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What is the worst thing about this club experience? 165 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the worst thing about this club experience?

    • Spam posts (ADS for sex, drugs and Rock and Roll-well, iPods)!
    • Thread Hijacking!
    • Membership criteria-too easy to be a member
    • Cross reference of the search engine(Hard to find the right threads sometimes)
    • Improper use of threads-posting 240Z guestions in a 240k forum.
    • Withdrawl when the site occasionally goes down
    • My typing skills-or yours!
    • Having to wait for posted pictures to be approved
    • Typing an answer to a post at the same time someone else is
    • Not having the "Shout" feature.
    • Not having a "Chat" feature.
    • Limitations in uploadable files (size,type, quantity, content in the boobs thread!)
    • Not being able to thump someone in the head across the internet.
    • Not being able to share a cold(or warm) drink across the internet
    • These freakin' polls!

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Featured Replies

While this club has terrific features that far outweigh any of the issues brought to light here, what is the sand in your shoes here? What is the worst of the best?

Be specific, and include what you feel is missing, and would add to the outstanding experience!

Too many ZX's, people comming to the site with the sole purpose of selling things including cars as we had in a recent thread. Some of the bad or at least misguided advice I see given to others who post a problem that I've dealt with and solved. Also, things like people posting their desire to go 195 mph or whatever it was on the streets. I think it was Darryl Waltrip who said 'don't tell me what your gonna do, tell me what you did. Anyway, those are only minor anoyances and I can turn my head to them. After all, this site wasn't designed to please me. On the plus side there is enough of an exchange of good information, history, etc. that far outwieghs the annoyances. I love the Carl Beck, Chris Wenzel, Alan Thomas debates/discussions. Bill Ramsey's country naivety, etc. Like I said, the long list of pluses outwieghs the short list of minuses.

The worst part of this club is that we don't get to meet each other in person and see the cars in the flesh!

Seriously, I agree with everything sblake01 said, and like him, just ignore what I don't like because there is so much good to focus on instead.

I will add one more that's a function of the site software: the search engine is a bit weak. I've become used to google and the ability to group search terms together and eliminate others. If this site supports that, i haven't found it.

But it's no big deal, just means that there are more threads to read :)

What bothers me most is the disrespect these goobers that create spam threads for us, shovel into our garage. Do they really think we would buy anything after being so disrespected? It is like writing a message in a manicured lawn with grass killer to sell a lawnmower.

On the bad info, hopefully someone steps in to politely correct it.

On "people posting their desire to go 195 mph or whatever it was on the streets". Ultimately Darwin will take care of those disrespectful idiotts, and hopefully they won't take out the guy who would cure cancer, stop rust or sell me the next NOS Z piece I need in the process.

On "the Carl Beck, Chris Wenzel, Alan Thomas debates/discussions", I just look at the pictures ...ROFL ...and drool profusely... after I have read every word three or four times.

On "Bill Ramsey's country naiveity", I just picture him in that hat...and remember his sence of directionROFL , and post some "Breats and Thights" comment where even close to appropriate-or not.

where is the poll?

I have noticed the thread is posted before I have access to set up the poll, I kept wondering why there were posts to the thread before I finished the poll.


Too many ZX's, QUOTE]

The club is great. Even though I've got a fairly early (4/79) ZX, I still find loads of great information. Eventually, I will get myself an older Z (I do love the differences in body/performance, etc.) but beggars cannot be choosers, as quality Z's are becoming harder to find by the minute. That is why when I stumbled on my ZX, it had been sitting in a lot, tucked in a corner for over a year and I had to get it. The way I see it, I kept a Z car from being either trashed by a "ricer" or taken to the JY. Had it been a 240, 260, or 280z, I would have bought it. A first gen 300zx would still be sitting there, however (where did the curves go?).

Regarding the bad/misinformation, that is a problem. I apologize if I've spouted off bad stuff. Luckily, there are many qualified intellectuals here to assist in any circumstance.

The distance between the majority of the members is a problem, it would be great if everyone could get together, imagine if there were a Z fest at Nissan HQ-I think most of us would find a way to get there (I know I would).


I have to admit that since there are a fair number of club members here in Oregon and Washington, that I have had the pleasure to meet a number of you in person. I've been involved in automobile hobbies for over 3 decades, and in all that time, this is the first club/group where I have actually found new friends - not just acquaintances. We up here in the Pacific NW are fortunate to have many active members in a relatively small region. Unfortunately the "share a drink over the Internet" choice applies in so many cases. I'm truly sorry that there are many of you - whose knowledge and personalities I enjoy - that I will likely never have the chance to meet in person.

Related to that is the "withdrawal when the site is down" choice. I don't post here as often as I did a while back when I was really new, nor do I read every thread anymore, but when the site is down I find myself clicking my bookmark frequently, hoping that it will soon be back. And it's not just the cars, it's the people.

I must agree with Arne in all he said. Even the part about when the site is down from time to time. This is when I hit the phone or send emails to my friends that Arne spoke about . It is vary true for me as was said about my car in the garage . Looking as it does and running like it does. I feel blessed knowing the Friends I have met here on the web site. What I don't like is the some times short fuses that some members have when they take things personal and start flaming others. If I can say one thing about this that may help is, remember we are all here because we really love the Z and are all doing the best we can . We need to keep Politics and religion out of the mix , it only tends to polorize and split us apart. My 2 cts. Gary

Yeah, I'm one of them...sorry.

No need to apologize to me. Like I said, I realize that this site isn't designed to please me or any other single individual. A ZX is just not my preference. Nor is it my preference to discuss anything other than the S30 in any detail on this site. But there are similarities between the ZX and Z especially in the EFI system and I don't mind sharing info that I have acquired in that area. The comment I made about bad or misguided advice was just a generalization and wasn't directed at anyone in particular. I tend to stay away from advice based on 'I've heard that ....', or 'my uncle said', or anything not based on actual experience. We had a thread with the old guy that had the 810 that had problem that I have encountered and solved on both of my cars. I gave him the solution early in the thread, even sent him the part yet the thread went on for pages and pages with all kinds of speculation including many things that could not possibly cause the problem he was having. But the man never did what I suggested and decided that the car was too much for him which was probably the truth. It's all part of the diverse tapestry that makes this site what it is.

yea, it's too bad we can't all meet in person. most of us have really healthy/sick senses of humor and sometimes comments that are said with a wink can be misconstrued as being said maliciously. it would be great to meet up and look over other Zs and exchange ideas face to face.

99% of the time, the info on the site is balls on accurate. most of the guys here have been there, done that and have shared the experiences and info with all of us.

occasionally, i have given advice based on my experiences with other cars i have owned, not personal experiences with the Z. some bad parts make the same noise or show the same symptoms/conditions no matter what car they're in. bearing growl is bearing growl, belt squeal is belt squeal, etc.

i normally hesitate and post only after i am sure the condition is the same as what's described. i think it just reflects that we all want to help each other and might have a possible solution.

there are too many right answers here and when someone posts something incorrect, i think most of us can spot it right away and ignore it.

i think this site has attracted members with a level of maturity that other Z sites don't have. most of us know how the world works, don't sweat the small stuff, and don't engage in the speed/hp/ego pissing contests at other sites. we've found a haven here with others who just truly care about our Zcars.

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