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Hello everyone. It's my first time starting a thread.

My name is Eiji, I'm a member of Nothern VA Z club.

My buddy and I are planning on a little Datsun cruise trip to Shenandoah

on 9/2 (sat) the labor day weekend.

We will probablly meet in Centerville/Manassas/Gainsville in the mid

morning, then head out to Shenandoah valley. We may go to one of the

Shennandoa Park's free parking lot (Panorama?) and eat dogs/burgers, there, do a little car show (just looking at cars), cruise around on Skyline Drive, and stop at gift shop(s) to buy apple butter and/or other VA local gift stuff on the way back.

Any interests? Please let your other Northen VA/Southern MD Datsun friends

know about it. Not only S30Z, but also S130Z, 510, 620, 720, or other Datsun cars and trucks, or old Japanese motorcycles (i.e. Honda CB, etc) are welcome. Bring friends/wife/family/etc and have fun.

Date: 9/2 (if rain, 9/3)

Time: 10:00am

Place: TBA (somewhere near route 66 or 495, depends on who attends)

Contact: Eiji Hosomi (RUDEL87@hotmail.com)

Feel free to pass this along. Thanks!



Another reminder about 9/2 ShenandoahValley Datsun Tour.

We will meet at Virginia Rest Area on Rt-66 at mile marker 48 at 10:00am on 9/2. Currently, 8 people (8 S30Zs) have expressed interest.

Other Datsun cars are welcome.

Anyone else interested? Please contact me: RUDEL87@hotmail.com

Dang, I miss one club meeting, and I don't hear about this. I'm not sure if I can get my car done in time to show up.


Don't worry about finishing your Z. Maybe both of us can show up in our MA70 Supras? We could explain by saying that we are the offical 'spares' vehicles? As it turns out I may not have enough time to get the only running Z before the cruise. The only other running Z that I have has a bad fan blower switch or blower motor? If not I may try to make the cruise with the '72 Celica?


The problem is that the clutch in the Supra is angry at me and demands the replacement of the Master & Slave Cylinders. Can you imagine that they gave out after only 168,000 miles? Toyota should recall them. If I ever get to another club meeting, you should ask me to tell you about re-torquing the head gasket on the Supra.

By the way, if you ever mess up the top of a head bolt on the Supra, I have just the tool to help you remove it...


Go figure!

My Supra had a similar story:

After sitting in a field for three years at the original owner's farm he decided to sell it in 2004 after owning it since Oct. '87. At 148k miles the original clutch hydraulics decided mutiny was their best course of action. I thought for sure the original clutch would be up for replacement but now at 160k it is still working just fine.

The big job was the replacement of the original vlave cover gasket at 146k. Even this was not bad. The original spark plug wires were replaced w/ NGK's as well as the spark plugs and dist. cap and rotor. I would like to be the owner that gets to never change spark plug wires in a 17 year period!

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