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I have put together a cheat sheet for all to you. Use this sheet when you need to understand when someone abbreviates a phase and you do not know what it stands for. Now my no means is this list complete. If you knwo of additional items let me know and I will update the list and replublish it for all..

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Datsun FAQ Acronym Page

DRCV distributor retard control valve

A/C air conditioning

A/F air/fuel ratio

A/T automatic transmission or transaxle

ABS antilock brake system

AC air cleaner

AC alternating current

AERA Automotive Engine Rebuilders Assn.

AFM air flow meter

AIR secondary air injection

API American Petroleum Institute

ASE Automotive Service Excellence

ATC after top center

ATDC after top dead center

ATF automatic transmission fluid

ATMC Automotive Training Managers Council

AWD all-wheel drive

B+ battery positive voltage

BARO barometric pressure

BAT battery

BHP brake horsepower

BPS barometric pressure sensor (Ford & Nissan)

BPT back-pressure transducer

BTC before top center

BTDC before top dead center

Btu British thermal units

C Celsius

CAAT Council of Advanced Automotive Trainers

CAC charge air cooler

CAFE corporate average fuel economy

CALPAK calibration pack

CARB California Air Resources Board

CAS crank angle sensor

CC catalytic converter

CC cubic centimeters

CCOT clutch cycling orifice tube

CCV canister control valve

CDI = Capacitive Discharge Ignition

CEAB cold engine air bleed

CECU central electronic control unit (Nissan)

CESS cold engine sensor switch

CFC Chlorofluorocarbons

CFI continuous fuel injection

cfm cubic feet per minute

CID cubic inch displacement

CKP crankshaft position sensor

CKP REF crankshaft reference

CL closed loop

CMP camshaft position sensor

CMP REF camshaft reference

CO carbon monoxide

CO2 carbon dioxide

COP = coil on plug

COP Coil On Plug ignition

CPP clutch pedal position

CPU central processing unit

CTOX continuous trap oxidizer

CTP closed throttle position

CTS = Coolant Temperature Sensor

CTVS choke thermal vacuum switch

DB decibels

DC direct current

DEPS digital engine position sensor

DFCO decel fuel cut-off mode

DFI direct fuel injection

DLC data link connector

DOHC dual overhead cams

DOT Department of Transportation

DTC diagnostic trouble code

DTM diagnostic test mode

DVDSV differential vacuum delay and separator valve

DVDV distributor vacuum delay valve

DVOM digital volt ohm meter

E=EFI Motor Used on the end of Motor type Eg l28E

EBC = Electronic Boost Control

EBCM electronic brake control module

EBTCM electronic brake traction control module

EC engine control

ECA electronic control assembly

ECCS Electronic Concentrated Control System (Nissan)

ECL engine coolant level

ECM engine control module

ECT engine coolant temperature

EDI(S) = Electronic Distributor less Ignition, add an "S" and it stands for System

EEPROM electronically erasable programmable read only memory chip

EFC electronic fuel control

EFE = early fuel evaporation

EFI electronic fuel injection

EGR = Exhaust Gas Re-circulation

EGR exhaust gas recalculation

EGRT EGR temperature

EI electronic ignition

EM engine modification

EMI electromagnetic interference

EOS exhaust oxygen sensor

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

EPROM erasable programmable read only memory chip

EVAP evaporative emission system

F Fahrenheit

FC fan control

FEEPROM flash electrically erasable programmable read only memory

FF flexible fuel

FI = Fuel injection

FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

FP fuel pump

FPROM flash erasable programmable read only memory

FT fuel trim

Ft.lb. foot pound

FTP federal test procedure

FUBAR F--ked Up Beyond All Repair

FWD front-wheel drive

Gal gallon

GCM governor control module

GEN generator

GND ground

GPM grams per mile

H20 water

HC hydrocarbon

HEGO heated exhaust gas oxygen sensor

Hg mercury

HO2S heated oxygen sensor

HO2S1 upstream heated oxygen sensor

HO2S2 up or downstream heated oxygen sensor

HO2S3 downstream heated oxygen sensor

HP = Horse Power

HVAC heating ventilation and air conditioning system

HVS high voltage switch

I/M inspection/maintenance

I/P instrument panel

IA intake air

IAC idle air control

IAT intake air temperature

IC = Intercooler

IC ignition control circuit

IC integrated circuit

ICM ignition control module

ID inside diameter

IFI indirect fuel injection

IFS inertia fuel shutoff

IGN ignition

IIIBDFI If it isn't broke don't fix it

IM240 inspection/maintenance 240 program

IPC instrument panel cluster

ISC idle speed control

ISO International Standards Organization

KHz kilohertz

KISS Keep It Simple Stupid!

