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I'm not sure how many have seen this post in the Race Announcements, but there's t-shirts and raffle tickets for sale from the Pinks Race Team. Here's the thread with the info:

ClassicZCars.Com Pinks Raffle Link

We still need to sell some tickets so everyone willing to put a little forward for a chance at a lot please do so. Your chances are better than the lotto!

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Naviathan, considering that people can check the threads that have been active in the last 24 hours, starting a new thread to draw attention to the old one could be considered SPAM. Face it: not everybody shares your enthusiasm for the car being built for Pinks.

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I understand that, if you don't care then don't post a response. It's not spam, although it is kind of phishing. I'm just trying to get anyone that may not already know about it or anyone that's new and hasn't seen the post yet. Never know what you can come up with. Ever one ticket helps us out a lot. We're really close and need to get there.

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