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Triple Weber Downdrafts?


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I found a guy who sold his Z and wants to sell the triple Weber setup...cheap. So, after a couple of emails back and forth I find the triples aren't sidedrafts but 32/36 downdrafts! I couldn't find any info doing a search so I thought I'd ask the collective Z brain trust - is this setup decent or am I asking for trouble if I get these things and slap them on an L28? And by trouble I mean sync issues, poor drivability not to mention economy.





My project if far from being complete so it's not like I'll be needing or using them tomorrow but if the price is right are they a good buy?



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I don't think those are all three from the same car. The two outer ones look like the typical Cannon dual Weber conversion, they bolt to the existing manifolds. The inner one is from something else.

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The inner one appears to be on manifold designed for a MGB which, ironically, will fit an E1 or J series Datsun 4 cylinder. The two outer ones and their manifolds, as Arne said, appear to be for a Z. I don't think there is a manifold anywhere that would allow you to put three of those on a Z. Unless it was custom made. IMO, leave them all wherever they are.

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So I guess I wasn't too nuts when I questioned him about a triple weber downdraft setup.

It pays to ask the collective Z braintrust.

You all are great. Thanks for your help. And I'll politely pass on these.

Now, all I have to do is finish my project car within my budget of $1000.:stupid:



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