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no power over 4000 rpm


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Keep us posted on how you get on with the revving issue. My car has a similar problem as it revs ok in 1st and 2nd but then bogs down in 3rd and 4th while under load. Hits 4500rpm and then just won't rev any higher. Actually starts to lose revs.

I have tried nearly everything short of a match and a can of petrol.

Included drained fuel tank, replace fuel filters, replaced condenser, replaced coil, blown out fuel lines, reset float levels, sychro carbs, but still no good.


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Does the engine kind of jump in revs. My brother had a 1995 mustang GT and it had a strange problem, He hit around 3500rpms and then he is suddenly at 4000, the engine runs rough and the power disappers. He found out that the problem was in the valve springs. I can't remeber if a few where broken or if they were just not spaced right. The mechanic that did the work had some spacers machined to get the springs to work well. I think it had something to do with the cam that was in it. Maybe your car has an aftermarket cam in it and that could cause the rough idle and also could result in valve spring damage if the valve springs were not up to par with the cam. Just a thought. Hopfully your problem isn't this serious.

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