Posted August 18, 200618 yr comment_179004 I have put together a cheat sheet for all to you. Use this sheet when you need to understand when someone abbreviates a phase and you do not know what it stands for. Now my no means is this list complete. If you knwo of additional items let me know and I will update the list and replublish it for all..If you would like this sent to you please email me with your request and what format you would like it in.Datsun FAQ Acronym PageDRCV distributor retard control valveA/C air conditioningA/F air/fuel ratioA/T automatic transmission or transaxleABS antilock brake systemAC air cleanerAC alternating currentAERA Automotive Engine Rebuilders Assn.AFM air flow meterAIR secondary air injectionAPI American Petroleum InstituteASE Automotive Service ExcellenceATC after top centerATDC after top dead centerATF automatic transmission fluidATMC Automotive Training Managers CouncilAWD all-wheel driveB+ battery positive voltageBARO barometric pressureBAT batteryBHP brake horsepowerBPS barometric pressure sensor (Ford & Nissan)BPT back-pressure transducerBTC before top centerBTDC before top dead centerBtu British thermal unitsC CelsiusCAAT Council of Advanced Automotive TrainersCAC charge air coolerCAFE corporate average fuel economyCALPAK calibration packCARB California Air Resources BoardCAS crank angle sensorCC catalytic converterCC cubic centimetersCCOT clutch cycling orifice tubeCCV canister control valveCDI = Capacitive Discharge IgnitionCEAB cold engine air bleedCECU central electronic control unit (Nissan)CESS cold engine sensor switchCFC ChlorofluorocarbonsCFI continuous fuel injectioncfm cubic feet per minuteCID cubic inch displacementCKP crankshaft position sensorCKP REF crankshaft referenceCL closed loopCMP camshaft position sensorCMP REF camshaft referenceCO carbon monoxideCO2 carbon dioxideCOP = coil on plugCOP Coil On Plug ignitionCPP clutch pedal positionCPU central processing unitCTOX continuous trap oxidizerCTP closed throttle positionCTS = Coolant Temperature SensorCTVS choke thermal vacuum switchDB decibelsDC direct currentDEPS digital engine position sensorDFCO decel fuel cut-off modeDFI direct fuel injectionDLC data link connectorDOHC dual overhead camsDOT Department of TransportationDTC diagnostic trouble codeDTM diagnostic test modeDVDSV differential vacuum delay and separator valveDVDV distributor vacuum delay valveDVOM digital volt ohm meterE=EFI Motor Used on the end of Motor type Eg l28EEBC = Electronic Boost ControlEBCM electronic brake control moduleEBTCM electronic brake traction control moduleEC engine controlECA electronic control assemblyECCS Electronic Concentrated Control System (Nissan)ECL engine coolant levelECM engine control moduleECT engine coolant temperatureEDI(S) = Electronic Distributor less Ignition, add an "S" and it stands for SystemEEPROM electronically erasable programmable read only memory chipEFC electronic fuel controlEFE = early fuel evaporationEFI electronic fuel injectionEGR = Exhaust Gas Re-circulationEGR exhaust gas recalculationEGRT EGR temperatureEI electronic ignitionEM engine modificationEMI electromagnetic interferenceEOS exhaust oxygen sensorEPA Environmental Protection AgencyEPROM erasable programmable read only memory chipEVAP evaporative emission systemF FahrenheitFC fan controlFEEPROM flash electrically erasable programmable read only memoryFF flexible fuelFI = Fuel injectionFMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety StandardsFP fuel pumpFPROM flash erasable programmable read only memoryFT fuel foot poundFTP federal test procedureFUBAR F--ked Up Beyond All RepairFWD front-wheel driveGal gallonGCM governor control moduleGEN generatorGND groundGPM grams per mileH20 waterHC hydrocarbonHEGO heated exhaust gas oxygen sensorHg mercuryHO2S heated oxygen sensorHO2S1 upstream heated oxygen sensorHO2S2 up or downstream heated oxygen sensorHO2S3 downstream heated oxygen sensorHP = Horse PowerHVAC heating ventilation and air conditioning systemHVS high voltage switchI/M inspection/maintenanceI/P instrument panelIA intake airIAC idle air controlIAT intake air temperatureIC = IntercoolerIC ignition control circuitIC integrated circuitICM ignition control moduleID inside diameterIFI indirect fuel injectionIFS inertia fuel shutoffIGN ignitionIIIBDFI If it isn't broke don't fix itIM240 inspection/maintenance 240 programIPC instrument panel clusterISC idle speed controlISO International Standards OrganizationKHz kilohertzKISS Keep It Simple Stupid!KM kilometersKOEC key on, engine crankingKOEO key on, engine offKOER key on, engine runningKPa kilopascalsKS knock sensorKSM knock sensor moduleKV kilovoltsL litersL24=Naturally Aspirated 2.4 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 240ZL26=Naturally Aspirated 2.6 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 260ZL26E=Naturally Aspirated 2.6 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 260ZL28E=Naturally Aspirated 2.8 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 280ZL28ET=Turbo Charged 2.8 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 280ZXLB. ft. pound feetLCA = lower control armLCD liquid crystal displayLED light emitting diodeLTFT long term fuel trimMACS Mobile Air Conditioning SocietyMAF = Mass Air Flow (meter/sensor)MAF mass airflow sensorMAMA Midwest Automotive Media Assn.MAP manifold absolute pressure sensorMAT manifold air temperatureMC mixture controlMDP manifold differential pressureMFI multiport fuel injectionMIL malfunction indicator lampMM millimetersMPFI multi point fuel injectionMPG miles per gallonMPH miles per hourMPI multi