I have been spending alot of time at the carshows around here.
In talking with other ppl (street rod ppl) they have nothing but respect and fun storys about the 240s they have had or run.
This says alot about the car for these are hard ppl to get respect from with A import.
I would also like to say if you are looking into doing up A early Z go to some shows and talk about it. You will find alot of these ppl know lots of proven tricks there happy to share with you.
I have been spending alot of time at the carshows around here.
In talking with other ppl (street rod ppl) they have nothing but respect and fun storys about the 240s they have had or run.
This says alot about the car for these are hard ppl to get respect from with A import.
I would also like to say if you are looking into doing up A early Z go to some shows and talk about it. You will find alot of these ppl know lots of proven tricks there happy to share with you.
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