people like you that bring forums down. this ain't just a place to get Z information, its more than that...its a brotherhood. if you can't understand that, turn your nose-high self around and leave.

I had the same stalling problem with my 85 Nissan 720 truck. My vacuum hoses all had cracked/leaky ends. I actually put duct tap around them and stuck them back on with limited success. Then last summer I was out at a wrecking yard buying an alternator and strarter. I found a wrecked 720 with good hoses. I took every hose I could find. Replaced my old ones and now it runs like a top. This truck has not seen a Canadian December for 5 years but is now my daily commute. total cost? well you know when you go to a pick your part you always have to stuff a few xtras in your tool box.

OH MY GOD... a TRUCK question in a Z forum. We're all gonna burn in hell!!! :)

I don't see the harm in a simple thread from a fellow member about his truck. It's not that big of a deal. Although it is a Z forum, this place is a community for people to get together to discuss various things. Considering this was started from a fellow member who is active in the Z community, it is totally appropriate.

Fun_in_my_z, thanks for posting your concerns, but, this post is fine with me. We are a family of Z owners and I don't mind this kind of thing.

-- Mike

PS: If this was a thread started by someone who did not own a Z and not part of our membership, this might be another story.

Hey Guys,

I know this aint about a Z, but I still need your help on it. At least its still a nissan! My daily driver 1995 hardbody 4x4, 4cyl, 5 speed has the following issue:

since yesterday, when I stop at a redlight, my truck dies. Not just cuts off, but drops revs and feels like it does when you accidentally leave it in gear without mashing on the clutch. But not every time. Also, it runs perfectly, going down the road. NO skips, sputters, or the like, its still strong (relatively...it is a KA after all LOL ). If it doesn't die at the redlight, you can watch the tach, and the revs will drop from about 1k (normal idle) to around 750-800, and the truck feels like its got a 350 with RV cam in it (vibrating). Then again, that doesn't happen all the time either....In the morning, when I crank it up to let it warm up before I go, it will set there and Idle perfectly with no drop in revs. Can you guys help me with this?:beard:

Sounds like a vapor lock issue, but, this thing is probably EFI. Did you check your fuel filters? Also make sure you have good electrical. Does this truck have a single coil? The vacuum tube idea is a good one. The key here is that it gets worse when the engine gets warm.

dude, you don't have to be an arse....

as good as these guys are at turning wrenches, I thought they might would have a clue....

Matt, raising chickens and quail has made you pretty sensative hasn't it? At 22 years of age, reacting is quite normal but this is not the place to vent...especially when asking a question about a 4X4 pickup. Sorry if I've offended you...I'm just an aging Z car freak.:nervous:

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