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it is what you can expect :)

Did I mention that im pretty darn close to Motorsport auto as well...

so I can get and install parts on my way to work that you might wish to have

replaced after painting

My work is located 3 miles from MSA. :) I work right up Glassell by Meats.

Having MSA so close is fantastic. I can buy parts for my car with cash and not have a paper trace for my wife to see (and track how much I have actually been spending).

My work is located 3 miles from MSA. :) I work right up Glassell by Meats.

Having MSA so close is fantastic. I can buy parts for my car with cash and not have a paper trace for my wife to see (and track how much I have actually been spending).

nice :)


I'm going to post my rant, because I got my car painted at the pinebrook, nj maaco last year and I am still wildly pissed about it.

I went to the shop and thought I did everything right. I looked at other cars in the lot, they looked good, I thought they could handle the work. I'm guessing he steered my cars that he knew were good or were thier own project cars.

I forget what package I got but it cost me $700 here's my gripes:

I forget the name of the color, but I picked a silver blue from a peterbuilt feet list. the guy SWEARS to me its the same color but by all that's holy it has a purple tinge to it that's just not right.

I have never seen a coat of paint so thin. I understand wanting to control overhead, but a second coat of cheap-crap Sherwin Williams paint wouldn't have put Maaco in poor house, would it?

they painted the left door handle but not the right one

they painted the mirrors when explicitly told not to.

they DID NOT EVEN CLEAN the car before painting it. didnt' even wipe it down. there are fish eyes and finger print marks on the driver side fender wheel well, and dirt in the paint

there is a drip in the paint on the driver side rear quarter panel.

there is a 'touch' on the passenger side door where its pretty obvious the painter hit the wet paint with the hose from the gun.

and my personal favorite:

I guess they unbolted the hood and lifted it up a bit to get all the tight spots between the hood and fedners. I don't know if this is Maaco S.O.P. but forgetting to BOLT THE HOOD BACK DOWN probably isn't. It was real nice to drive home and have my hood flop all over the place until I find only one (1) hand tight bolt in one of the hinges.

I took the car back with my complaints and the guy is like "well what do you expect from a Maaco paint job?" nice. good attitude, jerk.

any time anyone asks me what I think of Maaco, or I see a post on line, I make sure to share my experience. I would have been better off leaving the truck in primer and burning my money. the world would have been better off if I had thrown that burning money into the solvents cabinet at Maaco and blocked off the street with my primered truck to keep the firetrucks away.

far and away the WORST quality of work I have EVER seen, and I'm speaking from the unique perspective of a structural bridge engineer who does failure forensics. if there's haphazard or shoddy work out there, I've seen it.

jackboxxx, you seem like stand-up shop owner, and I'm sorry if I offended you, but i have a very low opinion any franchise that can't control it's quality from one shop to the next.

jackboxxx, you seem like stand-up shop owner, and I'm sorry if I offended you, but i have a very low opinion any franchise that can't control it's quality from one shop to the next.

Im not offended, and Im going to attempt to help you if I can,

1st i must say that you cant really blame the parent company, for the bad business practices of a franchisee, Maaco is quite through in its screening process of owners, and in the specifics of the franchise agreement, (how you are supposed to conduct business) but once you are on your own in your shop, Its very hard for maaco corporate to see ALL you do...or dont do on a daily basis...

The certification process of maaco standards has only been in effect for the last 3 years or so and, there are MANY "older" long time owners out there that are resisting the whole certification thing. ( they just dont want to change thier way of doing things...)

You do have options available to you, every maaco shop has a district manager, regional director, corporate operations manager, to answer to,

The corporate office has a dept. to handle these kinds of problems...

and you should have a warranty from Maaco as well. What can happen is you could be sent to another maaco shop to do the painting properly, then the orginal shop will have to pay the other shop for its time fixxing thier mistakes.

But this sounds like a touchy issue that needs to be handled thru the corporate office...

could you PM me or email me with a copy of the invoice and contact information and I'll make sure the right people get your info and get you taken care of. my email is below.




My car is at the stage where the rust repair is complete, about $3000. That included welding in half rear quarter panel and dog leg plus wheel-well repair; dog-leg on other side, small 4"x4" floor patch and two new Nissan front fenders. Oh yeah, the rear hatch sill and underneath it. Now, to complete the real body shop job, will consist of removing body hardware, removing headlight buckets and fenders, strip all paint off the car, repair/replace any old bodywork, then the standard priming/sanding/painting of my original color except in base coat - clear coat. Oh forgot to add, removal and installation of windshield and hatch glass.

Total estimate = $4800.

thus $7800 total invested in body, for very nice paint job with Glasurit paint. The painter owns a 280Z and has painted many Zs.

Sigh... I So miss my gold 240...I bartered with a shop called "One a day" paint and body back when I did Auto Sound Systems..and traded for a

base clear redo of my gold paint...heres the only pic I have left..this was well..my son in the pic is now 18yrs old...so like 10 years ago.

Post some pics of that Z when your done Bryan! sounds like its gonna be awesome!


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