port injectionMS = Mega SquirtMS millisecondMSDS material safety data sheetMSnS-E = Mega Squirt n Spark-ExtraMST manifold surface temperaturemV mill voltsMVZ manifold vacuum zoneNA = Normally AspiratedNACAT National Assn. of College Automotive TeachersNATEF National Automotive Technician's Education FoundationNHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationNm Newton metersNOX oxides of nitrogenNVRAM nonvolatile random access memoryO2S oxygen sensorOBD I onboard diagnostics generation oneOBD II onboard diagnostics, second generationOBD onboard diagnosticsOC oxidation catalystOD outside diameterODM output device monitorOE original equipmentOEM original equipment manufactureOHC = over head camOHC overhead camOL open loopOS oxygen sensorOSC oxygen sensor storageP/B power brakesP/N part numberPAIR pulsed secondary air injectionPCM power train control module (supercedes ECM)PCV = Positive Crankcase VentilationPCV positive crankcase ventilationPECV power enrichment control valvePERA Production Engine Rebuilders Assn.PNP park/neutral switchPPM parts per millionPROM program read only memory computer chipPS power steeringPSA pressure switch assemblyPSI pounds per square inchPSP power steering pressurept. pintPTOX periodic trap oxidizerPVA ported vacuum advancePVS ported vacuum switchQS9000 Quality assurance standard for OEM part suppliersQt. quartRAM random access memoryRFI radio frequency interferenceRM relay moduleROM read only memoryRPM revolutions per minuteRPO regular production optionRS Supplemental Restraint System (air bag)RWD rear-wheel driveSAE Society of Automotive EngineersSAP accelerator pedalSAVM spark advance vacuum modulatorSC supechargerSCB supercharger bypassSDM sensing diagnostic modeSFC = sub frame connectorSFI sequential fuel injectionSIR Supplemental Inflatable Restraint (air bag)SOHC single overhead camSRDV spark retard delay valveSRI service reminder indicatorSRT system readiness testSTFT short term fuel trimSTS Service Technicians SocietyTACH tachometerTB throttle bodyTBI throtle body injectionTC rod = tension compression rod or strut rodTC turbochargerTCC torque converter clutchTCCS Toyota Computer Controlled SystemTCM transmission or transaxle control moduleTDC top dead centerTFP throttle fluid pressureTP throttle positionTPP throttle position potentiometerTPS throttle position sensorTV throttle valveTVS thermal vacuum switchTVV thermal vacuum valveTWC three way caalystTWC+OC three way + oxidation catalytic converterUCA = upper control armV voltsVAC volts alternating currentVAF vane airflow sensorVAF volume airflowVCM vehicle control moduleVDC volts direct currentVDV vacuum delay valveVIN vehicle identification numberVR voltage regulatorVS vehicle sensorVSS vehicle speed sensorWOT wide open throttleWSS wheel speed sensorWU-TWC warm up three way catalytic converterDatsun FQA Acronym page.xls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 18, 200618 yr comment_179005 Here are a few more.AFM Air Flow MeterFSM Factory Service ManualPO Previous OwnerNO Normally OpenNC Normally ClosedAAC Auxillary Air Control ValveERV Emergency Relief Valve not an acronym, but still occasionally causes confusionDizzy-distributor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 18, 200618 yr comment_179010 IPO = Idiot Previous OwnerRTFM(I) = Read The Freaking (sic) Manual (Instructions)SUGARSCOOP = Headlight Surround on the 240 ZHCP = Heater Control Panel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 18, 200618 yr comment_179012 Thanks E,I started to addFGDSSOBPO, for atrificially induced wiring problems, but I was afraid of the auto censor...WIll Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 18, 200618 yr Author comment_179029 Thanks for the additional items they have been added.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 18, 200618 yr comment_179044 HAHA I had an IPO! Thanks for the list... looks like it took you a while! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 18, 200618 yr comment_179055 Another one, but it's for those who have someone telling them something when they have no idea what it is they're talking about.STFU Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 18, 200618 yr comment_179056 Ok, this may be dumb. I know that NOS is OEM Nissan parts... stands for what? Nissan Original ______???? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 18, 200618 yr comment_179057 it's a generic term for any parts that were made by the factory for any old stock Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 19, 200618 yr Author comment_179076 Ok, this may be dumb. I know that NOS is OEM Nissan parts... stands for what? Nissan Original ______????NOS = New Old stockOEM = Original Equipment manufacture Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 19, 200618 yr Author comment_179077 Another one, but it's for those who have someone telling them something when they have no idea what it is they're talking about.STFUWell since I do not know what "STFU" until you tell me I can't add to the master list Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 19, 200618 yr comment_179094 STFU = Shut The Frak Up (Thanks to Battlestar Galactica!)NOS = New, Old Stock Term referring to an Old item that used to be a Stocking item, that was never sold originally. Most commonly refers to items still in their original packaging from years ago, or that have never been installed / used.CZC = Classic Z Car (Club); mainly THIS site.IZCC = Internet Z Car Club (Zhome)E Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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