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Hi all,

UPDATE 2/17/2006: Winner will also be featured in Sport Z Magazine!!

I thought it would be fun to put on a competition (with some class). For those of you who have wives, girlfriends, or significant others who are willing to participate, I think it's time for a contest!!

Take a picture of both of your babies together. Ie: Your photo must contain your Z car, your s.o., and some interesting words about them both. Post your picture in our gallery CONTEST area. You can find the link here: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=3300

This will be a classy contest and should be considered fun for everyone. Winners will receive a club t-shirt for him, a babydoll t-shirt (for her), and a Microfiche CD (for the car).

Please have all of your photos submitted by April 1st because that's when I'll turn on the voting. :)

Featured Replies

Mike, add one more prize to the contest. The winner and contest will be highlighted (we'll do a little write up about the contest itself and the winner) in the Summer issue of Sport Z Magazine in the Shifting Gears section. Thats if its ok with you. Keep it clean.

Make sure the picture is taken at a decent resolution (4mp or higher) for reproducing in print.

NICE! Okay guys.. you heard the man. We will have a feature of your Z and your signifant other in Sport Z Magazine. And, if you don't subscribe to the magazine, we'll find a way to send you a FREE copy with the featured ad. But honestly, everyone on this website SHOULD already have a subscription to Sport Z. :)

I also encourage everyone to send us any size photo. If we need to re-take a photo for the magazine, it can be done.

-- Mike

how are we going to know if it's really their signifigant other? could be just a local peeler.:finger:

Because, anyone who sends in a fake will be caught when it comes time to write an article about the photo. :)

Let's play seriously with this one because I think it will be a lot of fun. And, for those of you without girlfriends, this is an EXCELLENT time to ask someone to help you out.

Just think, this could mean a long happy future together and you'd have the Classic Zcar Club to thank! :love:


Wait a minute...what if your WIFE looks better than your Z? You mean to tell me you are going to put my non-restored 240Z in a magazine about Z's because my wife is hot?

Hey -- I am totally all for it, just want to set expectations that when I win, no one tells me my Z isn't "mag worthy" (my wife is though)!!

Also, I only have a 3.3 MP camera....Mike, this is ok?

Originally Posted by rdefabri

I'm winning this hands down, my wife is a dead ringer for Stacy Sanches (no lie).

Originally Posted by rdefabri

You can't really say "no models allowed"....what if you are married or dating one?

Originally Posted by rdefabri

I'll give my word the girl in my pic is my wife....

Originally Posted by rdefabri

Hey -- I am totally all for it, just want to set expectations that when I win, no one tells me my Z isn't "mag worthy" (my wife is though)!!

Rich, I haven't decided yet...either you're in the dog house or you're a newlywed. Which is it? LOL LOL


Nope -- neither! I'm with my wife for about 14 years. When I met her, I was quite the bachelor, but trust me, when I saw her -- I was floored. I'll probably embarrass her by saying this, but I will -- SHE'S HOT!!! She's a little high maintenance, but then many wives (and husbands) are!

Most men that haven't seen her usually roll their eyes, but when they do meet her, they usually agree. She looks like she's in her 20's, and could probably be in PB Mag if she wasn't so shy.

You guys can hold judgement until I issue the pics. In the meantime, go Google Stacy Sanches, especially look at pics of her with her highlighted curly hair. My wife could be her twin sister.

My girlfriend is very low maitenence, she even offered to help pay for dinner on Valentines day! She looks a bit like Scarlett Johannsen, and her name is Johanna. She likes my Z car a lot, and got bit by the Nissan bug when she bought her S13 240sx coupe (she's a drift fan too!).

Now I've just gotta think of a pose....

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