June 16, 200222 yr comment_8898 If you're going to change the name for all the Politically Correct types out there, then let's just dissolve the club althogether. The original purpose of this club was to give the 240 owners a place to discuss issues related to the 240Z, because the IZCC mailing list was getting over crowded. Let's not lose our roots in a misguided effort to please ALL. This club was never intended to please ALL, and should never be made to please ALL. Those who are not happy can certainly form their own club(s). It's a free Internet and that's the way it should remain. I am TOTALLY against any name change whatsoever. We need to cut off the parts of this club that have gone off on tangents to please other people in the Z world. That's the route that should be taken. We are a Datsun 240Z club, not a Nissan club or a general Z club or a ZX club or any other thing of the kind. I've been a member of the IZCC and this club for many years and have seen the evolution of things. Mike, don't let your emotions control the true mission of this club. Do whats right for the core members, the 240Z owners. And we're not a 350Z admiration club either, as attractive as it may be to get on THAT bandwagon. Don't do it! Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-8898 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 16, 200222 yr Author comment_8910 If you're going to change the name for all the Politically Correct types out there, then let's just dissolve the club althogether. The original purpose of this club was to give the 240 owners a place to discuss issues related to the 240Z, because the IZCC mailing list was getting over crowded. Let's not lose our roots in a misguided effort to please ALL. This club was never intended to please ALL, and should never be made to please ALL. Agreed. I think my comment to support "all" zcars was merely something I said during a thought process. After thinking about it for some time, I decided that we should remain 'classic only'... Those who are not happy can certainly form their own club(s). It's a free Internet and that's the way it should remain. I am TOTALLY against any name change whatsoever. We need to cut off the parts of this club that have gone off on tangents to please other people in the Z world. That's the route that should be taken. We are a Datsun 240Z club, not a Nissan club or a general Z club or a ZX club or any other thing of the kind. I disagree here. Because when we were just a 240z club, I didn't see much activity on the web site. While the mailing list was active with 240z chatter, the website was slow and not many people participated in conversation and/or supporting the club. Ever since I moved to this new database/php system and opened it up to the EARLY or CLASSIC cars, we've been busier than ever. And, I can also hear the argument coming... just because it's busier doesn't mean that it's better. Right. I want to make sure we ARE better. The pure reason for the name change (or formalization) was the 350z. We also had people asking why is this a 240z-only site when most of the other components on a 260z and 280z were all so similar. I'm thinking of the future. When someone thinks about a classic Zcar, they no longer just think about the 240z. They think about the classic lines of the 240z, 260z and 280z. I've been a member of the IZCC and this club for many years and have seen the evolution of things. Mike, don't let your emotions control the true mission of this club. Do whats right for the core members, the 240Z owners. And we're not a 350Z admiration club either, as attractive as it may be to get on THAT bandwagon. Don't do it! What's that finger mean? Is it your IQ? just kidding I will stay away from supporting ALL of the Zcars. There are plenty of other sites out there for that. But, I think we should consider opening ourselves to discussions about the other early Z's. These cars are so similar, it would be unfair not to support them. Again, the line is drawn at the ZX. We are classics. Remember, as time progresses on there will be fewer classic Zcars on the road. I think we should consider this move a good thing. (the mailing list will not change) [m] Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-8910 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 17, 200222 yr comment_8965 Thanks for clearing up your position. After reading "bpilati's" response I was all for his "240 only" position. However, your position is much more valid. There has to be a line drawn somewhere and while "240" is nice (but elitist), it's not in the best interest of the club. There are now (soon to be) four breeds of Z's and to focus the club on one is, in my opinion, the way to go. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-8965 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 18, 200222 yr comment_9015 Hi all -I've been on a 4 wheeling trip to Moab, UT, for the past week, so here's my $.02:I suppose Mike has a point about the early Zs being similar enough that they could be grouped together, and I also tend to agree that the word "club" doesn't need to be in the name. So, I suggest we simply call it "Classic Z Cars", which I think would look good on promotional items (hats, shirts, etc.) along with the Z logo. