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Sooo.... Ummmm..... Whats the point of an 8 lane highway if no one uses it?

Wish we had that going on over here in the states. :devious:

Nice video!!!

We Do - Right here in Florida...you just have to get out early in the morning, and before the Tourists Season begins. :devious:

Carl B.


I haven't thaought about changing the exhaust tip, since it is "Sebring":rolleyes: but I didn't have the same hiss when I had the previous muffler with the same tip..


ok, I didn't really treat her that mean always.. man even men slap thier women's butts sometimes when they get exited don't they?LOL and many of them like it SOO "WE TREAT THEM GOOD":p


actually, it is not an 8 lane highway, it is just 3 lane and other opposite 3 lane road.. just 3km long I guess.. well, it is empty right now because there should be new port at the end of that road, so it will be very crowded when it gets ready.. but right now, young guys enjoy that road and do races and some drifting insanity:smoke:

Victor Laury,

traffic will be in the future:)


thank you bro.


hmm, engine mods?? will you be surprized if I tell you "nothing"? it is a stock engine, maybe bored to 50.. long exhaust mainfold from a 240Z or what is it from I'm not sure.. 2 1/4" ehhaust pipe with middle through muffler and rear throught muffler.

Borg Warner T5 from 280ZX 1983.

ST springs and KYB's.

Sumitomo 225/60.

front anti sway bar from 280Z 2+2 (thicker by 2mm than the original)

air flow meter from Toyota Supra 5M with a circuit board from 280ZX's flowmeter (but running richer than it should be, no smoke but much fumes while driving).

Accel Super coil or whatever it is called, it has the yellow color as they have in summitracing.com

fan clutch and they huge 4 rows radiator in the trash, I put insted light weight 2 rows aluminum radiator with a 2 speed elec. fan.

that's all. which I don't consider as hp upgrading modification..

cheerz guys..


yeah, cab drivers are the worse ever on the roads here.. they drive fast when nobody needs them;)

about more videos, why not.. I'll see what can I doo.. maybe I'll get some clips from other Z's from here with better landscapes arround not like the one that I did near our plant:)

thanks for the feedbacks..

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