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Syncho Problems??


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Hello Everyone...

Can someone tell me if the following problem is a syncho problem, or is the driver (Me) being an idiot :(

I have a 71 'Z', with a transplanted 5spthat the PO installed... As I drive the car I have no problems up shifting 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, and so on... as I slow down, and down shift 4th to 3rd.. no problems, and as I come to say a stop sign, or make a turn and down shift from 3rd to 2nd so i don't lug the engine... I have a hard time getting the transmission into gear.

I am double clutching, but it seems that it's a hit or miss deal as to if the shifter will go into gear.

I think I notice that weather the shifter will go into gear or not depends on how high, and how long I rev the engine when I double clutch.

I've had the tanny fluid replaced by my mechanic with synthetic it seems a bit better, but I don't remember having this problem until recently..

Any clues or suggestions, I'm ready to pull the tranny and have it rebuilt



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It certainly sounds like a synchro problem, like Gav said, eventually you will have to rebuild the box, there are some light weight oils available that can make this type of problem go away, I have heard some people put ATF in, which is alot lighter than the synthetic gear oil, some manufacturers even recommend it for manual transmissions. It's a cheap alternative to try anyhow.

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Check that your clutch is disengaging fully before you start stripping anything down. A partially engaged clutch plate will give you problems engaging gear.

Check master and slave clutch cylinders, hoses and correct clutch adjustment/pedal travel

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Check that your clutch is disengaging fully before you start stripping anything down. A partially engaged clutch plate will give you problems engaging gear.

Check master and slave clutch cylinders, hoses and correct clutch adjustment/pedal travel

Good suggestions and I had also considering saying this but what lead me to believe it was a synchro problem was the fact that he was only having trouble with 1 gear and I often find my 2nd gear doesn't like downgearing as much as upgearing. The rest of the gears are fine, seems like 2nd gets the hardest working in gearbox's.:sleepy:

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