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Yeah I was giving my opinion about the car. Do peoples posts usually get deleted here when they give an opinion that someone else doesn't agree with.

That's odd.

It wasn't just my comments but I respect other folks responses. I might not agree but there's room for some banter I have to presume.

OH well. I don't get it.


My reply was deleted too. though there was nothing really inflamitory about it.

I think its not really what you said, but the way you said it.

People posts get deleted when you come on and say "hey, your car sucks", but not if you say, "I dont like the those cars, the design just doesn't do it for me"

Also you original post came off as being about all 240K's not just this car that the thread is about, which is a pretty bad looking car with the missing chrome, and weird rear spoiler thing, and black isnt a good colour for K's.

Also its off topic, so the moderators are within there rights to delete it, so they might delete this post too...

First off I didn't say anything about a anyones car. I said I thought that car that was for sale was ugly. That's my opinion and my opinion alone. little to restrictive for me I guess you know. Just because someone gives their opinion without attacking someone or their character shouldn't mean the post should be deleted. This is a car site and we are all going to have our opinions and our passions for certain vehicles. I think that the moderators need to be a little bit more flexible and let all the participants opinionate a little without being shut down. That's what makes the world go round. The ability to think independantly without the fear that you are going to be shut up as long as you are pleasent and you don't bash folks.

My only question would be why are you even in this thread if you don't care for the cars being discussed in it? Much less defending your position? However you wish to see it, you stirred all of this up and I think you have much to learn about this site. Let these guys get on with their discussion.

I thought this site was a free and open exchange of opinions. Just because I don't like a specific vehicle doesn't mean I can't opinionate on it, does it? If that were the case then none of us here would be able to say anything unless we all agreed, right?


I just edited to keep it kind on topic - No one is censoring your opinions, just keeping the site informative.

You can test this yourselves by starting a new thread about ugly cars, edit guidlines, ugly moderators - whatever

BTW - Nothing has been "Deleted". It can all be restored if you ALL want. with the push of a button.

Show of hands -

Put it all back?

Leave it alone?

Trim it again to keep it about a 240K for sale? (which would include this post, responses to this post, and bits and pieces of others.)

Who's reponse has more weight?

1 The original poster (Alfadog)

2 the other "On Topic" Contributors Mat Big Hat, theianmonster, khughes, 440k

Who's reponse has more weight?

1 The original poster (Alfadog)

2 the other "On Topic" Contributors Mat Big Hat, theianmonster, khughes, 440k

Well, clearly my post has the most weight in this entire thread :P

Seriously though, off topic discussions never seemed to hurt here before, and they make for some interesting conversations. i didn't see any of the deleted comments, so can't....err....comment.

Agreed if someone wants to come here and slag off at people and their cars, then this isn't the place for them (mopstly mature, level headed people around here). However, if someone expresses an opinion that differs from everyone else (as long as they're a bit tactful and diplomatic) then let them have their say.

My 2c anyway.

yeah i have to agree.. i have been told numerous times that i am 12 years old by my girlfriend (and certainly not mature!).. so it must be true :)

on a serious note, all this off topic conversation is both good (community wise), but bad as well (especially when you have to sift through 12 pages of crap to find the 5 or so actual on topic posts).. it is a shame forums don't have an invisible ink option for off topic posts.. where users can choose to see the crap (like this :)) or only the relevent info..

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