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do they have something similar but with the braiding spread out a little more? Like every 6 inches or so rather than every 2 1/2".

I like the idea but it seems like it would look a little busy with the braiding so close to each other.



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I had a similar problem when I modified my front bumpers. The first week that I owned my 240Z, I was backed into by a towball attached to a big 'ol van. He hit me dead center of my bumper and so I had to "FIX" the problem.

In the pics you'll see the modification and you'll also see that my grill needed to be "extended" and so I found an extra grill and cut a few parts from it. I used an air saw with a thin blade and cut a few more slots into the existing frame work.

As you can see, It filled the GAP just fine and I even get compliments on how "STOCK" it looks. But I've been considering upgrading it to a Tube style or multi-slat grill.




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I was supposed to post a step by step instructional thread on how I did my grill. Well today I started to tear apart my grill to refinish it so I'll start taking step be step pictures with slight instructions added to each picture.here are the first 5 and not necessarily in order.

Just measure the space betwwen each grill fin then transfer those measurements down to the open area. the 3rd fin will fit up under the bottom of the support frame.

REMEMBER to remove the bottom nuts on each support and back the really long screws out just enough to make the cuts in each frame. I'm sure a replacement screw could be found but why go thru the hassle.

take your time, measure 2 or 3 times and slowly make one cut at a time. I used an Air Saw with a thin blade to make sure the fins fit nice and snug.

On the last 2 fins, you'll need the 2 end frames (left and right) from your spare 240Z grill. I will do a close up shot later to show how to cut it correctly. But heres the fun part, The right side lower mount will be used on the left side of the newly modified lower grill. And the same thing for the other side. You'll make you slot cut then cut off the top half so it fits betwwen the 2 fins. (last picture on this post)

Then align the lower mounting holes, then drill the new holes for mounting the fins onto the new lower mount.

Confused yet?

Just follow the pictures......or send me 2 good grills and I'll build you one for $100






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here are the rest of the pictures as promised.

pic 1) right side lower support from a 280Z grill I think

pic 2) one of the lower center supports.

pic 3) inside of center support

pic 4) backside of right support

pic 5) all prepped and ready for paint

pic 6) assembled for viewing

pic 7) painted and ready for another coat

pic 8) all dry and ready for install

the extra slot cut in pic 2 allows it to fit onto the lowest fin on the upper assembly. then the side supports are held by the same screw as the upper halfs lower support.

I used a Ford Semi-gloss Black. Same as my engine compartment paint.









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