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Hi Guys:

I have to say that it's refreshing to see at least a few brave people, that refuse be silenced when poked by Politically Correct daggers.

When we all wake up to the fact that social problems will only be addressed and solved - when what is honestly said, is more important than silence. Of course if you don't want it said at all, then throw the PC daggers at will. They are nicely packaged as high minded slogans, and thus conveniently thrown.

No matter how you cut it - the disaster in New Orleans was a black eye on all of us. It is important to define the effects, but more so to get to the route causes.

Proof that 50 years of "the Great Society" has been a very costly and huge failure for the American People. Proof that "we the people" have completely lost both control of, as well as any ability to hold our Government, at all levels, accountable for their actions.

After he left office some 210 years ago, George Washington attempted to warn us that the downfall of our power to control our destiny as free and independent people, would begin when we started putting either geographic divisions or political party ahead of our unity as American's.

While his Farewell Address is difficult to follow today, given the Old English style of writing - its meaning and its warnings to us are clear as a bell. - if only we would take the time to read it. <a href=http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/democrac/49.htm TARGET=NEW> See Farewell </a>

The sad truth is that we have all been drinking the Kool-Aid from the mass media and the two Political Parties for far too long. The real question is; are we now too poisoned by it, to recover as "One Nation, with Liberty and Justice For All." or to reestablish a government of, by and for the people?

Feel free to bicker among yourselves while Rome burns... Political Power is gained and wealth amassed if you can keep everyone else fighting over the bones you throw them. Like Michael More said; "isn't it wonderful that the wealthy have two Political Parties to take care of them".

So suit up - put on that Red or Blue Party Jersey - and like the fanatic spectators at a World Class Soccer Game - feel free to bludgeon one another with a full head of "Team Spirit"... But for goodness sakes, realize that you aren't really a Team Member, nor really a Player... Just another stupid dupe that's been convinced to root for one Party Team or another, while they both make money off the game.

At my age, I'll be checking out soon... but my heart is heavy at the future prospects for our grandchildren, although also encouraged when people wake up and start telling it like it is... hope springs eternal.


Carl B.

Honorary Lt. Governor of the Great State of Ohio

Intern To The United States Senator of the Great State of Alaska

Block Leader for the "Neighbors For Nixon" Campaign

Yes I was young, worn the Party Jersey and drank the Kool-Aid.... fool me once shame on you.. fool me twice, shame on me.

It's not the sentiment of the video that is disturbing, it's the repugnancy with which the message was delivered. You want to talk about crime rates and social ills since the hurricane I'll do that all day long, but by portraying ALL of the people in New Orleans as criminals or even monkeys the video loses relevance to the discussion of social ills, but gains relevance to hate propaganda. I bet that video is pretty popular with the white sheet crowd if you get my meaning. I'm not blind to the reality of the situation going on in the south, but watching that video does more to polarize the issue then it does to bring any sort of greater understanding of the situation. I don't think that the intent of the movie was to bring understanding though. I think the intent was to insult and belittle, and that's why I find it disgusting.

Amen to that Jmortensen, and it just eats at me everytime i see something of this matter. Its undeniably funny how some people of a certain crowd can stay in the past. Sure, there are still persons of my ethinic that are arrogant, ignorant and just plain act in a unreasonble matter (trust me I know I have to deal with it everyday), but you can tie everyone in one group. Yes, it is true that lots scamed FEMA out of millions and then blame everything on the president and the mayor, but come on. I dont see how you can laugh and then agree and something so disgusting. Furthermore, it is very fustrating how someone could post such a video when we have a younger crowd on this forum and then try to cover it up by saying

A good twist to a old song..
. I guess this is what America evolved into or at least the people who made this video they are nothing more than what they called the people of New Oreleans Monkeys.
But for goodness sakes, realize that you aren't really a Team Member, nor really a Player... Just another stupid dupe that's been convinced to root for one Party Team or another, while they both make money off the game.QUOTE]

Bingo....Carl. I am glad you said that. I have been asking myself lately ....What the Hell is going on? I can't buy any of it from the system. I feel like I am in the 60's again.... I am having flashbacks of my youthful distrust for the media, government and the intentions of so called political groups.

I have shed my political colors and am shirtless in political no mans land .... give me my Z project, Speed Channel, Discovery Channel and Sirius Radio.

The rest is an endless merry go round of stress filled insanity and until I see "the people" willing to take back our government to somewhere even close to Washington's ideals.... I will keep my "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging on the door.

Amen to that Jmortensen, and it just eats at me every time i see something of this matter. Its undeniably funny how some people of a certain crowd can stay in the past. Sure, there are still persons of my ethnic that are arrogant, ignorant and just plain act in a unreasonable matter (trust me I know I have to deal with it everyday), but you can tie everyone in one group. Yes, it is true that lots scammed FEMA out of millions and then blame everything on the president and the mayor, but come on. I dont see how you can laugh and then agree and something so disgusting. Furthermore, it is very fustrating how someone could post such a video when we have a younger crowd on this forum and then try to cover it up by saying . I guess this is what America evolved into or at least the people who made this video they are nothing more than what they called the people of New Oreleans Monkeys.