KM kilometers

KOEC key on, engine cranking

KOEO key on, engine off

KOER key on, engine running

KPa kilopascals

KS knock sensor

KSM knock sensor module

KV kilovolts

L liters

L24=Naturally Aspirated 2.4 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 240Z

L26=Naturally Aspirated 2.6 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 260Z

L26E=Naturally Aspirated 2.6 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 260Z

L28E=Naturally Aspirated 2.8 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 280Z

L28ET=Turbo Charged 2.8 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 280ZX

LB. ft. pound feet

LCA = lower control arm

LCD liquid crystal display

LED light emitting diode

LTFT long term fuel trim

MACS Mobile Air Conditioning Society

MAF = Mass Air Flow (meter/sensor)

MAF mass airflow sensor

MAMA Midwest Automotive Media Assn.

MAP manifold absolute pressure sensor

MAT manifold air temperature

MC mixture control

MDP manifold differential pressure

MFI multiport fuel injection

MIL malfunction indicator lamp

MM millimeters

MPFI multi point fuel injection

MPG miles per gallon

MPH miles per hour

MPI multi port injection

MS = Mega Squirt

MS millisecond

MSDS material safety data sheet

MSnS-E = Mega Squirt n Spark-Extra

MST manifold surface temperature

mV mill volts

MVZ manifold vacuum zone

NA = Normally Aspirated

NACAT National Assn. of College Automotive Teachers

NATEF National Automotive Technician's Education Foundation

NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Nm Newton meters

NOX oxides of nitrogen

NVRAM nonvolatile random access memory

O2S oxygen sensor

OBD I onboard diagnostics generation one

OBD II onboard diagnostics, second generation

OBD onboard diagnostics

OC oxidation catalyst

OD outside diameter

ODM output device monitor

OE original equipment

OEM original equipment manufacture

OHC = over head cam

OHC overhead cam

OL open loop

OS oxygen sensor

OSC oxygen sensor storage

P/B power brakes

P/N part number

PAIR pulsed secondary air injection

PCM power train control module (supercedes ECM)

PCV = Positive Crankcase Ventilation

PCV positive crankcase ventilation

PECV power enrichment control valve

PERA Production Engine Rebuilders Assn.

PNP park/neutral switch

PPM parts per million

PROM program read only memory computer chip

PS power steering

PSA pressure switch assembly

PSI pounds per square inch

PSP power steering pressure

pt. pint

PTOX periodic trap oxidizer

PVA ported vacuum advance

PVS ported vacuum switch

QS9000 Quality assurance standard for OEM part suppliers

Qt. quart

RAM random access memory

RFI radio frequency interference

RM relay module

ROM read only memory

RPM revolutions per minute

RPO regular production option

RS Supplemental Restraint System (air bag)

RWD rear-wheel drive

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

SAP accelerator pedal

SAVM spark advance vacuum modulator

SC supecharger

SCB supercharger bypass

SDM sensing diagnostic mode

SFC = sub frame connector

SFI sequential fuel injection

SIR Supplemental Inflatable Restraint (air bag)

SOHC single overhead cam

SRDV spark retard delay valve

SRI service reminder indicator

SRT system readiness test

STFT short term fuel trim

STS Service Technicians Society

TACH tachometer

TB throttle body

TBI throtle body injection

TC rod = tension compression rod or strut rod

TC turbocharger

TCC torque converter clutch

TCCS Toyota Computer Controlled System

TCM transmission or transaxle control module

TDC top dead center

TFP throttle fluid pressure

TP throttle position

TPP throttle position potentiometer

TPS throttle position sensor

TV throttle valve

TVS thermal vacuum switch

TVV thermal vacuum valve

TWC three way caalyst

TWC+OC three way + oxidation catalytic converter

UCA = upper control arm

V volts

VAC volts alternating current

VAF vane airflow sensor

VAF volume airflow

VCM vehicle control module

VDC volts direct current

VDV vacuum delay valve

VIN vehicle identification number

VR voltage regulator

VS vehicle sensor

VSS vehicle speed sensor

WOT wide open throttle

WSS wheel speed sensor

WU-TWC warm up three way catalytic converter

Datsun FQA Acronym page.xls

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Here are a few more.

AFM Air Flow Meter

FSM Factory Service Manual

PO Previous Owner

NO Normally Open

NC Normally Closed

AAC Auxillary Air Control Valve

ERV Emergency Relief Valve

not an acronym, but still occasionally causes confusion


STFU = Shut The Frak Up (Thanks to Battlestar Galactica!)

NOS = New, Old Stock Term referring to an Old item that used to be a Stocking item, that was never sold originally. Most commonly refers to items still in their original packaging from years ago, or that have never been installed / used.

CZC = Classic Z Car (Club); mainly THIS site.

IZCC = Internet Z Car Club (Zhome)


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