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It totally depends on your underwriter. I suppose if you are trying to get comp and collision on a 'salvage' title or if you are going for 'full' replacement coverage on a vehicle you are calling 'restored', your underwriter could require an inspection. It is not State mandated, at least here in CA. Other states have vehicle inspections required for registration, but not for insurance.

$130 a month for legal liability minimums???? DUDE! you are either VERY young or have a bad driving record or both! The CA State minumum is 15/30 (or has it gone up to 15/50?) for which I pay $135 FOR 6 MONTHS! That's $22.50 a month. And that's with a 'premium' insurance Co. (Farmers, Allstate, State Farm, etc...)


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Typically the 15/30 is the property/medical payout on insurance. Of course NEVER assume that just because your insurace agent throws out numbers like this that this is the standard. Read your policy, ask the tough questions. Use scenarios. "If I hit someone, what will be covered?" "If someone hits me, what will be covered?" Keep in mind that even if they give you a quote, it may be well above the minimum state requirement. Oklahoma, for example, has a minimum requirement of 10/20 coverage but my agent gave me a 20/50 quote. I took it and even went for the optional comp/collision because I love my car. Some agents, not all, will even classify your car as a classic and give it a special rate, but I doubt they would if your 16. I have my other car, my house and a few other things all with my agent so she classified my car as a classic, with full coverage based on a stated appraised value, and I pay $6 bucks a month for it. If anything happens to it; I get $10K. But I am certain my rates go up then too.

As far as insurance goes, ask the tough questions up front. My dad always said: "A uncomfortable understanding up front is better than a REALLY uncomfortable revelation later."

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