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ZCCA Judging


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Stock means stock and aftermarket wheels are not considered stock. Depending on the judge and the condition of the rest of your class, you may end up with a ten point deduction. Watch out for even replacement parts because stock in the purest sense means correct replacement parts for the year. The ZCCA has been getting lenient over cost issues of correct tires, hoses, batteries, etc. however there are plenty of guys competing with the correct parts. It all depends on the judges. If it were me, and there was someone in your class with the correct stuff, I would mark a deduction. If everyone in the stock class had aftermarket wheels, for instance, I would not mark a deduction and just judge the wheels for cleanliness. I can say this for certain, though. You should get less of a deduction for bad looking stock wheels than brand new aftermarket wheels. I judged stock 240 and 280 at the convention last year. Will I be seeing you in Dallas?

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Stock is the hardest class to get a high point score in as it means just what it says; stock means stock.

While 26th might not deduct points if everyone had aftermarket wheels in stock I would and so would most judges. He would be wrong to think that just because everyone else was jumping off the bridge it was okay.

I would look very carefully over your entire Z and verify if the wheels are really the only parts that aren't stock. Do a count and determine if you might be better off in a modified class instead. You will be allowed to make a change in class at the convention but if you know this week email them.

Good Luck!

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