What is the worst thing about this club experience? 165 members have voted
1. What is the worst thing about this club experience?
Spam posts (ADS for sex, drugs and Rock and Roll-well, iPods)!
Thread Hijacking!
Membership criteria-too easy to be a member
Cross reference of the search engine(Hard to find the right threads sometimes)
Improper use of threads-posting 240Z guestions in a 240k forum.
Withdrawl when the site occasionally goes down
My typing skills-or yours!
Having to wait for posted pictures to be approved
Typing an answer to a post at the same time someone else is0
Not having the "Shout" feature.
Not having a "Chat" feature.
Limitations in uploadable files (size,type, quantity, content in the boobs thread!)
Not being able to thump someone in the head across the internet.
Not being able to share a cold(or warm) drink across the internet
These freakin' polls!
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