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Black characters on white background vx 914

From small carpark opposite Richmond RAAF Airbase (NSW) railway line side near Hawkesbury showgrounds

Time; between 6:45pm and 7:15pm Sat. 29th April

Removed from our white VX Commodore sedan

Suspect vehicle is a small sedan, dark colour 4cylinder 4door

Any sightings or help please call crimestoppers 1800 333 000 and/or post here or PM me!

Had a great afternoon at the show with the kids, back to the car....unlit very dark carpark, took a few minutes to finish a phonecall and load up the car. As I'm on the phone I took a few aimless, wandering mobile phonecall type steps toward the car parked beside us (only other car in the place) It started up ..no lights, backed away. Whoever was in the car had been sitting there, no lights inside or out, very quietly from the time we had approached the carpark and only fired up it's lights as it turned onto Richmond Rd. All things considered , that appeared suspicious to me

Why steal two less than common number plates? Not really a trophy you can show off for too long! They did have covers that would keep an honest person out.

For those wondering, the VX is the model...the 914 is the broadcast or build pack for a Police car, which is what our car once was.

So what have we got ? A hard case trophy hunter? or just a case of it's easier to steal plates than steal a car to be used for ..who knows what?! I want them back one way or another so it's off to the RTA on Monday to enquire about my options....Hmmm, I could check what the go is online I guess.

AAARRgghh ...And to add insult to injury, came out this morning ~5:00am to me trusty '75 Datsun 240K and some Tnuc has smashed the rear quarter window and ransacked the interior.... kuffin' knuckedraggin' backward "T" nucs is what they are:mad:

Looks like a trip to that Riverstone wreckers for a 4Door rear door quarter glass....IF I can ever catch the b*stard open!!

Its not your week, is it.

He probalby had his light off untill he was far away, so you couldnt read his number plates.

If I had custom plates, i'd secure them with machine screw, or allan key head type bolts, and fill the head with filler (or maybe use a small coach-bolt), and give them a coat of black paint . On the other side, id use 2 nuts and lock them together. Would work very well on the rear plate of a Z.

That should discourage all but the most determined thief.

If you ever needed to remove them you could dig the filler out.

dirty stinking s'tnuc.

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