Just thought I'd post a message providing the detailed information about users who abuse our forum. I am doing this with the hope that you can help contact the ISP (service provider) of the user performing these actions. Alone I cannot do much, but, if we all send complaints, perhaps we can make a difference.
If you are looking to report a user for some reason, simply send an email to the service provider. Most service providers will have an account that starts with "abuse@............." Simply fill in the domain. For instance, any user that comes from comcast.net can be reported by sending an email to "abuse@comcast.net"
Here is the start to the list and I plan to add to it.
Hi all,
Just thought I'd post a message providing the detailed information about users who abuse our forum. I am doing this with the hope that you can help contact the ISP (service provider) of the user performing these actions. Alone I cannot do much, but, if we all send complaints, perhaps we can make a difference.
If you are looking to report a user for some reason, simply send an email to the service provider. Most service providers will have an account that starts with "abuse@............." Simply fill in the domain. For instance, any user that comes from comcast.net can be reported by sending an email to "abuse@comcast.net"
Here is the start to the list and I plan to add to it.
Money Man
IP Address
Host Name pcp02660386pcs.groton01.ct.comcast.net
Email xsjw84x@hotmail.com
Link to comment
https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/18723-users-who-abuse-the-system/Share on other sites