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-9015 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 18, 200222 yr comment_9035 Picture this on the pocket of your T-shirt, or on the back, or on the front: Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-9035 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 19, 200222 yr comment_9037 Or the Front of your Car looking like this: Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-9037 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 19, 200222 yr comment_9038 Or like this, with Gold Z instead of White: Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-9038 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 20, 200222 yr comment_9123 Mike,I agree with Bryan Pilati, that we should go back and look at the roots of the club. It was started because people who had 240Z's got tired of wading through all of the later generation Z stuff on the "Big List", in order to get help. I think the charter that you set up is still appropriate. We are a 240Z club. People who own 260's and 280's are welcome here to discuss characteristics or problems with their cars that are common to the 240Z. By shear production numbers, there are more 260 and 280's out there. I would hate to see the discussions turn into all talk about them and the 240Z discussions get pushed into the back ground.As many have said, there are other places that already exsist to help out the later cars. I love the look and feel of this club. It is a close knit group of 240Z nuts that enjoy talking about this great car.Let's not lose our focus! Stay the "Internet 240Z Club".Best Regards,Marty Rogan Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-9123 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 20, 200222 yr Author comment_9124 I agree with Bryan Pilati, that we should go back and look at the roots of the club. It was started because people who had 240Z's got tired of wading through all of the later generation Z stuff on the "Big List", in order to get help. I think the charter that you set up is still appropriate. We are a 240Z club. People who own 260's and 280's are welcome here to discuss characteristics or problems with their cars that are common to the 240Z. Hi Marty, Thanks for taking the time to respond. But, I must ask something. What's really different about the 260z and the 280z that would cause the 240z owners to become frustrated about finding information? The 280z has EFI. Granted. But, that's about it. Most other components on a 280z is nearly identical to the 240z. I have added a special forum for EFI information. And, in fact, I am hearing many stories about people installing EFI on their 240z's. So, I would tend to disagree here. The traffic on the big list is prettty bad. And, yes, we started the 240z Club as an alternate mailing list in order to keep the discussions about the 240z only. But, that is related to a mailing list. Since we began, I've added this website which provides us with online forums. The nice thing about the forums is our ability to provide topic-based discussions. This helps users sort through the information to find what they need. In fact, we also have a powerful search engine which also allows us to search for information related to a certain topic. How about this idea? The club name can change to whatever we determine as the best fit (Classic Zcar Club is currently ahead of the game). But, we can leave the mailing list alone. Our mailing list can be limited to 240z discussions. In fact, if we determine that there is a need for additional mailing lists, I can add them as needed. But, I doubt that we'll need more mailing lists with the online forums. Anyway, to keep up with current affairs and make sure the club moves with the changing times... we will continue to persue a name change. However, in order to reflect on our past 'roots' we will keep the mailing list for the elite 240z gang and continue our old rules that all posts to the mailing list must be related to a 240z in some fashion. How does that sound? Sorry for the rambling, but, I just finished my coffee and I don't want to work. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-9124 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 20, 200222 yr comment_9125 Mike,Your suggestion is one that I could probably live with. I rely heavily on the mail list for information and secondarily to the forums. The nice thing about the forums is tha you can pick and choose what you want to read.I think there are many more differences in the cars though. The bodies are different: bumpers, doors, interiors, engine compartment differences, and aren't the suspension different to handle the extra weight? Probably a bunch of other stuff that I don't know about, 'cause I'm a 240 guy.Well anyway, if that will help keep the club alive an healthy, I'll bow to your wisdom. I do appreciate keeping the mailing list pure 240Z though.Marty Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-9125 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 21, 200222 yr comment_9205 While the name "Classic Z Club" and expanding our focus to include 260/280Z's may have some benefit. I prefer to retain the original 240Z specific focus. Of course, that may be due to my complete lack of interest in 280Z's. While there are outward similarities between the 240 & 280, there are many significant differences under the sheetmetal.Just my $.02Carl Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-9205 Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 22, 200222 yr comment_9211 I really like the feel of this club it's much more relaxed and close nit than IZCC, what's more it's focused on early Z's . I myself in my own Z journey have discovered that i am more a 240Z guy than a Z enthusiast. I just don't care for the look of any other Z after the 240, sure i'd take the parts but the bodies just got uglier and uglier. I have to say that i liked being part of a club just for 240's, it's just kinda cool to be part of that crowd. Saying that though as long as the feel of the site doesn't change i can live with almost any name, i'd rather continue to benefit from it than get caught up in what it's called. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/1936-whats-our-club-name/?&page=3#findComment-9211 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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