What is the most valuable thing about this club? One choice, but post your thoughts 82 members have voted
1. What is the most valuable thing about this club? One choice, but post your thoughts
The group Therapy on problems(Rust, POs, removig Spindle pins, accidents, ricers...).
being able to ask a question and get an ansewer that is helpful.
The galleries: If a photo is worth a thousand words...
The Boobs Thread!!!
The Classified Ads0
Memebers from the Back of Burke to out yonder.0
Hanging out on line with the members(That sounds bad somehow-No snail comments Vicky!)0
The silliness in some threads.
Mikes Restoration is back underway!0
Being able to get food for thought and feedback from other members.
Club merchandise-are you wearing our colors?0
the availbility of a members opinion at almost any time of day.
Being able to find out about Z events that are going on, and the excitement they generate.0
finding that in almost every case, someone has a car in worse shaop than yours, but is undaunted.
The searchable Archived knowledge base of all past and present members.
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