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in middle east we've about 5 historic cars

the C110 240K is one of them (2 restoration WS, another car like (what is below 1966 ford pickup), when I visited them in their unique restoration workshop I feel so shy and so sad (heart tear) (can't be eyes :mad: !) specially when I see the Chassises here and their (without the body) are sandblasted straightened and strengthened

and primary coated !!! (I say (but silently offfffffffffffffffff why that not in our K)) I start looking at the 8 rubbers that separated the bd f ch


have any one think about that ?

you know with chassis the restoration become easier and cheaper and more funny.

well some times I tell to my self if NISSAN did it , as well as manufactured the body from stainless steel (no rust (I saw convertable thread) what was the result will be?

sorry if I bother u or make u sad

Hi Bu,

A chassis? Hmm. That starts an ever increasing circle of demands LOL . A lot more weight (heavy!) would need bigger and better engine , brakes , suspension to keep the same performance. It certainly would be a different car...yet look at the same era (late '60s~ early '70s) Corvette. Simple but effective chassis, big HP, big brakes.....and a lighter fiberglass body... but still weighs ~ 1600 kilo's! I love playing with these things but they are a very different car to the Skyline (~1200Kg) , and were meant to be so. Much more relaxing working on the old C110!

A stainless steel body!! Remember the De Lorean! (the car in the "Back to the Future" movies) I think it all comes down to $$$$$ Bu, Nissan wanted to sell lots of cars at a price lots of people would pay, hence they used the cheapest materials that would do the job to there standards of the day.

From your pictures it looks like the Middle Eastern environment is very harsh on cars? I guess that makes your restoration hobby that much harder.


A chassis? Hmm. That starts an ever increasing circle of demands LOL .
ha ha ha thats true. same kid if u give hime sm he needs sm else!
A lot more weight (heavy!) would need bigger and better engine , brakes , suspension to keep the performance.

see the datsun pickup 521 or 620 not so much heavy its chassis is

about 15 cm X 10 cm hollow section tube (5mm thickness) not pricisely but if u multiply it by 0.8 steel density u get about 150 kg more (look at the datsun pkup chs 4 men can carry it! ). (I dont mean a chassis same like the patrol or the L Cruser..

A stainless steel body!! $$$$$ Bu, Nissan wanted to sell lots of cars at a price lots of people would pay.
absoulutely write price of SS is 10 times the price of steel..
From your pictures it looks like the Middle Eastern environment is harsh on cars? I guess that makes your restoration hobby that much harder..
that was before when their were too much spare parts nowadays (due to luck of sp) we take more care...

btw Jim in an average case hm rest coasts in oz.

here 1- sandb & strengthening $ (US) 500 2- denting $1000 3- antirusting & oven painting $400 4- wiring $200 5- comp upholstery $700 6-ext parts


here 1- sandb & strengthening $ (US) 500 2- denting $1000 3- antirusting & oven painting $400 4- wiring $200 5- comp upholstery $700 6-ext parts


Thats so cheap are you sure your figures are right? wiring only $200??

What I'm spending approximately to just fix the rust and paint the body.

$40 on grinding discs

$50 sandpaper

$150 sandblasting grit 1 ton

$400 special rust paint Por 15

$300 etch primer

$150 diesel to run compressor to sandblast

$1000 paint materials colour/clear quality paint

$300 sound deadening

$200 food/beer for mates helping sandblast and primer the shell

$1200 to have all my rust holes welded up by a pro

$1000 last colour coat and clear top coat sprayed by a pro

$Priceless the hundreds of hours I'll spend working on the convertible

This is the cheapest I could get a good job done in Sydney, I'm getting trade price on all materials and workmanship as a friend owns a panelshop in Roseberry.

Another friend owns the truck that will be transporting the shell around and also the industrial sand blaster and compressor that will strip it back, all I have to pay for is diesel and materials. You can't beat good friends when it comes to restoring/modifying a car.

In regards to a chassis in a 240k I recommend it, I could get 1 back wheel in the air going up driveways and lift 1 side of the car with 1 jack in the middle of the sill. I believe my convertible is stiffer than a standard coupe with a roof, I have only driven 1 other 4 door but the difference was very noticible.

