July 28, 200618 yr comment_176364 I would venture a guess to say that not all of the minorities have avoided meth or alcohol in NE. Which begs the question: Is racism that ascribes "good" qualities to a people better than racism that ascribes "bad" qualities?Correct, but the usage for minorities is FAR surpassed by the majority. Why is that? In Nebraska anyway, we don't know.Racism is racism, you can't paint it any other way. Having "good" qualities in the public eye is one thing, because we all know what goes on behind closed doors sometimes. I'm currently reading a series of essays by an author from Indiana about her family. She makes note of the time her father taught their dog to hate a certain color of people. Again, the dog "learned" the behavior. Didn't matter whether the people the dog hated were good or bad. Chris A. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176364 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176393 You know, thinking about this more, it appears to me to be directed at African Americans/Blacks. Chris A.YA....Think ? The same feelings of disdain as far as I am concerned would be directed to any and all... whatever their race, creed or persuasion is. The actions that took place in New Orleans as well as the lawlessness that has accompanied the evacuees to the host communities is not malicious fiction. It is documented verifiable fact. This is not a social study on what race has more family issues or uses more drugs than the other.Right is right and wrong is wrong. It doesn't have a color. It also is a learned behavior along with racism. Instead of attempting to unteach racism and whatever else you think needs untaught.... how about leaving the psycho-babble out and just teach what is right and wrong and the rest will be taken care of. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176393 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176402 The more i think of it, it seems that white people don't notice the white people with the ragged clothes on slumming around at the Astrodome, as much as the black people with the ragged clothes slumming around. You need to keep your focus on what is going on, and not the who- at least until it comes down to just a few people doing the undesireable things.fwiw Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176402 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176406 The more i think of it, it seems that white people don't notice the white people with the ragged clothes on slumming around at the Astrodome, as much as the black people with the ragged clothes slumming around. You need to keep your focus on what is going on, and not the who- at least until it comes down to just a few people doing the undesireable things.fwiwI agree. The rediculous level of politial correctness that is present in modern America, and the UK...and about half of the EU...really manages to get in the way of reality.I'm certainly no racist, my family contains blacks, hispanics and others...I married into it.People have gotten so used to media coverage and america's official hobby, the lawsuit, that EVERYTHING, no matter how innocent gets blown out of proportion.While it's true that this video seems to poke only at blacks, that's because either there are no photos available showing other races looting and such, or because the author is racially motivated. There were white people there as much as anyone else, and evacs were provided via bus to the poor communities, but in most cases, the individuals decided to stay for one reason or another.I shouldn't have to turn on my TV and see the Rear-End Jesse Jackass blame white people for creating a hurricane to "keep the black man down." Why can blacks and hispanics bitch and complain and say everything's racially motivated when white people can't?I work for a major telecommunications company, and they STRIVE to uphold a high level of "diversity" in the workplace. I've seen on several occassions promotions and such go to blacks, hispanics, asians, middle-easterners and indians while white workers are laid off. In a contest between a well trained white employee that has been with the company for 10 years and a lesser able african employee, 9 times of 10 the company will side with the black employee while laying off the white one. You see, by maintaining high "diversity" this company gets gov't tax breaks worth a pretty penny, PLUS they look GREAT in the public eye...but the bottom line is it's simply REVERSE racism.If you don't think white people are discriminated against, answer this question: Why can (for example) a black man claim a white man beat him up and it's prosecuted as a hate crime, and if a white man is attacked by a black man, it's simply assault?Why can black people march for better conditions and more jobs and more wellfare, but when white people do it, it's a Klan rally?In the effort to create equal rights for everyone, those that were formerly the majority (whites that aren't well-off) are now somehow less important as people.Again...I AM NOT RACIST! But c'mon people...we're ALL PEOPLE! I shouldn't be able to say that I'm being racially judged, and neither should anyone else...white, black or otherwise...and what's more, we shouldn't HAVE to. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176406 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176407 We're starting to stray, but the whole IDEA of a "hate crime" really pisses me off. Why is it worse to MURDER a minority? It should be equally bad to MURDER anyone. Treating people differently is unjust, didn't we learn that from Brown v Board of Education??? Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176407 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176410 We're starting to stray, but the whole IDEA of a "hate crime" really pisses me off. Why is it worse to MURDER a minority? It should be equally bad to MURDER anyone. Treating people differently is unjust, didn't we learn that from Brown v Board of Education???The problem with the judicial system, and the world in general, is that word you used.MINORITYBecause of it, somehow certain people and politicians (which aren't people at all, am I right) come up with this idea that laws need to be made to protect minorities from the majority...which in this country is white people...apparently.The problem is now that emmigates don't come from the EU like they used to, they come from all those OTHER countries that we've labeled as "minorities." Suddenly the majority has become the minority itself, but unlike the others, has no legal method to protect itself.The gov't really needs to do away with this minority crap and get on the business of making America great for ALL people, because that's what that old piece of paper says to do. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176410 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176417 Just to add another note to the same tune being played. We here on the LEFT COAST are having the same problems only instead of the people from N.O. it's the illeagals from south of the border , from Mexico . For the past two years, at least, it is a daily news item of a rape , burglary, or robbery and assault. Nearly always it is a hispanic that is the perp. Time and time again. We are flooded with illeagals here in Oregon . And we are feeling the destruction of our way of life. Our kids graduating High School cannot find jobs , the same with the construction industry. Things are starting to unravel . Like Carl Beck I lament the future of our grandchildren and our country. Gary:ermm: Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176417 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176418 This country really is in sad shape, but because of lawsuits and the need to be PC, nothing can really be done about it.For example, look at all the illegals that have been protesting and being proud of thier illegal status. The gov't should have swooped in and rounded them up and shipped them home, but they didn't because they are afraid of the backlash.But it really burns me when an illegal stands up (as they did here in Chicago several times as of late) and complain that our immigration laws violate thier rights...YOU DON'T HAVE ANY! YOU'RE NOT A CITIZEN! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!America's job as the foremost world power is coming to a close. The administration has hurt ties with practically all other nations and the will of the US is mocked worldwide. We've gone from a position of kind overseer to spoiled child, crying that we aren't getting our way, because we're America, dammit!How can we return to a respected player in the world if we can't even keep our home front from becoming a 3rd world nation? Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176418 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176421 Kelly I agree but I think we have beat this to death here . Nuff said Gary Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176421 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176428 Yeah,Having read through this thread, I'm afraid that most of the comments made also apply to the Land of Oz. Sad to say but nonetheless true.One problem with being a mouldy oldy is that we can remember better times.Rick.:devious: :devious: Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176428 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 29, 200618 yr comment_176437 Kelly I agree but I think we have beat this to death here . Nuff said GaryAye. I think I'm starting to crush my soapbox anyway.*steps off*And now for something completely different. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176437 Share on other sites More sharing options...
July 30, 200618 yr comment_176487 For the record, I was not being "politically correct" when I made my comments regarding the video being "in poor taste". And that is definietely the first time I have ever been accused of being politically correct. I simply can't stand racism and the ignorant ****s that perpetuate it. Racism is racism is racism and that was definietly more focused on the message of racism than any other message. Did we watch the same video?The spirit behind my comment was that racism serves no real purpose in the conveyance of the message at the forefront of the video, and only serves to denigrate black americans as a whole. In case you didn't notice, the monkey in the video isn't a resident of New Orleans who was caught on camera looting during the disaster. He was a symbol of contempt for all people black, not just those who were looting.I am not blind to the fact that there are a lot of problems being caused by some of the people who were displaced, maybe even a majority of them, but the fact that most of them are black is irrelevent in my mind. A criminal is a criminal, white, black, red or yellow.Regards,Super Pinko Liberal from Santa Cruz.....NOT! Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/20970-the-battle-of-new-orleans/?&page=3#findComment-176487 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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