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Might be good news.

1 Bravo 6

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Keep your fingers crossed.

I contacted a firm of locksmiths that has been around since the sixties and asked them if they had any early Datsun key blanks hidden away in a dark and dusty corner.

They said "YES" and asked for the key code I was after. I gave them;

Ignition, = X1 MZ12, and;

Doors, fuel, hatch, = DAT 6R. (Which is printed on the keys I have).

They said, again, "YES".

Do they have the "Z" logo on them ? I asked.

They said "YES, Nissan Motor Z"

Now, ... I wasn't dreaming, It's not wishful thinking and I'm not suffering delusions.

I told them that I'll be in Rocky next Thursday to get a set.

Cost, = $22.oo for the first key and $7.oo for every other key after the first.

Is it to good to be true ?????????????????

I'll let you know next Thursday. (Unless I go to Rocky before then).


:love: :laugh: LOL

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