My convertible weighs in at 1181kg with half a tank of gas, this was tested on a weighbridge prior to registration of the car. The main box section of my vert measures as follows 100mm x 50mm x 1700mm x 5mm thick lucky for me the box section wasn't touched by the rust at all, it was just the sill that wasted away.

In my opnion Nissan should have at least put some decent rust protection into them, if you look at the early model valiants S-VC they all handle the rust very well VE onwards they all waste away. The VC was the last model that chrysler body dipped in rust proofing.

go the POR15!!! unfortunately i only recently found the distributer here.. otherwise i would have drowned the car in it if i could have!!!

they are very very good prices on the painting! certainly a lot less than i would expect (it obviously helps to know the right people!)

my car had a high build primer applied to it before i bought it by the previous owner, but since then i have cut out the fender's, and taken a bit more rust out, so a little bit of rust hole welding and re-priming still eneds to be done. I also have to re-strip out the engine bay to get that painted again.

i am not sure if primer goes "off" seeing as it has been on there for probably over 2 years, i would hate for it to wreck the final paint job :(

i wonder if your friend would like to do another 240k? :)

Thats so cheap wiring only $200??.

Anderw they will only do wiring as per the wiring diagram, but professionally

(no cut twist and tape), removing the oxidized terminals soldering and putting shrinkable tubes (forget about redisconnection again) providing that u will supply the male female nodes when needed (single, double, bulbs etc..).

$40 on grinding discs (break discs? oz$ or us$? here $8 for 2 rotors &

$8 for 2 drums (i mean us $, cos this what I know)

$50 sandpaper (you do ur self)

$150 sandblasting grit 1 ton (can't u use ordinary sand?)

$400 special rust paint Por 15 (we have it cheaper)

$300 etch primer (also whi cheaper)

$150 diesel to run compressor to sandblast (for $1 you get 15 liter of diesel and 7 liter of gasoline)

$1000 paint materials colour/clear quality paint (w need only 8k X$30=$240!

$300 sound deadening ??

$200 food/beer for mates helping sandblast and primer the shell (this is something needed, ha ha)

$1200 to have all my rust holes welded up by a pro ? exp

$1000 last colour coat and clear top coat sprayed by a pro ? exp

$Priceless the hundreds of hours I'll spend working on the convertible (consider it as funny).

Another friend owns the truck that will be transporting the shell around and also the industrial sand blaster and compressor that will strip it back, all I have to pay for is diesel and materials..).
. hope that I have the same. send him regards cos he shairs us beautifying what we love.
In regards to a chassis in a 240k I recommend it.

Jim did u hear? btw thanks for the gas tank diagram

In my opnion Nissan should have at least put some decent rust protection into them,dipped in rust proofing.
iffff this what I always think about. you touched the sensitive gut.

sorry for prolonging...at least we know what we share..

Bu Zamil,

I'm very envious of the price you pay for petrol, all of you should be driving V8's around at that price. No wonder the english speaking nations invaded the middle east. We pay $1.25 for 1 litre AU Dollars

All your prices are remarkably cheap to get the work done, What is your average wage over there in US dollars?

I think we're about 45-50,000 a year AU Dollars, not sure though.

I could use sand but it doesn't work as well as the special grit (glass shards i think) that I'm getting. I want to do it in 2-3 days so the cost is worth it to me if it's going to save time.

A friend just came over and read this thread, he reckons you guys would just park the car in a sandstorm to strip it back :D It made me laugh. I'll get back to you shortly with my final costs for the stripping and primering of the vert.

Bu Zamil,

I'm very envious of the price you pay for petrol, all of you should be driving V8's around at that price. .

even if their is a V10, we keep like the L24 LOL!
What is your average wage over there in US dollars?.
u mean the av annual income ? is about 10000 us dollar only !
A friend just came over and read this thread, he reckons you guys would just park the car in a sandstorm to strip it back :D It made me laugh. .
ha ha LOL in that case u may need to wait for a hurricane or a tornado !
rust is not much of a problem in places ?

well depends on how faraway r u from the coast ? minimum u need 150km

away and that is not the case in our working places. I work and temporary living in Dammam which is so humid, all the gulf states are humid also. but my village not.

any way I support Anderw when he said

In my opnion Nissan should have at least put some decent rust protection into them, if you look at the early model valiants S-VC they all handle the rust very well VE onwards they all waste away. The VC was the last model that chrysler body dipped in rust proofing.?.

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