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Fuel Pressure Issue


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I'm restoring a 76 280z and I have a low fuel pressure issue.

I'm reading around 32 psi at idle.

I have a new fuel filter, new fuel pressure regulator, new fuel damper, and I've visually inspected the hardlines for kinks and didn't find any.

I've fed fuel from a gas can to test if the tank had rust, but that didn't help either.

My last thought is that maybe the fuel pump has a problem. But I thought they were pretty reliable. The car only has about 75,000 miles on it owned since 78.

Any other ideas for things I should check into or look at? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong. The fuel pressure guage is hooked up in place of the cold start injector.


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I don't know all the specifics on the 280Z's fuel system.

Your pump is pretty old so I don't know if you can count on it being reliable after all these years.

If you have a fuel pressure gage, measure the pressure before the pressure regulator and then after to determine whether the regulator is functioning.

Based on everything you've already done, my first thoughts were the pickup tube in the gas tank has been blocked somehow. Maybe open the tank drain plug into a clean container and see if any solids come out.

Good luck with your car.


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I found this tech section helpful. It's from our neighbors to the north, at AtlanticZ.ca

This link will take you directly to a fuel pump page, scroll down until you find the part about the internal fuel pump screen. I bet yours is clogged.


this link is to the table of contents


and lastly, this one to the tech help page


I hope these help, there's loads of info there

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I hope I can help here because I just went through this and the whole 76 fuel system. The pump I had was in a car that I just got and has been sitting for quite some time. This does not seem to be your problem however I can give you some info that may help. Assumeing that nobody has played with your pump. Take a line right off the outlet of your pump right into a gauge that will go from 0 to 100 psi. Have someone or your self turn the key on for a bout 3 seconds and you should get at least 50 or 60 psi. Make sure you are not under the car and be careful not to get near anything that could burst or blow off and spray you with fuel. This should not happen but be careful and take necessary precautions just in case. If low and you are sure your suction line is clear than you can assume your pump is weak. Almake sure your pump is not sucking in air due to loose screws or bad orings. If ok then move on to checking just after the filter by putting a tee in the line and put gauge there. Should have 36.3psi. Make sure you check the links in the previous post they are very good and have the information you need . Good luck

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