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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't delete this thread, Mike, we can use it for other comments, like


All they have is a bunch of attitude-saturated jerks, who aren't even ready to race! Even on TV shows like Junkyard Wars they are ready to go on race day, and with the exception of a little pre-race tinkering, they go at it with whatever is left.

Even that tuner-racing show was better. At least they were ready by race day.

If you went to the local drag strip, would you get a 40-minute delay because something was wrong? NO!! If you got 5 minute from an extended commercial break you'd be lucky.

I don't care if they gotta fill the whole 30- minute time slot with whatever junk they can get, the show is about "run what ya brung" and not "No wait... My engine is not right..."

And they try to act like professional racers or people serious about winning. I'm sure "our" team is serious- or at least properly prepared.

I'm almost afraid to watch the July 12th show because the car our guys prepared is probably better tuned than the one by "the other guys." and who knows what dramatic crap the shows "script writers" made up that you wouldn't see on any drag strip- let alone a road course. In fact, I BET any of the road racers here could drive their car to that drag site, race & WIN, and drive home straight away!



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I agree with tomohawk. I couldn't wait for this show to hit the air. Then I watched a few shows and realized how bad it was. All they do is argue. If you have the faster car why would you give the other guy a chance to win? He should have built a bit more speed. Just my opinion.

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They try to equilize things by having the faster guy turn off the Nitrous (or whatever) on race day, but he was selected in the first place even though his winning reputation was BECAUSE OF that stuff! It's like having Micheal Schumacher having to win an F1 race on a bicycle instead of using his Ferrari! Or like being at a "Battle of the Bands" and having a losing band say "We want some time because Ted can't get the high notes on his guitar solo." LOL

So you have two racers on the track, one with an advantage, and they argue about it to get one to give it up? I think not.

If the show sponsors want to make the show interesting, they should first give the (underdog) some $$ to equalize the cars, and on race day, you either RACE OR LOSE.

Unless they can think up a REAL way to make things fair or even.


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In case you want more info on the SHOW:


Do you think we can at least know the name of the guys racing? You can look up the time it shows.

From the Shows Schedule page:

07/04/06 7:30 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14

07/05/06 9:00 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14

07/05/06 9:30 pm An Unexpected Offer TV-PG

07/05/06 11:00 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14

07/05/06 11:30 pm An Unexpected Offer TV-PG

07/05/06 1:00 am Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14

07/05/06 1:30 am An Unexpected Offer TV-PG

07/06/06 8:00 am Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14

07/06/06 8:30 am An Unexpected Offer TV-PG

07/08/06 5:00 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14

07/08/06 5:30 pm An Unexpected Offer TV-PG

07/11/06 7:30 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14

07/12/06 9:00 pm An Unexpected Offer TV-PG

07/12/06 9:30 pm

07/12/06 11:30 pm

07/12/06 1:30 am


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Hit the mute button and find something else to do while the "teams" argue.

I've actually watched the show twice, observed it a couple other times and now I don't even bother with it.

I agree entirely w/ TomoHawk...be prepared or be gone, none of this whining bull. It is a completely worthless show.

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I have only seen PINKS once on TV and that was after hearing that the Hybrid Z car would be racing on the show.

I was suprised by the format. They billed it as 'just like illegal pinks street races'. I really thought it was a 'run what ya brung' kinda show. I guess that they need to fill a full 30 minutes, but it would have been better to feature each car for 5 minutes (show tests, the build up, what it has, what it's dyno numbers are) then 5 minutes of the actual race.

As my friend put it, "Your 96' Nissan Sentra could beat a Ferrari Enzo on that show, it's all about negotiation of car links". He was right. You are almost better off bringing a junk yard car there and racing it (if they would let you). I mean you would be out all of 500 bucks!, but could win one sweet ride.

I guess in the end it is usually who gets suckered into giving up to many, or not taking enough links.

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Maybe it is "kinda" like street races. Before a race, the two racers/teams talk or negotiate any offset in starts, then race, and more negotiating. This is what the show is about. Usually one guy has a big advantage, like nitrous or a trurbo, compated to the other car, without. Maybe one car will have a problem, giving the other an advantage. So in all "fairness," the negotiating is allowed ( and takes up time!) and there's your drama; the one ca's advantage, some breakdowns, negotiating, and 3 18 second races.

Without all the "extra stuff" the whole show would last (3x20 seconds) or 1 minute! LOL

Obviously, the HybridZ turbo-V8 Z has a perfect day, unless they depended on the car's clock to get time places on time. LOL

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