It eats at me also... every time I see scenes of how many people responded to their legitimate need for food and water by looting electronic stores, jewelry stores etc... along with an element in law enforcement.

Just as it eats at me about the racism and prejudices that exist in most all ethnics.

It's a bit like the chicken and the egg thing... Which came first? The behavior or the reaction to the behavior?

In this case we are seeing a repugnant reaction to some repugnant behavior.

It's about choices...and until some start making better choices and eliminating the victim status their choices put them in.... the racist repugnants will come up with their demeaning depictions.

Ken And JM, Im sorry to say this And i know i will be flogged for it but somebody has to.

We hired 17 peaple from N.O. They all worked for about a week and where all fired for stealing. 8 of them then turned around and tried to sue for racial discrimination (sp). Since the storm hit our crime rate has more then doubled. Peaple here used to go to bed and leave their doors open at night. At work you didnt evan have to put the windows up on your car.

Now, rape is up by 25% theft up by 30% and murder is up by 15%.

If my house got blown away by a Tornado would you let me stay with you for a year? I dont think so.

The peaple that are from around here are ready for the evacs to leave. I for one am tired of hearing peaple say its only becouse we are white and they arnt. Im sick of feeding nd houseing them, so they can turn around and steal from us.

Peaple will argue their points all day long as long as they want. But it will change nothing.

I understand you about them being in your town taking up jobs and space and causing havoc I get enough of it here. Just because im of that color too I get grouped in with them, but what dont like is how V8 posted this video to bring ruckuss on a topic that has been discussed too much and we the members of the forum fell for it. Did you notice that he hasn't left one comment yet hes proabably laughing some where behind his computer screen.

Back on topic those people or thugs , criminals any name you want to give them probably will never move back to N.O some of them at least if they change the living environment and go up on living so I feel sorry for what you nice people in other states have to go through.

Ken And JM, Im sorry to say this And i know i will be flogged for it but somebody has to.

We hired 17 peaple from N.O. They all worked for about a week and where all fired for stealing. 8 of them then turned around and tried to sue for racial discrimination (sp). Since the storm hit our crime rate has more then doubled. Peaple here used to go to bed and leave their doors open at night. At work you didnt evan have to put the windows up on your car.

Now, rape is up by 25% theft up by 30% and murder is up by 15%.

If my house got blown away by a Tornado would you let me stay with you for a year? I dont think so.

The peaple that are from around here are ready for the evacs to leave. I for one am tired of hearing peaple say its only becouse we are white and they arnt. Im sick of feeding nd houseing them, so they can turn around and steal from us.

Peaple will argue their points all day long as long as they want. But it will change nothing.

I don't have any problem with that post at all. If it was set to a song and included a bunch of racist allegories then I might take issue.

As we are all aware, there are good folks and bad folks of every race, color and creed. And Bill, I WOULD let you live with me if your house got destroyed. BUT, you live by my rules or you're out the door. Simple as that.

There are rules everywhere and some people think the rules don't apply to them. That right there is what ticks me off the most. If you're a law breaker, and you get caught, you pay the price. I don't give a rat's A$$ where you're from or what color you are. Damn it, the blood's still red.

We all know the difference from right and wrong. But again, some just don't care.

Racism, hatred and bigotry are LEARNED behaviors. We must unteach what some have learned. It has to start there.

Now, that said, you're all invited over to my place for BBQ, beer and being KIND to one another.

Chris A.

As we are all aware, there are good folks and bad folks of every race, color and creed. And Bill, I WOULD let you live with me if your house got destroyed. BUT, you live by my rules or you're out the door. Simple as that.

There are rules everywhere and some people think the rules don't apply to them. That right there is what ticks me off the most. If you're a law breaker, and you get caught, you pay the price. I don't give a rat's A$$ where you're from or what color you are. Damn it, the blood's still red.

We all know the difference from right and wrong. But again, some just don't care.

Racism, hatred and bigotry are LEARNED behaviors. We must unteach what some have learned. It has to start there.

Now, that said, you're all invited over to my place for BBQ, beer and being KIND to one another.

Chris A.

Thats what i was trying to say, they dont follow the rules so why are they here?

What kinda bbq? If your having ribs ill bring the Dew...

You know, thinking about this more, it appears to me to be directed at African Americans/Blacks. The funny thing where I live is that statistically, Nebraska has more WHITE families in trouble than any other race.

Now you may then think, "well Nebraska must be a "white" state". Not true, Omaha and Lincoln have high populations of non-white ethnic groups. And the next big cities of Grand Island, Norfolk, Scottsbluff, North Platte, Columbus are not far behind.

I know this because I have a friend who is a case worker with the state and they told me so.

The ethnic families are the least troublesome and the most law-abiding. Their kids go to school and don't become truancy cases. They're not hopped up on meth or alcoholics.

My point again is this, there are good and bad everywhere. Doesn't matter what color or gender or age.

Chris A.

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